Senate Republicans failed on Thursday to approve a “skinny” COVID-19 stimulus bill, even as the jobless numbers stalled and economic impacts piled up.

The 52-47 vote along party lines was well short of the 60-vote majority needed for the package to pass. Arizona Republican Sen. Martha McSally voted for the slimmed-down plan and Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema voted against it.

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(2) comments

Mike White

What about the trillion dollar relief bill voted down by every single Democrat? They could have voted for that to help everyone and then come back to try for even more.

Jack Handy

More proof that the dems care about nothing more than trying to see the President fail. The next month and a half will be telling. Expect more breaking news stories with anonymous sources seeking to discredit President Trump. They don't care about their base, and hopefully the polls show that this year.


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