
About the Information Directorate® (RI)

The Information Directorate (RI) is the Air Force's and nation's premier research organization for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) and Cyber technologies. The directorate explores, prototypes, and demonstrates high-impact, affordable and game-changing technologies. These technologies transform data into information and subsequently knowledge for decision makers to command and control forces. This knowledge gives our air, space and cyberspace forces the competitive advantage needed to protect and defend the nation.

OUR MISSION: To explore, prototype, and demonstrate high-impact, game changing technologies that enable the Air Force and Nation to maintain its superior technical advantage.

OUR VISION: To lead the Air Force and Nation in command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) and cyber science, technology, research and development.

OVERVIEW: For an Information Directorate overview briefing, please CLICK HERE.