Horatio Alger Career & Technical Education Scholarship Application is Now Open

500 Scholarships at $2,500 Each

ensuring the american dream for future generations


Individuals should have the personal liberty (freedom of speech, religion, and expression) and the economic freedom (entrepreneurship, employment, property) to pursue their own goals and aspirations, strive for personal fulfillment, and make choices that shape their lives.


Individuals and groups should treat one another with dignity, fairness, and understanding, while recognizing the importance of pluralism and the value of the diverse perspectives and experiences.


Through unrestricted access to education and employment, everyone should have an equal chance to pursue their goals and reach their potential, regardless of their background, socioeconomic status, or circumstances.



Applicants open the door to the endless possibilities that are made possible through Horatio Alger Scholarships.

1,830scholarships awarded in 2024


Scholars receive financial assistance and comprehensive support to advance their education.

70%Scholar graduation rate


Alumni become part of a wide network and receive support as they pursue the American Dream.

12,000active Alumni nationwide

Scholar & Alumni News

Stay up to date with the most recent news about the Horatio Alger Association’s current and Alumni Scholars.

05.05.24 – bay to bay news

Bay To Bay News | Two Indian River School District students receive Horatio Alger scholarships

12.09.23 – The Union Recorder

Howell receives Horatio Alger Scholarship