How to Set Up the Microsoft Authenticator App for Your CofC Account

User Context

How do I set up Microsoft Authenticator to authenticate my account? 


Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is required for all faculty, staff and student accounts for using Office 365 connected systems (like MyPortal, OAKS, email, etc.). The first time you log into your account, you will be prompted to set up "additional security information" which will be used for multi-factor authentication on your account moving forward.

The security methods you add to your account for MFA are also used for Self Service Password Reset (SSPR). Using this combined registration, users can register once and get the benefits of both MFA and SSPR.

CofC Microsoft 365 accounts use system-preferred multi-factor authentication. This means that by default, the most secure method you add to your account will be the primary authentication method. For example, if you register both SMS text messaging and Microsoft Authenticator push notifications on your account, when you sign in you will be prompted to authenticate using the more secure Microsoft Authenticator app. You can still choose to sign in using another method, but you'll be first prompted to try the most secure method registered. (Note: Due to its security vulnerabilities, SMS will no longer be an option after 9/1/24. See the SMS MFA Retirement article for more information.)


When to Use This Article

This article walks you through the steps of setting up the Microsoft Authenticator app on your account.

You can use these instructions if:

  • it is the first time setting up authentication on your account
  • your MFA methods have been reset
  • you can access your account using other authentication methods


Installation Instructions

To perform the setup, you will need access online to a computer as well as the device you wish to install the app. 

(Video instructions - 90sec)


On your phone

    1. Install the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device Microsoft Authenticator icon
      • Specific steps vary depending on your device
      • Detailed instructions for downloading and installing the Microsoft Authenticator app for iOS and Android can be found on Microsoft's support site.
    2. Upon opening the app you will be prompted with "Let's add your first account!" Click the (+) to add an account.
    3. Choose Work or school account for the account type.
    4. The app will launch a QR code reader. You will need to allow access to the device's camera if prompted.
    5. Log into your account on your computer, following the instructions below. You will use your phone to scan the QR code that displays on the computer after you log into your account (step 6 under 'On your computer').

On your computer

    1. Use this link to register your account:
      • You may need to sign in using your email address and password and be prompted to authenticate before being able to access security information.
      • If you are unable to authenticate so due to not being able to use your existing authentication methods, contact the IT Service Desk to request that your MFA methods be reset. They will verify your identity and reset the MFA methods for you. Then, the next time you sign in, you will be prompted to add additional security information, and can set up the Microsoft Authenticator app on your account at that time.
      • If the page does not load correctly, try using a different browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
    2. Once you are logged in and looking at the Security Info page on your computer, click the +Add method option.
    3. In the "Add a method" window, choose the Authenticator app as the method, and then click the Add button.
    4. Once selected you will be prompted with a message saying "Start by getting the app". After you have the app installed on your mobile device (will already be installed if you followed the section on App Instructions previously), click Next
    5. From here make sure you've selected "Work or school account" within the Microsoft Authenticator on your mobile device, and the camera is waiting to scan the QR code (from steps in the App Instructions, above). 
    6. Now on your computer screen you will have a QR code displayed. Scan the QR code with your mobile device. Try to hold the mobile device steady, and center the QR image in the middle of the square on your mobile device camera. 
      • Unable to scan QR code: If you are unable to scan the QR code with your camera, there is an option to use a URL and a code. To use the URL and code method, click the "can't scan image" link on your computer, and it will display the URL and code you can enter in your Authenticator App on your mobile device.
    7. Once you scanned the QR code, click Next on your computer. This will prompt Microsoft to send a notification to the app. Type the two-digit verification code and tap Yes.
      1. NOTE: Due to timing, sometimes the request does not display automatically when you open Authenticator.  If not, click on the options (three bars) and choose Check for Notifications to get it to pop-up, or swipe down to refresh. 
    8. Now you can use the Microsoft Authenticator.


How to Use the Authenticator App

Now that you have the app installed and set up, see KB0012396 for how to use it to authenticate your account.