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The recast Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD) has been designed to accelerate building renovation rates, reduce energy consumption, and promote the uptake of renewable energy in buildings. These measures should help the EU reach its target of a net 55 % reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030, as a stepping stone towards achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

Política energética: princípios gerais

Fichas temáticas sobre a UE 16-05-2024

A política energética da UE assenta nos princípios da descarbonização, da competitividade, da segurança do aprovisionamento e da sustentabilidade. Visa, entre outros, assegurar o funcionamento do mercado da energia e um aprovisionamento energético seguro na UE, assim como promover a eficiência energética e a poupança de energia, o desenvolvimento das energias renováveis e a interligação energética. A política energética da União está orientada para a aplicação de um conjunto de medidas destinadas ...

Energia renovável

Fichas temáticas sobre a UE 14-05-2024

As fontes de energia renovável, nomeadamente a energia eólica, a energia solar, a energia hidroelétrica, a energia oceânica, a energia geotérmica, a biomassa e os biocombustíveis, constituem alternativas mais limpas aos combustíveis fósseis. Reduzem a poluição, aumentam as nossas opções energéticas e diminuem a nossa dependência da volatilidade dos preços dos combustíveis fósseis. Em 2022, as energias renováveis representaram 23 % do consumo de energia da União Europeia. Em 2023, os legisladores ...

Eficiência energética

Fichas temáticas sobre a UE 14-05-2024

As medidas de eficiência energética visam alcançar um abastecimento de energia sustentável, diminuir as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa, melhorar a segurança do aprovisionamento, reduzir as faturas da importação e fomentar a competitividade da UE. Em 2023, os colegisladores decidiram reduzir o consumo de energia final da UE em, pelo menos, 11,7 % até 2030, em comparação com as projeções apresentadas em 2020.

The original full study discusses the present and future of the European electricity and gas infrastructure, exploring production capacity scenarios and their impact on the electricity system (including the role of interconnections, transmission and distribution grids, prosumers, and storage). It also assesses the potential impact of renewable hydrogen development in terms of production and transport. Furthermore, it discusses Ukraine’s synchronisation with the EU power grid and its potential impact ...

This study analyses the present and future of the European electricity and gas infrastructure, exploring production capacity scenarios and their impact on the electricity system (including the role of interconnections, transmission and distribution grids, prosumers, and storage). It also assesses the potential impact of renewable hydrogen development in terms of production and transport. Furthermore, it discusses Ukraine’s synchronisation with the EU power grid and its potential impact on the EU ...

On 14 March 2023, the European Commission proposed an electricity market reform to reduce price volatility for consumers and improve conditions for investors in low-carbon energy. The co-legislators reached a provisional agreement on the proposal to improve the EU's electricity market design in December 2023. The European Parliament will now vote on the agreed text during its April I 2024 plenary session.

During the April I plenary session, the European Parliament is expected to vote on two provisional agreements reached with the Council on the hydrogen and decarbonised gas markets package, which would recast the 2009 EU Gas Directive and the 2009 EU Gas Regulation. These agreements resulting from interinstitutional negotiations, endorsed by the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) in January 2024, substantially amend the texts originally proposed by the European Commission.

On 15 December 2021, the Commission presented a proposal to regulate methane emissions reductions in the energy sector. The proposal is part of the second batch of proposals in the 'fit for 55' package, seeking to align EU climate and energy laws with the EU Climate Law's 2030 target. The proposal addresses gaps in the current legislation: those relating to methane emissions from upstream exploration and the production of oil and fossil gas, but also those from the gathering and processing of fossil ...