Connected Communities Event Registration
This form is for the registration of one adult. All adults must fill out their own respective registration form to be properly accounted for.
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Email *
First and Last Name
Which event will you be attending?
Which neighborhood do you live in?
Have you taken the Connected Communities Public Survey?
Have you participated in a City-led community engagement event before?
How did you learn about this event?
Will you be bringing any children?

(Note: We are unable to accommodate children below preschool.)
If yes, how many children will you be bringing?
Demographic Information
The following section asks for demographic information. The City is making a concentrated effort throughout Connected Communities to reach residents that typically do not have a voice in policy discussions.  As such, the purpose of the demographic data collection on this form is to identify who we are reaching and hearing from and who we are not, in order to adequately inform future engagement efforts. All information is submitted voluntarily and will be kept private.
Highest Level of Education Completed
Household Status
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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