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Explore the data that explains and shapes life in Massachusetts, including the latest CommonWealth Beacon Poll.

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New poll finds rise in voters who see Mass. on wrong track

Healey’s favorability rating drops in Retailers Association survey

Forty-eight percent said the state is heading in the right direction, down from 59 percent in a similar poll done for the business group a year ago. Thirty-nine percent say the state is on the wrong track, up from 29 percent.

Wu gets high marks from voters in think tank’s survey

Mayor’s policies generally supported but views mixed on schools

The survey, conducted for the group by national pollster John Della Volpe, asked about Wu’s job performance, among other topics. Fifty-seven percent of registered voters believe she is doing a good job, while 35 percent rate her negatively. 

Mass. residents don’t support hemp THC loopholes 

Poll finds consumers think THC products should be regulated consistently

Those who say they have used or purchased marijuana are slightly more likely to support the sale of the hemp-based products outside of the dispensary system, but more say they still want it to be limited to dispensaries. A substantial majority – 65 percent of respondents – said that legalizing marijuana broadly was the right…

When young people think about the climate, despair follows

More engagement can lead to more optimism, poll finds

A new Earth Month poll of middle school and high schoolers across the country found that 72 percent of poll respondents say climate change is already impacting their lives – with 30 percent saying it already has a major impact and 42 percent saying a minor impact – and 53 percent believe it will be…

Mass. residents conflicted on MBTA Communities Act

People support the law but 41% don’t think state should force local compliance

The poll seems to show a version of “NIMBY” thinking among residents, with most people supporting the broad goal of creating more housing, but a significant number of responders wary of having that housing forced on individual communities. 

Mass. poll finds likely voters lean more to Biden, echoing national trends

Results highlight turnout challenge Trump may face nationally 

Joe Biden has a big lead over Donald Trump among voters in heavily Democratic-leaning Massachusetts, but results of a new statewide poll also show some intriguing other trends that mirror national surveys and could shape the outcome of the 2024 presidential contest. 

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