In 2018, 857 people on bikes were killed by drivers in the U.S.

It was the deadliest year for cyclists and pedestrians on American roads since 1990.

And it wasn’t an anomaly—cycling fatalities have been on the rise since 2010, while driver and passenger fatalities have reached all-time lows.

In 2020, even as COVID-19 drastically cuts down car traffic, the cyclist death toll is still mounting.

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Outside Feature

This Is Every Cyclist Who Was Killed by a Driver in 2020

It hasn’t been this dangerous to ride a bicycle on American roads in three decades. And in the face of our greater public-health crisis, more people than ever are riding bikes to avoid public transportation and to safely exercise outside. That means that as restrictions lift and cars begin returning to our roads at pre-pandemic levels, even more cyclists will die. This year, Outside is tracking every cycling traffic fatality. Read more about why we’ve embarked on the #2020cyclingdeaths project.

Last updated: May 3, 2021, 7:54 A.M. MST

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Outside’s Database of 2020 Cycling Deaths

Each week we’re searching news databases and local-news archives for reports on cyclist fatalities. Outside also welcomes tips. If you know someone who was killed or injured by a driver while riding their bike, tell us about it by sending an email to

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The Problem at a Glance

Traffic Deaths on U.S. Roads Are Decreasing, but Cyclist Deaths Are Increasing

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Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

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The Driver Who Killed a Cyclist and Was Charged with Murder

Jennifer Lloyd was riding next to a friend when the Ford 500 sedan raced past. Lloyd, who estimates the Ford sedan was going 100 miles per hour down a two-lane road without a paved shoulder, turned to her friend and offered a blunt assessment: “That guy is going to kill someone.”

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