Dear Creators,


We are really happy to share with you B-A-B’s mission. Winter is coming to an end and

many of us would have already started filling up our shopping carts with cute summer

outfits. A lot of us are hesitant to repeat outfits too often and want the latest trends.

That being said, college students are very often shopping on a budget and we want

to be trendy, but at low costs. Welcome to the world of Fast Fashion, one of the most

polluting industries in the World!


Sustainability is slowly turning into a buzz word. What stirred up the food market, is

now making its place in the fashion industry. Sustainable fashion is much needed,

specially right now. While there has been growth in the sustainable fashion industry

and we see a slight shift in consumer trends, how can this growth be sustained and

elevated? Simply wearing natural fabrics is not sustainable fashion. Sustainability is

ensuring that the entire supply chain of that product has been clean and sustainable.


We are asking you to come up with what is next in Sustainable Fashion, and we know

you won’t let us down!


Below is the eligibility.

  • High school and college students 
  • Aged 16-22
  • Open globally!


  • Should by submitted by April 24th (5:00AM EST) 
  • Slide decks can include prototypes

Hackathon Sponsors


$200 in prizes


The winning team will be awarded $200 cash!

Devpost Achievements

Submitting to this hackathon could earn you:


Usha Rackliffe

Usha Rackliffe

Rifat Mursalin

Samantha Lenard

Samantha Lenard

Judging Criteria

  • Sustainability
  • Idea
  • Business Model
  • Financial viability
  • Marketing Approach
  • Overall Presentation

Questions? Email the hackathon manager

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