Welcome to Jonesville UMC

This week at Jonesville UMC












Filled with the Holy Spirit (Genesis 11:1-9; Acts 2:1-8)

“All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.” (Acts 2:4)

It is quite interesting to look at the story on Pentecost in comparison with the story of the Babel Tower from Genesis.  On Pentecost day as they gathered and prayed together, the Holy Spirit came down upon them and led people to speak other languages so that they were able to communicate with one another. Whereas, in the story of the Babel Tower, as they were trying to build a city and raise their own names high, God came down to confuse their language so that they would not understand one another’s speech.  On one hand we see how the Holy Spirit works wondrously to empower people to accomplish God’s plan, and on the other hand, we see how the Holy Spirit works wondrously to disempower people if it is going against God’s plan.  Let us get together, appreciate, and be thankful for the still wonderous working of the Holy Spirit within us and among us.

Come and join us in the Jonesville UMC Sunday Service at 9:30am or meet us in the streaming service at Jonesvilleumc.org at the same time.

Blessings,                                                                                                                                                                                               Youngjae

Every week at Jonesville UMC

Meet, Know, Grow in JESUS AT JUMC

Volunteers Needed

Please consider volunteering to usher. To sign up, click this link.

JUMC Outreach Mission of the Month for May is:

Capital Roots

Mission of the Month for May Capital Roots organizes community gardens, improves access to healthy food, offers nutrition and horticulture education for all ages and coordinates urban greening programs in Albany, Rensselaer, Schenectady, and southern Saratoga counties. Donations are always needed.

Monetary donations

Please consider donating on our website or sending a check payable to Jonesville UMC to the church with “Capital Roots” or “May MoM” noted on the memo line.

Please bring your redeemable soda cans/bottles to Fellowship Hall to donate to the mission of the month. Remove the pop tops from the soda cans and save for Shriner’s Hospital. These little pop tops mount up to pounds of aluminum!

Thank you!

Thank you for participating in JUMC Outreach efforts. As you consider giving, be encouraged by reading the thank you letters we receive from those we support.

Click here to see the impact (updated) we are making in our community.

Read this week’s Midweek update: