CFRA Adds Fast-Growing European and Developing Asian Markets ETF Landscape to Its Industry-Leading Coverage

April 20, 2021

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Press Release:

CFRA Adds Fast-Growing European and Core Asian Markets to Its Industry-Leading ETF Coverage 

CFRA announced today that it has added coverage for European and the largest Asian markets-listed ETF to its industry-leading data set. With this expansion in coverage, CFRA clients will be able to delve into European and core Asian markets ETF constituent holdings and granular proprietary CFRA classifications data. This will include the ability to filter the ETF universe across multiple dimensions including fund strategy, geographic exposure, industry sector, index weighting scheme and smart beta type.


Thematic Research

Published April 20, 2021

The European ETF Market: Poised for Growth

Key Takeaways:

  • With $1.4 trillion in ETF assets, Europe has a large but disaggregated market with multiple cross-listings. 

  • Fund sponsors are jockeying for market share, with Amundi’s (AMUN) bid for Lyxor potentially vaulting it to the #2 spot by assets. In Europe, the ETF sponsor league table is more fluid and less top heavy than in the US.

  • Europe also has a more balanced asset mix in ETFs, with 35% in non-equity products, compared to just 21% in the US. In addition, the ecosystem is complex due to multiple listing venues, domiciles, and currencies, with 70% of primary listings having at last one cross-listing or share class variant. 

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Analyst Video

The European ETF Market: Poised for Growth

With the expansion of ETF data to Europe, the second-largest market globally, CFRA is well-positioned to support institutional and wealth management clients' needs. In this video, Todd Rosenbluth, Head of ETF Research, and Aniket Ullal, Head of ETF Data and Analytics, discuss the key differences between the U.S. and European ETF markets, the fluid league table, and our unique data set.

Watch the recording


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