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Jetson Linux Flash container

Logo for Jetson Linux Flash container
Jetson Linux Flash continer provides an lightweight environment to allow users to flash Jetson Linux without installing any prerequisites on your host.
Latest Tag
April 1, 2024
Compressed Size
520.02 MB
Multinode Support
Multi-Arch Support
r36.2 (Latest) Security Scan Results

Linux / amd64

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Overview of Jetson Linux Flash Container

Jetson Linux flash container can be used to flash Jetson devices without installing additional host prerequisites.

Using the Jetson Linux Flash Container

Pull the container

Pull the corresponding Jetson Linux Flash docker image matching Jetson Linux version. For example use the docker image tagged by "r35.1" for development with Jetson Linux 35.1 production release. Below th ${SW_VERSION} is used to represent the docker image tag and Jetson Linux version.

docker pull${SW_VERSION}

Run the container

Run the docker with the command on host:

docker run -it --privileged --net=host -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb -v ${WORKSPACE}:/workspace${SW_VERSION}

${WORKSPACE} is the path which includes the files one would like to use in the container.

How to flash Jetson Devices

  1. Download L4T Driver Package (BSP) and Sample Root Filesystem from Jetson Linux page.

  2. Put your device into recovery mode.

  3. Run the docker with the command on host:

docker run -it --privileged --net=host -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb -v ${WORKSPACE}:/workspace${SW_VERSION}

${WORKSPACE} is the path where the files in are placed.

  1. Assume the name of L4T Driver Package (BSP) is ${L4T_RELEASE_PACKAGE} and the name of Sample Root Filesystem is ${SAMPLE_FS_PACKAGE}, run the commands inside the container to flash Jetson devices:
cd /workspace
tar -I lbzip2 -xf ${L4T_RELEASE_PACKAGE}
cd Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/
tar -I lbzip2 -xpf ../../${SAMPLE_FS_PACKAGE}
cd ..
./ --no-root-check <board> mmcblk0p1



The jetson-linux-flash-x86 includes various software packages with their respective licenses included within the container. By pulling and using this container, you accept the terms and conditions of these licenses.

Technical Support

If you have any questions or need help, please visit the Jetson Developer Forums.