
The Teacher's Digest

The Power of Positive & Progressive Discipline

We know that Student-Teacher Relationships are pivotal in order to help students grow and learn. In fact, John Hattie, an educational researcher, proves that positive student-teacher relationships has a .72 effect size. Meaning, teachers can make two years of academic growth in one school year by having strong connections with their students.

But in which ways can we foster those relationships while maintaining classroom order? Be diligent and consistent in creating a positive, calm, and safe learning environment by ensuring that the majority of your interactions with your students are positive, even when disciplining. Use affirmative language when sharing behavior and classroom expectations, positive reinforcement when students are meeting those expectations, and foster personal connections as often as you can. Most importantly, ensure that your discipline plan addresses the following 3 dimensions in a kind and dignified way.

  • Prevention - What can be done to minimize problems? (i.e. efficient instructional delivery, bell-to-bell schooling, whole-class engagement by design)
  • Action - What is done once misbehaviors occur? (i.e. give choices, discuss problems, apply fair consequences)
  • Resolution - What can be done for the chronic misbehavior? (i.e. accept what cannot be changed, find a way to conciliate student’s interests to what they need to learn, focus on relationship building)
Tips and Strategies
Positive Re-Direction
Did you know that the language we use to re-direct students can either harm or strengthen our relationships with them? Consider how you may rephrase your re-direction in a positive way by evaluating the following examples:  
  • "Shayna, safe walking feet in the hallway please" vs. "Shayna, no running!"
  • "Scholars, we're at a voice level 0!" vs. "It's too loud in here!"
  • "Safe hands to ourselves, Mikey!" vs. "Mikey, stop touching her!"         
Ratio 1:7
With your most challenging student(s), commit to spending 2 minutes every day for 10 consecutive days having a conversation completely directed by the student. Notice the change in behavior and your relationship!

2-by-10 Theory
Did you know that for every negative interaction with a student, research shows it takes 7 positive interactions to counter-act the effects of a negative interaction? Keep this in mind when disciplining! 
Every teacher has tough classes; it's part of the journey.
The goal isn’t to get the good class.
The goal is to grow and cultivate one.
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