Student Registration Form
As this is a government-funded program, we are required to report back regarding demographics, etc., for all who received training.  Personal identifying information will not be disclosed to anyone.  Information collected will be shared in aggregate form as part of our required reporting to the federal government.  

We therefore ask that you answer the following questions.
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First Name *
Last Name: *
Email Address: *
What is your gender? 
(select all that apply)
Which age group do you belong to? *
What city do you live in? *
What province/territory do you live in? *
Which course are you registering for?

(Please be aware that if you select a course that is listed as "SOLD OUT" or has already occurred, your registration will not be valid.)
As this is a government-funded program, these demographic identifiers are taken from the 2021 Canadian Census.  
Are you (select all that apply):
What language will you be taking the course in? *
How did you hear about this course? *
If you answered "other" above, please specify:
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