Free Courses for Employers

Developing an Internship Program

In this course, you will learn how to host a successful internship program at your organization. This course’s content ranges from developing internship postings to helping interns develop their skills during their time with your organization.

Account Creation and Enrollment

Please follow this link to access the course catalog, create an account, and enroll in courses:

  • On the next screen, in the box labeled Free Enrollment, enter your school or corporate email address and click Enroll Now.
  • Answer the account questions and finish creating your account.
  • You’ll receive an email and you must complete the account creation process by clicking the link in the email and logging into the course management system.
  • Once you’re enrolled in the course and have opened the landing page, you must complete the brief Course Foundations module before the buttons for each of the other modules are live. Use the green Start Here button.
  • If you are interested in the Staffing Agency and Matching Funds program, you will need to complete modules 2, 3, 6, and 7.
  • Logging In: To log back in after starting a course, use this link:

Free Courses for Students

V-TOP recommends that students participate in these courses with the support of faculty or staff at your school, college, or university or with oversight by your internship supervisor or other mentor. While all the online student courses can be completed by a student working alone, small group activities and time for reflection and discussion with others will enrich the experience.

Developing Career Readiness Skills

Target Audience: College students preparing for or currently participating in an internship.

Teachers, Faculty, and Career Services Professionals: As you assist students’ progression through the career readiness modules, you may find the Curriculum Map helpful.

Student Internship Toolkit

This series of online modules will cover topics such as tools and strategies for seeking an internship, resume development, interviews, preparing for your first few days in the internship, maximizing your experience, and ending the internship professionally.

Teachers, Faculty, and Career Services Professionals: As you assist students’ progression through the career readiness modules, you may find the Curriculum Map helpful.

Account Creation and Enrollment

Please follow this link to access the course catalog, create an account, and enroll in courses:

  • On the next screen, in the box labeled Free Enrollment, enter your school or corporate email address and click Enroll Now.
  • Answer the account questions and finish creating your account.
  • You’ll receive an email and you must complete the account creation process by clicking the link in the email and logging into the course management system.
  • Once you’re enrolled in the course and have opened the landing page, you must complete the brief Course Foundations module before the buttons for each of the other modules are live. Use the green Start Here button.
  • Logging In: To log back in after starting a course, use this link:

Mentor Virginia

The Virginia Talent + Opportunity Partnership has joined with Mentor Virginia to offer FREE Mentor, Supervisor, and Mentee training for employers, institutions, and students. To learn more and schedule your training, please email

Mentor Virginia Video

Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium Report

The Virginia Talent + Opportunity Partnership (V-TOP) and the Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium (MERC) released a report that details challenges and best practices for internships and work-based learning (WBL) and makes recommendations for improvement. 

Recommendations from the report include improved coordination between colleges, universities, and employers, increased WBL for two-year college students, improved mentorships for students at institutions of higher learning and employers, and exploration of virtual or remote WBL opportunities.

A discussion about the report’s key points is available through MERC’s podcast program Abstract.

Internships and other work-based learning opportunities provide students with valuable hands-on experience, feedback, pay, and other benefits. These opportunities often lead to students staying in Virginia upon graduation and strengthening the workforce.