Tennessee Bureau of Investigation - As enacted, requires the bureau to submit a report on child and human trafficking crimes and trends in this state, based upon data available to the bureau, as well as current programs and activities of the bureau's human trafficking unit, to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the speaker of the senate by December 1, 2023, and by each December 1 thereafter. - Amends TCA Title 38, Chapter 6.
SB7088 has been assigned Public Chapter Number 3 by the Secretary of State.
  • Bill History
  • Amendments
  • Video
  • Summary
  • Fiscal Note
  • Votes
  • Actions For SB7088Date
    Effective date(s) 09/08/202312/27/2023
    Pub. Ch. 312/27/2023
    Signed by Governor.09/08/2023
    Transmitted to Governor for action.09/06/2023
    Signed by the Speaker.09/05/2023
    Signed by Senate Speaker08/30/2023
    Enrolled and ready for signatures08/30/2023
    Passed H., Ayes 86, Nays 1, PNV 308/28/2023
    Am. withdrawn. (Amendment 1 - HA7034)08/28/2023
    Subst. for comp. HB.08/24/2023
    Rcvd. from S., held on H. desk.08/24/2023
    Sponsor(s) Added.08/24/2023
    Engrossed; ready for transmission to House08/23/2023
    Passed Senate, Ayes 26, Nays 0, PNV 508/23/2023
    Placed on Senate Regular Calendar for 8/23/202308/23/2023
    Recommended for passage, refer to Senate Calendar Committee08/22/2023
    Sponsor(s) Added.08/22/2023
    Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Judiciary Committee08/22/2023
    Placed on Senate Judiciary Committee calendar for 8/22/202308/21/2023
    Introduced, Passed on First Consideration08/21/2023
    Filed for introduction08/21/2023
    Actions For HB7041Date
    Comp. became Pub. Ch. 312/27/2023
    Sponsor(s) Added.08/28/2023
    Comp. SB subst.08/24/2023
    Sponsor(s) Added.08/24/2023
    H. Placed on Regular Calendar for 8/24/2308/24/2023
    Placed on cal. Calendar & Rules Committee of 1st Extraordinary Session for 8/24/202308/24/2023
    Rec. for pass; ref to Calendar & Rules Committee08/23/2023
    Placed on cal. Criminal Justice Committee for 8/23/202308/22/2023
    Rec. for pass by s/c ref. to Criminal Justice Committee08/22/2023
    Placed on s/c cal Criminal Justice Subcommittee for 8/22/202308/22/2023
    Assigned to s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee08/22/2023
    P2C, ref. to Criminal Justice Committee08/22/2023
    Intro., P1C.08/21/2023
    Sponsor(s) Added.08/21/2023
    Filed for introduction08/17/2023
  • No amendments for SB7088.
    AmendmentsFiscal Memos
    HA7034Amendment 1- to HB7041 

  • Videos containing keyword: SB7088

  • Fiscal Summary


    Bill Summary

    Abstract summarizes the bill.

  • FiscalNote for SB7088/HB7041 filed under HB7041
  • House Floor and Committee Votes

    House moved to substitute and conform to SB7088

              Present and not voting...................3

              Representatives voting aye were: Alexander, Barrett, Boyd, Bricken, Bulso, Burkhart, Butler, Camper, Capley, Carr, Carringer, Cepicky, Chism, Cochran, Crawford, Darby, Davis A, Dixie, Doggett, Eldridge, Faison, Farmer, Freeman, Fritts, Gant, Garrett, Gillespie, Glynn, Grills, Hale, Harris, Haston, Hawk, Hazlewood, Helton-Haynes, Hemmer, Hicks G, Hicks T, Hill, Holsclaw, Howell, Hulsey, Hurt, Johnson C, Johnson G, Jones, Keisling, Kumar, Lafferty, Lamberth, Littleton, Love, Lynn, Marsh, Martin B, Martin G, McCalmon, McKenzie, Miller, Moon, Powell, Ragan, Raper, Reedy, Richey, Rudd, Rudder, Russell, Shaw, Sherrell, Slater, Sparks, Stevens, Thompson, Todd, Towns, Travis, Vaughan, Vital, Warner, White, Whitson, Williams, Wright, Zachary, Mr. Speaker Sexton -- 86.
              Representatives voting no were: Parkinson -- 1.
              Representatives present and not voting were: Mitchell, Moody, Pearson -- 3.

    Rec. for pass; ref to Calendar & Rules Committee 8/23/2023
              Voice Vote - Ayes Prevail

              HB7041 by Lamberth - HOUSE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SUBCOMMITTEE:
    Rec. for pass by s/c ref. to Criminal Justice Committee 8/22/2023
              Voice Vote - Ayes Prevail Rep(s). Moody requested to be recorded as Present, Not Voting

    Senate Floor and Committee Votes

    SB7088 by Johnson - FLOOR VOTE: Third Consideration 8/23/2023
              Present and not voting...................5

              Senators voting aye were: Akbari, Bailey, Briggs, Crowe, Gardenhire, Haile, Hensley, Jackson, Johnson, Lowe, Massey, Niceley, Pody, Powers, Reeves, Roberts, Southerland, Stevens, Swann, Taylor, Walley, Watson, White, Yager, Yarbro, Mr. Speaker McNally -- 26.
              Senators present and not voting were: Bowling, Campbell, Kyle, Lundberg, Oliver -- 5.

    SB7088 by Johnson - FLOOR VOTE: Third Consideration 8/23/2023
              Present and not voting...................5

              Senators voting aye were: Akbari, Bailey, Briggs, Crowe, Gardenhire, Haile, Hensley, Jackson, Johnson, Lowe, Massey, Niceley, Pody, Powers, Reeves, Roberts, Southerland, Stevens, Swann, Taylor, Walley, Watson, White, Yager, Yarbro, Mr. Speaker McNally -- 26.
              Senators present and not voting were: Bowling, Campbell, Kyle, Lundberg, Oliver -- 5.

    Recommended for passage, refer to Senate Calendar Committee 8/22/2023
              Present and not voting...................2

              Senators voting aye were: Gardenhire, Kyle, Roberts, Rose, Stevens, Taylor, White -- 7.
              Senators present and not voting were: Lamar, Lundberg -- 2.