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NBRS Badge for Farmington Elementary School

Farmington Elementary School - Mayfield, KY

Farmington Elementary is the BEST place to be!

Farmington Elementary is the BEST place to be!

Farmington Elementary School is often described as a hidden gem in Graves County. It is hard to understand just what that means until you have walked through the doors yourself. A single hallway connects all of our students from preschool through sixth grade, Our students continue to thrive in an environment where relationships are built from ages three to thirteen. Strong relationships within Farmington Elementary are the cornerstone of its success and excellence. These relationships build the support, communication, and collaboration that significantly enhance the learning experience. At Farmington, teachers make connections with their students, understanding their unique personalities, learning styles, and needs. This personalized approach not only cultivates a positive and engaging classroom atmosphere, but also enables tailored instruction that nurtures each child's potential. Equally vital are the relationships between our teachers and parents. Open lines of communication foster a sense of partnership in a child's education, allowing parents to be actively involved in their child's learning journey. We want parents to feel just as important as our students. Building those relationships early is essential to making our school so successful. In essence, the relationships between teachers, students, and parents form the bedrock of Farmington Elementary. It cultivates an environment where learning thrives, students flourish, and everyone involved contributes to the growth and achievements of the school.

2023 Awardee

Farmington Elementary School

7730 State Route 121 South
Mayfield, KY, 42066-4945

(270) 328-4830

Principal at time of Nomination:
Ms. Melissa Paul

Title I School

Graves County Schools

Rural or small city/town

School Website

School Facebook


Striving for Excellence: No Exceptions, No Excuses

Student Demographics

  • Black/African American: 1%
  • Hispanic: 5%
  • White: 90%
  • Two or more races: 4%
  • Application