Serving Arkansas and Beyond

Mike Malone

Building on the University of Arkansas’ $2.2 billion annual impact on the state’s economy, the Division of Economic Development’s mission is to expand economic opportunity and prosperity in Arkansas through talent development, the deployment of innovative research and technologies, community engagement, and place-making strategies.

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Our Mission

Our mission for the Division of Economic Development is to expand economic opportunity and prosperity in Arkansas through talent development, the deployment of innovative research and technologies, community engagement, and place-making strategies.

Our purpose is to strategically amplify the university’s economic impact on the state and region by creating partnerships with external entities that benefit the university and help advance those economic development interests across the State of Arkansas and region.

Our strategy, executed by engaging, collaborating, and providing outreach to the residents, businesses, governmental and civic organizations throughout the state and collaborating with departments and schools across campus, is to make sustained advances in economic capacity and quality of place, to amplify the service of the University of Arkansas and its economic impact on the state.

Partner with the U of A


Meeting People Where They Are, All Over Arkansas

Mike Malone, Vice Chancellor for Economic Development, discusses university-led economic development and the U of A’s economic impact to the state.
