Nearly 190,000 border crossings seen in June, busts Biden’s claim it’s seasonal


U.S. border officials are expected to reveal soon that they encountered nearly 190,000 illegal immigrants in June, a 450% explosion over last June and the latest sign that President Joe Biden’s open-door policy has completely redrawn migration patterns.

Unofficial and preliminary calculations suggest that the number will be 188,000, said a knowledgeable source. At such a high level, it would show the flaw in the claims by the administration and the media that the Biden surge so far has been simply a seasonal trend that would stall in hot months.

Typically in summer, numbers do decline on the southern border. Last June, the total was 33,000. In June 2019, it was 104,311 and in 2018, 43,189. The June 2020 numbers were affected by the COVID-19 rules barring entry and former President Donald Trump’s diplomatic success in getting Mexico to hold migrants pending approval of their applications to enter the United States.

That all changed when Biden came to office. In May, there were 180,034 arrests, a 20-year high.

The continued surge shows that migrants are pouring over the border in historic numbers no matter the travel conditions and are breaking historical trends. What’s more, each week, the administration has given new signals that it is dismantling Trump-era immigration restrictions and ending deportations for all but the worst criminals and terrorists.

“So much for the ‘seasonal’ lie they tried to fly that when it gets hotter, the numbers go down,” said Mark Morgan, the former acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection.

It was a pattern promoted by pro-Biden media. The Washington Post, for example, said, “What we’re seeing right now is a predictable seasonal shift. When the numbers drop again in June and July, policymakers may be tempted to claim that their deterrence policies succeeded. But that will just be the usual seasonal drop.”

But that apparently didn’t happen.

Morgan said that along with the historic surge has been a high number of rescues by border officers and the discovery of many dead migrants.

“When you have open-border policies, people say, ‘I’m coming. I’m going to risk everything,’” Morgan told Secrets.

“That’s why I keep saying that the most inhumane thing we do for migrants is to open our borders because you are telling them that their lives are worth risking because once they get here, they are going to be let in, and that’s exactly what’s happening,” Morgan said.

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