Blessed Tomorrow Ambassador Training

This free, self-paced, online training equips community leaders with the knowledge, hands-on experience, and resources to speak and take action on climate change in their homes, neighborhoods, workplaces, communities, and beyond.

The Case for Climate Action, Climate Basics

Climate Impacts & Our Faith

Climate Solutions & Benefits

Communicating on Climate

Advocacy & Engagement

Making a Difference as an Ambassador

Finished the training and ready to inspire others?

Become a Blessed Tomorrow Ambassador!

Put your new knowledge and skills to use, today!
Sign the Ambassador Pledge at the end of the training for access to:

Slides, talking points, resources and events to help you effectively talk about and take action on climate.

A private online network of thousands of Ambassadors across the U.S. to learn from and collaborate with.

On-going support and additional training and networking opportunities from Blessed Tomorrow.

What Does a Blessed Tomorrow Ambassador Do?

Ambassadors are trained to speak with others and inspire climate action. Equipped with customizable presentations, resources, ongoing training and support, they give talks and invite others in, in their homes, congregations, workplaces, communities, and beyond.

Ambassadors can also choose to write blogs, op-eds, and letters to the editor, participate in candidate forums or give public comments, attend rallies, contact elected officials, and more.

Invite an Ambassador to Speak at Your Next Event!

Conferences, small-group forums and retreats are perfect times to invite a Blessed Tomorrow Ambassador to speak. They will share relevant information on how climate impacts your community or congregation, solutions available (with health benefits), and how to be part of the solution in inspiring and engaging ways.

Climate Ambassadors