Massachusetts AG Tells Bloomberg Group of Plan to Use its Attorneys to Enforce Paris Climate Treaty

Reposted from Government Accountability and Oversight


Miracle “Not a Treaty” Paris Climate Deal Apparently to be Subject of Law Enforcement Pursuits

It was one thing when, academics being academics, some immediately invoked President Obama’s purported unilateral ratification of the Paris climate agreement as reason to compel imposition — indeed, judicial commandeering — of the “climate”/energy suppression agenda through federal policy. (This was because “The Paris Agreement reflects the broader global recognition that climate change poses significant threats to fundamental human rights and all governments have obligations to address these threats under established principles of international law.”).

That was in the Climate Kidz case, Juliana v. United States (dismissed by the 9th Cir. on other grounds). Depending on how things proceed in coming weeks, it won’t be the last time we see a court presented with that issue.

It is another thing entirely to see that Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey has promised Michael Bloomberg’s group that, if it provided her Office with privately hired lawyers she would name as “Special Assistant Attorneys General”, they would “be focused on ensuring that Massachusetts and neighboring states meet the long-term commitments set forth…in the Paris Agreement.”

Wait huh? You may be wondering, um, what long-term commitments are states bound to meet under the Paris climate treaty? A good question. And given Healey’s activist use of her office and the courts to impose this agenda, the absence of a good answer doesn’t mean the threat is not a serious one.

Indeed, the eagle-eyed reader no doubt spotted another “innovative” vow there, to pursue consumer fraud claims against disfavored targets, which Healey did. At the request of tort lawyers and activists. Pretty ugly stuff.

And pretty relevant, in another one of those coincidences the climate litigation industry is quite full of. As Energy Policy Advocates informed a court this very day, in a filing against Healey’s Office for its refusal to let the public know more about these promises made to an activist, deep-pocketed donor:

The Bloomberg Center/SEEIC placed two SAAGs to pursue this agenda out of OAG, one of whom is named Megan Herzog. Ms. Herzog is a former staff attorney with The Conservation Law Foundation, which is the group that – records released in this matter demonstrate – coordinated with Matt Pawa on “the Exxon issue” and [“climate nuisance” lawyer Matt] Pawa’s briefing of [Healey’s Office]. [FN: “I have been in discussions with Brad Campbell of CLF about the Exxon issue and we are coordinating on this.” January 4, 2016 email from Pawa to OAG’s Christophe Courchesne and Melissa Hoffer, Subject: global warming, released by OAG on September 11, 2019 after Plaintiff filed this suit.]

The second SAAG, Nora J. Chorover, also has professional ties to CLF. [FN: See, e.g.,].

Small world. And — barring President Trump at long last transmitting the Paris climate treaty to the Senate — a world in which we should soon expect to see what we have all been assured would never happen: law enforcement suing to compel compliance with a purely voluntary pact that most definitely is not binding and, you can be assured, “not a treaty”.

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December 1, 2020 10:11 am

Start by shutting down all private car traffic in Boston, so we can all watch.

Reply to  ResourceGuy
December 1, 2020 1:12 pm

Even better, shut off all electricity access to the buildings these dodos live and work in. Let them have the fun of doing without well ahead of the rest of us.

Walter Sobchak
Reply to  Sara
December 1, 2020 5:29 pm

Let them d***ed yankees freeze in the dark.

Reply to  Walter Sobchak
December 2, 2020 7:00 am

They may freeze anyway if Biden wins and shuts down fracking. No PA gas for you!

Reply to  ResourceGuy
December 2, 2020 3:29 am

It’s a ghost town, more or less, anyway. I live about 10 miles away from the heart of the city. Covid, dontchaknow?

December 1, 2020 10:23 am

It’s all fun and virtue signaling until reality strikes. Then the people speak when the truth and consequences hit home.

Reply to  markl
December 1, 2020 10:36 am

It’s too pervasive to be virtue-signaling. following the money would lead to the back-story, I’m sure.

Reply to  markl
December 1, 2020 1:45 pm

I’m hoping that they are successful in forcing the state of MA to live down to the Paris Accords.

The world needs more crash test dummies.

Joel Snider
December 1, 2020 10:37 am

We’ve had a lot more than an election stolen from us – this is only the beginning.

Reply to  Joel Snider
December 1, 2020 1:35 pm

Take it easy, Joel. This proposal is unconstitutional to start with, as the Paris Climate Treaty comes from a foreign body that is not even a government.
I expect to see a 2nd rebellion against The Crowned Heads of State over this kind of thing.

Am I being paranoid in thinking it’s odd that, while I was reading this, I got a call from someone trying to sell me solar panels for my little house? Then I realized that it was a coincidence and this hustle-and-grab show will get bigger – and it is all a scam, anyway.

Joel Snider
Reply to  Sara
December 1, 2020 2:50 pm

If unconstitutionality was a factor in any of this, I wouldn’t worry.

Mason Crawford
Reply to  Sara
December 1, 2020 7:31 pm

It’s currently unconstitutional. But, if the dems manage to pick-up both senate seats in Georgia, their first order of business will be expanding the Supreme Court and putting 4 or 6 liberal loons on it. After that, the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments will be trampled. And of course the GND and Paris Agreement will become law.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Mason Crawford
December 2, 2020 7:08 am

“And of course the GND and Paris Agreement will become law.”

Yes, if the Democrats control the House and the Senate, then they don’t have to formally rejoin the Paris Climate Accord with a treaty, they can just pass laws binding on the United States that will follow along with the Paris Climate Accord guidelines.

If the Democrats get the majority, they are going to try to force every crazy policy they have down our throats. If that happens, State’s Rights issues will come into play. I don’t think the Red States are going to go quietly to their own destruction, driven by socialist/authoritarian insanity, if it gets to that point.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 2, 2020 9:07 am

If the Democrats get the majority, they are going to try to force every crazy policy they have down our throats.
That’s why I’ve gotten to the place where I think I WANT them to get the majority.

The proverbial frog: we’ve been on the slow boil for a while now. Let them turn up the heat and see what happens.

Reply to  Sara
December 2, 2020 4:15 am

Sara says ” This proposal is unconstitutional to start with”, so relax….

The problem is the radical left has as one of it’s main goals to discard or over rule the constitution. So acting as if the constitution does not matter is a given in their feeble brainwashed minds.

Furthermore, every time any one of us either says “let someone else fight it out” or “just wait and let it play out” – we allow this insidious doctrine/ideology put deeper tentacles into the population’s thinking.

It is a very real threat and as Gad Saad describes it, it is a literal parasite of the mind, “idea pathogens” if you will. We must all act to counter and render these idea pathogens inert. These pathogens have become so pervasive in all areas of society and academia:

Tom Abbott
Reply to  D. Boss
December 2, 2020 7:22 am

“Furthermore, every time any one of us either says “let someone else fight it out” or “just wait and let it play out” – we allow this insidious doctrine/ideology put deeper tentacles into the population’s thinking.”

I saw a book title the other day that seemed to nail it: “Socialists Never Sleep”.

Socialists are always working to undermine the society they are in (if it’s not socialist). They have been working behind the scenes for decades in the schools and the media and all opinion sources and that’s how we got to where we are now. The conservatives sat back and allowed this to happen, pretending that socialists are not the nation-destroyers that they really are, so they whistel past the graveyard.

Same thing with China. We have known they have been stealing us blind for decades and did absolutely nothing to stop it. Until Trump, of course.

Conservatives are a rather clueless bunch when it comes to the real world and human nature.

They have higher expectations of the political opposition than they should have. That’s why the Left runs rings around them.

I keep marvelling at these conservative commentators who keep trying to shame the Leftwing Media into reporting the truth. Sean, you can’t shame someone who feels no shame. And Sean, when you report on some aggregious election fraud or Leftwing censorship, don’t describe it as “sad”. It’s not sad, Sean, it is outrageous. Outrageous, Sean. Sad just doesn’t convey the proper sentiment, and downplays the outrageous nature of the event. Get with the program.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 2, 2020 5:13 pm

“Conservatives are a rather clueless bunch when it comes to the real world and human nature.”

For most of the decades since WWII, ‘conservatives’ have just been controlled opposition working to ensure that people didn’t try to prevent the spread of communism in any effective manner.

Reply to  Sara
December 2, 2020 9:06 am

“Unconstitutional” doesn’t matter if you ignore the Constitution, as seems to be the trend.

George V
December 1, 2020 10:40 am

This is one part of a multi-prong assault by Bloomberg. The litigation approach is one prong. The other half is to gas-light the citizens on how wonderful their all-renewable electric future will be. In my local paper’s website was a reprint of a Bloomberg article ( “Replace a Fossil Fuel Furnace to Lower Emissions—and Your Bills”. I’ve known people who have had heat pumps and they ain’t happy when it’s cold out. The article’s answer to that is spend 20 grand on a geothermal system.

Hang on to your seats, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride….

December 1, 2020 11:12 am

Just so you know, MA has some of the most lax ethics rules on law firms in the country. A lot of donations went to elected officials to keep it that way.

December 1, 2020 11:15 am

Wall Street Journal had a good editorial – SEND IT TO THE SENATE TO DIE.

That way if Sleepy Joe does get in, his cabal can’t enforce it via Executive Order.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  JSMill
December 2, 2020 7:36 am

If the Democrats control the House and the Senate, they won’t need a climate treaty. They can just pass laws that make the U.S. conform to the climate treaty rules.

And if the criminal and Traitor, Joe Biden get in Office, then the Democrats can rig future elections without fear of being caught and soon they will have a super majority in the U.S. Senate.

The Big Guy will rig all future elections like he tried to rig the 2106 election. He failed in 2016. But they will correct their mistakes in the future and there won’t be anyone with any power to call them on it because the Democrats will control all the levers of power.

That will be the time for armed rebellion. I hope it never comes. Perhaps conservatives have finally awakened to the danger they and the rest of the nation are in. It’s not quite too late, but it’s getting close. You better fight back against the Radical Left, and do it now. Do you hear that U.S. Supreme Court? Do you hear that, Republican State Legislatures. *You* are the ones who need to step up now.

I want to know more about that truckload of marked ballots that was transported from New York to Pennsylvania right before election day. What’s that all about? You mean you haven’t heard about this? No surprise, the Leftwing Media is suppressing all information about the fraudulent election. Their Propaganda Machine is running at full blast. Told you they were the most dangerous organization in the country. Without them, the Democrats would have nothing and would be nothing. They wouldn’t be able to sell their socialism and pull the wool over millions of people’s eyes..

Reply to  Tom Abbott
December 2, 2020 9:36 am

Do you hear that, Republican State Legislatures. *You* are the ones who need to step up now.
Can you tell that to our useless reps here in NC? They haven’t listened to me.

Ian W
December 1, 2020 11:57 am

The largest part of the Paris Accord was the Green Fund into which the USA was to pay a large amount for distribution to the developing nations like China(!). I presume that Massachusetts will be paying into that fund in its support of the Paris Accord – or is this really a fake action for the uninformed and really just another excuse to punish industry?

December 1, 2020 12:03 pm

To the best of my knowledge, the US Constitution prevents any State from usurping powers specifically vested in the Federal government, such as that to make and enforce international treaties.

“The Constitution provides, in the second paragraph of Article II, Section 2, that ‘the President shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.’ Thus, treaty making is a power shared between the President and the Senate.” — source:,the%20President%20and%20the%20Senate.

And the power to enforce international treaties rests solely with the Federal government.

That being said, I believe the State of Massachusetts could formulate their own state statute modeled after the Paris Accord, but good luck to them getting that passed by the State’s legislature and/or citizens, since financial penalties would have to be self-imposed for “lack of compliance” for such a State statute to have an real significance.

Reply to  Gordon A. Dressler
December 1, 2020 12:16 pm

Gordon, I’m sure you know that the dems will not be constrained by the constitution or even the law. Both were widely flouted before, the law even under Trump was disregarded in dem states.

Reply to  Gordon A. Dressler
December 1, 2020 1:48 pm

Would these be the same courts that refused to let Trump vacate a number of Obama executive orders, because doing so would be arbitrary and capricious.

Apparently once a benefit is granted, it can never, ever, be rescinded.

Reply to  Gordon A. Dressler
December 1, 2020 5:23 pm

That being said, I believe the State of Massachusetts could formulate their own state statute modeled after the Paris Accord, but good luck to them getting that passed by the State’s legislature and/or citizens, since financial penalties would have to be self-imposed for “lack of compliance” for such a State statute to have an real significance.

On the other hand, it would be a way to fund the state deficit for the foreseeable future since “non-compliance” would be mandatory for any legitimate business to be able operate.

December 1, 2020 12:09 pm

I despair that Trump will not end up as president. With Anti-Americans out numbering Americans now and Anti-American billionaires outnumbering American wealth, and willing to use these resources to destroy the only nation on earth that can hold back another Dark Ages, I can see they will not let go of this illigitimate Biden win at all costs.

This stuff exposes how tiny a force a body of laws is by itself as a barrier to the lawlessness and disenfranchisement of a people that is going on. Trump made laws and the constitution powerful but this can all be neutralized in days. I fear we have let this go on long enough for a couple of generations to be educated in this terrible mindset. It was planned during the Cold War. Here is a 1970s interview with a high ranking defector telling us how it will unfold. .

I wish every American was aware of this.

CD in Wisconsin
December 1, 2020 12:10 pm

In the name of fighting climate change and a fossil-fuel free future, the fossil fuel industry and the utility companies should start gradually shutting down their refineries and power plants in the next few years. When the eco-activists and their AG allies start watching the collapse of the economy, it will be interesting to see what they say and do in response.

The only way this country (and the world) will wake up and realize what the future will be like without fossil fuels and a viable replacement for them (not wind and solar) is the see the devastating economic damage that will result from this action. The companies need to ensure the people know why this is being done. Tell them that if they want a future without fossil fuels, they can have it.

Unfortunately, the chances of this happening are virtually zilch because the CEOs of these companies only care about PR and their financial bottom line. Govts and activists bark and they jump. I realize the companies have a responsibility to their shareholders and customers (and I am one of them). At what point though are the pressures from the climate alarmists and anti-fossil fuel movements so great that it isn’t worth it to keep fighting them anymore without doing something REALLY drastic and dramatic? I don’t know of a better way to make a point.

This climate alarmist narrative looks as though it will go on indefinitely, so sooner or later something has to give.

December 1, 2020 1:09 pm

Gee whiz, having gas for heating and cooking was so nice while it lasted….

So now, does this mean that, in order to cook my food and heat my small home, I will have to convert everything related to heat and cooking from electricity and natural gas (and I’ve itemized my gas bill here before this) to a wood=burning cookstove and add a wood-burning fireplace to my living room, and hope that the pipes don’t freeze over the winter?

Just want to be sure that I understand the compleat lack of intelligence that goes into these proposals, that’s all.

It will be interesting to see what happens in cities, down the road. But I can manage if I can find a cheap piece of land with a water source, and live in the 18th century like my great-great-great-great-great-ever so great immigrant ancestors did when they came to the New World in the late 17th century.

I think I can handle the cooking, since that was generally how they cooked and baked things back then, although there is a historian who shows us some advances that were made then in kitchen stuff. Might be that the food was even better for you since it wasn’t meat full of (horrors!) drugs and hormones and stuff. I have a few reprinted cookbooks from that time in my bookshelves.

I simply see no reason to give up electricity and I don’t want to install solar panels on my roof, or stop cooking with gas and/electricity, period.

Well, the modern civilized world was fun while it lasted, wasn’t it?

Reply to  Sara
December 1, 2020 1:51 pm

Child: Mommy, what did we use for light before candles?
Mommy: Electricity

Reply to  MarkW
December 1, 2020 2:32 pm

Don’t get tallow candles. According to Georgette Heyer’s ex-Army character in “The Toll Gate”, tallow candles stink to high heaven. Get wax candles instead.

Oh. yeah – since petroleum products like lamp oil, which is kerosene, will likely be off limits, we’ll have to start hunting whales again for whale oil Bummer!

John MacDonald
Reply to  Sara
December 1, 2020 10:15 pm

Wax candles are a petroleum byproduct.

Reply to  Sara
December 2, 2020 4:36 am

Oh, don’t let anyone know about that, John MacD! The objective is to send The Them back to them there Days of Yore, when there was no refrigeration and cooked meat was kept in a cupboard. (No, not a joke.) If you were “wealthy”, you probably had an ice house for storing perishables, but that didn’t apply to most of the ordinary folk.

If they do whine about wax candles, just tell them the alternative is killing whales for their oil.

Reply to  Sara
December 1, 2020 1:52 pm

The century-old 4 farmhouse where we raised six kids had a 1950s oil burner in the basement that required quite a bit of my attention. A mid-winter terminal breakdown of the furnace had me stuffing the kitchen wood range with oak and hickory and to my surprise, with this and a round of an added blanket per bed, all agreed that we didnt need an oil burner.

I had to get up in the middle of the night to stoke up and this quiet time alone came to be treasured. I had a large kettle on the cooler part of the stove to make a tea and read for a while. Bliss in a large family (40yrs ago)

December 1, 2020 3:33 pm

Perhaps Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey will end up shooting her own foot.

After all, if privately funded “Special Assistant Attorneys General” focused on ensuring that Massachusetts and neighboring states meet the long-term commitments set forth…in the Paris Agreement, then why couldn’t someone file suit to force Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey to immediately live up to the standards she’s imposing on everyone else?

There’s real and immediate climate justice for you.

Make Maura Healey live by her own impositional standards. How about it, Maura? Does cold and hungry sound good to you?

December 1, 2020 6:16 pm

The irony is that all this fuss about CO2 is a humungous mistake.
The only greenhouse gas that has a significant effect on climate is water vapor. Global WV trend has been increasing 1.5% per decade which is faster than is possible from temperature increase (feedback). is a comparison of measured WV increase and a calculation of what it would be if from temperature increase alone. This demonstrates that WV increase is not caused by planet warming from CO2 increase. CO2 does not now, never has and never will have a significant effect on climate.

Joe B
December 1, 2020 9:30 pm

Weaponized lawfare is the most destructive action a society can implement.

Indeed, it is the historical precursor for social fragmentation.

December 1, 2020 11:45 pm

The woke-Bolshevik coup that is in progress seeks to take over the whole anglosaxon world.
It subverts democracy entirely for which it has nothing but contempt.
It’s a trojan horse spilling out from subverted corporate boardrooms, urban mobs and law firms, and the beautiful face of Georgina Soros.
In the lifetime of our children English will vanish as the world’s lingua franca in a tidal wave of disgust at our surrender to the grotesque woke agenda. Just as well ours already don’t speak it as their first language.

Tom Abbott
December 2, 2020 6:54 am

From the article: “It is another thing entirely to see that Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey has promised Michael Bloomberg’s group that, if it provided her Office with privately hired lawyers she would name as “Special Assistant Attorneys General”, they would “be focused on ensuring that Massachusetts and neighboring states meet the long-term commitments set forth…in the Paris Agreement.”

Yes, it is another thing entirely, it’s corruption and fraud. The FBI ought to be investigating the Massachusetts Attorney General for selling her public office for private/political purposes.

Can Conservative Billionaires buy State Attorney Generals, too? Or is that reserved for Leftwing Billionaires?

Why they aren’t prosecuting Soros for undermining Democratic government, I don’t know. We need a special counsel to look into the political, subversive activities of Leftwing Billionaires.

Alasdair Fairbairn
December 2, 2020 7:25 am

Maura Healey is definitely not fit for office. She is paid to be a lawyer not a politician. In her position, manipulating the law for political purposes IMO amounts to a fraudulent act.

December 2, 2020 10:43 am

Boycott MA! Oh wait, they were already on my list.

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