A hand holds a phone camera over a pile of leaves, with a pair of flip flops apparently made of grass in the center.

Table of Contents

Kelly Hammond, Gregory J. Palermo, and Brandon Walsh

Reading Texts in Digital Environments: Applications of Translation Alignment for Classical Language Learning
Chiara Palladino

Back in a Flash: Critical Making Pedagogies to Counter Technological Obsolescence
Sarah Whitcomb Laiola

Make-Ready: Fabricating a Bibliographic Community
Courtney Jacobs, Marcia McIntosh, and Kevin M. O’Sullivan

Using Wikipedia in the Composition Classroom and Beyond: Encyclopedic “Neutrality,” Social Inequality, and Failure as Subversion
Cherrie Kwok

Interdisciplinarity and Teamwork in Virtual Reality Design
Ole Molvig and Bobby Bodenheimer

Supporting Data Visualization Services in Academic Libraries
Negeen Aghassibake, Justin Joque, and Matthew L. Sisk

Forum on Data and Computational Pedagogy

Ethnographies of Datasets: Teaching Critical Data Analysis through R Notebooks
Lindsay Poirier

Thinking Through Data in the Humanities and in Engineering
Elizabeth Alice Honig, Deb Niemeier, Christian F. Cloke, and Quint Gregory

Numbering Ulysses: Digital Humanities, Reductivism, and Undergraduate Research
Erik Simpson

Data Fail: Teaching Data Literacy with African Diaspora Digital Humanities
Jennifer Mahoney, Roopika Risam, and Hibba Nassereddine

Data Literacy in Media Studies: Strategies for Collaborative Teaching of Critical Data Analysis and Visualization
Andrew Battista, Katherine Boss, and Marybeth McCartin

Issue Eighteen Masthead

Issue Editors
Kelly Hammond
Gregory J. Palermo
Brandon Walsh

Managing Editor
Patrick DeDauw

Param Ajmera
Elizabeth Alsop
Patrick DeDauw
Jojo Karlin
Benjamin Miller
Angel David Nieves
Nicole Zeftel
Dominique Zino

Staging Editors
Danica Savonick
Patrick DeDauw
Laura Wildemann Kane
Anna Alexis Larsson
Krystyna Michael
Teresa Ober
sava saheli singh
Inés Vañó García
Luke Waltzer

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