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Diversity and Inclusion

Mindful of our world's history and of our hopes for the future, Drake strives to welcome, include and empower students, faculty and staff from all backgrounds. We want all campus members to feel that they belong at Drake and that Drake belongs to them. We work to create an environment in which differences are valued as a source of knowledge and enrichment. We all have a lot to learn from each other. Making this aspiration a reality is the responsibility of all of us.

Drake celebrates both the identities that make each of us unique and the common interests and values that bring us all together. Our world needs educated, engaged citizens who understand both their own and others' perspectives and who actively work to solve problems collaboratively. A Drake education is intended to help students see themselves as members of multiple, diverse communities, from the local to the global, and to know how to interact thoughtfully with people from different backgrounds.

This website is intended to serve as a resource for you in finding the information you need or the people you want to get to know.


The A&S Diversity Committee

Faculty and Staff Representatives
Meredith Luttrell - chair  
Arturo Marquez, Jr, HUM/SS (21) Josie Poppen, FA (20) 
Claudia Kyalangalilwa, Staff (21)  Lisa Gruhlke, Staff (21)
Meredith Luttrell, BIO, NS (21) Eduardo Garcia-Villada (21) - at large 
Ann Cravero, (22) - at large TBD - student reps
Drake Diversity Policies
Drake University Land Acknowledgement
Diversity Committee Report

Resources for Students

Resources for Faculty/Staff

  • Learning Accommodations Best Practices
  • Equity and Inclusion Statement for Syllabi
  • College of Arts & Sciences Equity Action Parnter: Chinatsu Bachmann-Sazawa
  • What do Equity Action Partners Do/How Can They Help?
    • Being available for people who need to talk about their equity concerns and experiences in an informal, non-judgmental setting—analogous to the “safe zone” members available to GLBTQ campus community
    • Assist or facilitate equity and inclusion training on campus
    • Assist the University to achieve continuous improvement goals surrounding diversity, equity and inclusion
    • Promote the values of inclusion and diversity embodied in the Drake University Diversity Equity, and Inclusion Commitment
    • Being informed on equality-related policies, procedures, and resources on campus.

Online Resources

Georgetown Center for New Designs in Teaching and Learning: Inclusive Pedagogy

A good resource for basic tips on making classrooms more inclusive. See their 21 tips that covers useful questions to ask with regard to course content, pedagogy, assessment, climate and power.

Center for Research on Teaching and Learning at University of Michigan - Inclusive Research and Teaching Strategies

University of Michigan’s CRTL includes a wide range of resources that include strategies for inclusive teaching and counteracting stereotype threat. It also has a regularly updated blog that features current topics such as the political climate.

See also sample activities on the College of Arts and Science’s Webpage:

Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning – Inclusive Classroom Climate

The Inclusive Classroom Climate page of the Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning includes excellent resources for you to consider as you are designing your syllabus, including sample diversity statements.

Guide to Inclusive Teaching from Columbia University

This guide suggests five inclusive teaching principles and has teaching recommendations for each.

San Francisco State University – Dream Resource Center

An excellent resource for supporting a classroom with undocumented students and those mixed status families.


“How to Make Your Teaching More Inclusive.” 2019. The Chronicle of Higher Education. July 22, 2019.

"Creating a Positive Classroom Climate for Diversity"


Bell, Lee Anne (2016) Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice. Edited by Maurianne Adams. 3 edition. New York: Routledge.

hooks, b. (1994) Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. New York: Routledge.

Ouellett, M. (2005) Teaching Inclusively: Resources for Course, Departments, and Institutional change in Higher Education. Stillwater, Ok: New Forums Press.

Pirbhai-Illich, Fatima, Shauneen Pete, and Fran Martin, eds (2018) Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Working towards Decolonization, Indigeneity and Interculturalism. Palgrave Macmillan.

Sue, D.W. (2010). Microaggressions in everyday life: Race, gender, and sexual orientation. John Wiley & Sons.

Yancy, G. and Davidson, M. (2014) Exploring Race in Predominantly White Classrooms: Scholars of Color Reflect. New York: Routledge.

Diversity in Our College By Numbers
A&S Calendar 
A&S News