Interoperable digital public services in the EU

Briefing 10-02-2023

The initiative's general objective is to address interoperability issues Member States and the EU institutions face when delivering digital public services across EU borders. The impact assessment (IA) identifies the problem clearly as the limited interoperability of network and information systems supporting digital public services in the EU. However, the IA's efforts to identify the scale of the problem are limited, and it could have explained better how the problem would evolve in the future. The IA presents a sufficiently broad range of options. The qualitative and partly quantitative analysis of the options' economic, social and environmental impacts is based on evaluations of the European interoperability framework and the ISA2 funding programme, external supporting studies, stakeholder consultations, and various data sources. The IA discusses impacts on fundamental rights (such as protection of personal data, right to move freely within the EU), but does not assess territorial impacts in detail. When comparing the options, the IA considers their effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and subsidiarity in line with the Better Regulation Guidelines. However, it does not address proportionality in the comparison of options, only doing so for the preferred option. The IA is open about the uncertainties and limitations in the analysis, such as limited available data for calculating the costs and benefits. It describes comprehensively stakeholder groups' views on the problem, the problem drivers, the objectives and the options. It appears that stakeholder views and support for the preferred option were taken broadly into account.