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Impact Arts Gallery > Robert Giusti

Long recognized for his exotic natural themes and brilliant color, Giusti takes the viewer on a surreal safari where flamingos merge with pink-plumed blossoms and white tiger spirits lurk in shadow. For Giusti, the juxtaposition of diverse habitats has metaphorical implications. "Ideally for me, the process of illustration entails the reassessment and rearrangement of reality. The enlightenment I get happens when I achieve this transition and come up with a viable and personal statement," he says. This dreamlike atmosphere pervades his work as animal subjects almost seem to grin in contemplation of some secret unbeknownst to man.

Giusti's fine art has appeared at galleries and museums around the globe including The Museum of the Surreal and Fantastique in New York, the New York Historical Society, the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, MA, and the Smithsonian Institute. He has also enjoyed an illustrious career in design and has worked in advertising, publishing, and entertainment for such clients as CBS, NBC, Tri-Star Pictures, Universal Pictures, Atlantic Records, Time Inc., and The New York Times. Furthermore, he has received awards from the Art Directors Club of New York, the American Institute of Graphic Arts, the Society of Illustrators, and other professional associations.

Robert Giusti

by Robert Giusti
by Robert Giusti
by Robert Giusti
by Robert Giusti
by Robert Giusti
by Robert Giusti
by Robert Giusti
by Robert Giusti
by Robert Giusti
by Robert Giusti
by Robert Giusti
by Robert Giusti
by Robert Giusti
by Robert Giusti
by Robert Giusti

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Returns and Exchanges Policy: At Visual Impact our goal is your 100% satisfaction. If you receive a defective product please notify us within 7 days and we will replace the product or refund your purchase. We will send you a return shipping label for the defective product at our expense. If you receive a package that has been damaged in shipping, please notify us immediately so that we can initiate the proper claim. Contact us by phone at (203) 790-9650 or via email at

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Description from Merchant:

All of our print products are produced using archival inks and substrates. As a Hahnemuhle Certified Print Studio we strive to maintain the high standards necessary for print quality and longevity


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