Think Tank

Think Tank

Think Tank

The documents that help shape new EU legislation

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Posted on 25-04-2024

The opportunity to be involved in political life is at the heart of what it means to live in a democracy, whether by standing for elected office, joining a political party, or following political news in the media. People with disabilities are active citizens who are keen to participate given the right opportunities. However, legal, administrative, institutional and accessibility barriers can still prevent them from taking part in elections. To nurture democratic societies in which all members can ...

The June 2024 European elections are the focal point for a broader renewal of the leadership of all the European Union's main institutions. This timeline sets out the main steps up until the end of 2024, with likely timings.

The original full study discusses the present and future of the European electricity and gas infrastructure, exploring production capacity scenarios and their impact on the electricity system (including the role of interconnections, transmission and distribution grids, prosumers, and storage). It also assesses the potential impact of renewable hydrogen development in terms of production and transport. Furthermore, it discusses Ukraine’s synchronisation with the EU power grid and its potential impact ...

Ce document s’intègre dans une série d’études qui, avec une perspective de droit comparé, visent à faire une présentation de la liberté d’entreprise dans différents ordres juridiques. Après avoir expliqué le droit positif et la jurisprudence d’application, le contenu, les limites et la possible évolution de cette liberté sont examinés. La présente étude a pour objet le cas de la France. La liberté d’entreprise n’est pas expressément reconnue par la Constitution française de 1958, mais elle bénéficie ...

Posted on 25-04-2014

This document provides an overview of public hearings and exchange of views with the Chair of the Single Resolution Board (SRB) in the ECON Committee since July 2019. It also provides an overview of all external papers requested by the ECON Committee by a standing panel of banking experts. Lastly, the annex contains an overview of the respective legal bases for these hearings as part of the accountability framework of the SRB. For an overview of public hearings during the 8th parliamentary term, ...

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What is the EU doing for 'Climate Refugees'?

You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Joanna Apap, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.

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EPRS Policy Talks 2023-2024
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What is the EU doing to safeguard the mental health of its citizens?

You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Virginia Mahieu, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.

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EPRS Policy Talks 2023-2024
Workshops EPRS

What is the EU doing on EU climate action?

You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Henrique Andre Morgado Simoes, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.

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