Course Syllabus

Graduate Researcher Education and Training (GREAT) Series 

The Graduate Researcher Education and Training (GREAT) series features sessions on topics of importance to graduate student researchers that will help them build the skill set they need to be successful in their research endeavors. The series does not focus on technical research skills, but rather communication and management skills.

Registration for each session of the GREAT Series is required.   

There will be no formal assessments during the sessions, however, participants will be asked to complete an evaluation survey following the sessions to provide feedback, to gauge quality of each session, and to evaluate whether learning objectives were achieved.

The 2023-24 GREAT Series will be held monthly in the academic year, from 12-1 PM unless otherwise noted. A free lunch will be provided at each session that is held on campus, though some sessinos may take place on Zoom.

2023-24 GREAT Sessions:

September 21, 2023: Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellowships (3-4 PM on Zoom)

October 25, 2023: Finding and Critically Reading Research Literature (AK 219)

November 28, 2023 Research Seminars (Room TBD, 12-1 PM)

January 23, 2024: Poster Presentations (Higgins Labs 154, 12-1 PM)

February 21, 2024: Thesis/Dissertation Writing Boot Camp (Unity Hall 420, 12-3:15 PM)

March 25, 2024: Research Manuscript Writing (Campus Center Hagglund Room, 12-1 PM)





Course Summary:

Date Details Due