Further reduction of the ozone depleting substances

Briefing 11-11-2022

The IA defines the problem, its drivers and the need to revise the 2009 Ozone Regulation convincingly. It appears to be well substantiated and based on extensive public consultations and recent data, the supporting study and the evaluation of the 2009 regulation. However, the IA could have referenced the data more effectively and provided links to all public sources. The measures identified as feasible are explained with reference to stakeholders' opinions, feasibility and proportionality, while discarded measures are clarified in a dedicated annex. Based on the comparison of options and their impacts, as well as the EU's international obligations and in particular its climate ambitions, the explanation of the choice of preferred option appears convincing. The costs and benefits of each measure have been identified and analysed in a thorough manner; this includes identification of who would be affected and how. While the level of ambition concerning the emissions reduction appears to be supported by the majority of stakeholders, the IA does not give a clear overview of how different stakeholders see the economic impacts of the preferred option's measures. The IA, to the extent possible, includes consideration of regional impacts and impacts on vulnerable consumers. Synergies with other EU policies and legislation (e.g. the F-Gas Regulation and the Waste Framework Directive) are identified and explained.