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Cyber Insurance
Readiness Assessment (CIRA)

No matter your organization's stage in the Cyber Insurance journey...


whether researching, applying for coverage, or maintaining your current policy...


Nth Generation will help empower and prepare you.

What stage is your organization?


Do I need

Cyber Insurance?

Should I self-insure?


Cyber Insurance is becoming increasingly difficult to decipher. What measures can I take to boost my security posture in the eyes of the Insurer?


How do I avoid losing my policy?

Connecting Dots

The Struggle is Real

  • Cybersecurity insurance is a necessity for most organizations.


  • Increasing demand and threats of attacks have made insurance companies much more hesitant to offer claims. 


  • Being denied cyber insurance from several carriers is now more common with the current climate of cyber risks.


  • Insurance carriers are scrutinizing applications and writing in exclusion clauses to attempt to mitigate their financial risk. 

Nth Generation is here to help o o o

Image by Shapelined

Cyber Insurance Readiness Assessment (CIRA)

Connecting Dots



Tailored Technical Report

Debriefing Session(s)

Debriefing session(s) ensure a detailed review of the assessments’ findings and various test results, along with applicable best practice recommendations.  The session(s) can also be used for additional collaborative efforts aimed at maximizing the value of your CIRA assessment and further improving your organization’s overall security posture.

Image by Shapelined

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