Vol. 12: “Attack of the Day” presented by House Democrats

September 11, 2020

In Rochester, NY, police officers are being forced to cover their name tags to avoid having protesters target their loved ones for harassment and potential violence.

This isn’t the first example of mob intimidation and law enforcement harassment by BLM protesters.

House Democrats have promoted the BLM movement as “peaceful” with several members condoning this type of police targeting. 

NRCC Comment: “House Democrats have blood on their hands.” – NRCC Spokesman Michael McAdams


Vol. 1: House Democrats have blood on their hands

Vol. 2: “Attack of the Day” presented by House Democrats

Vol. 3: “Attack of the Day” presented by House Democrats

Vol. 4: “Attack of the Day” presented by House Democrats

Vol. 5:  “Attack of the Day” presented by House Democrats

Vol. 6: “Attack of the Day” presented by House Democrats

Vol. 7: “Attack of the Day” presented by House Democrats

Vol. 8:  “Attack of the Day” presented by House Democrats

Vol. 9: “Attack of the Day” presented by House Democrats

Vol. 10: “Attack of the Day” presented by House Democrats

Vol. 11: “Attack of the Day” presented by House Democrats