
Resources for Allies

A4BLiP encourages the white folks who are involved with our group, or anyone with privilege who is engaging in conversations about social justice, to first take the time to familiarize yourself with anti-oppressive terms, concepts, and norms. Here are some resources to help you get started:

Resources for Archivists

Presentations by A4BliP members

A4BLiP Reading Group

Information about reading selections and reading group discussion dates will be sent through the listserv and twitter account.

Currently, the A4BLiP reading group is on hiatus pending a revamp. Please stay posted!

About the Reading Group

Based in the purpose of A4BLiP, the A4BLiP Reading Group (A4BLiP-RG)

A4BLiP-RG seeks to actively change perspectives and in addition, change within Archives professions through documented outcomes set by participants. A4BLiP-RG will provide sets of readings on specific issues, which participants will use to inform recommendations that they develop at the end of a set of readings. The intention is to create a space to hold white archives professionals, and the institutions they may represent, accountable for past and  current racism and implicit biases, and to actively work on changing beliefs, policies, and procedures within these communities. The RG will be shaped by its participants, and suggestions by the A4BLiP community.

In pursuance of that purpose, the A4BLiP reading group  has 3 stated goals:

  • To critically engage with anti-racist readings and apply the texts in our lives and in our individual institutions as much as we’re able.
  • To reaffirm A4BLiP’s commitment to build bridges between our cohort and extant racial justice advocacy groups
  • To take outcomes of the group discourse to recommend and advocate for best practices in our field that help to secure and ensure racial justice and hold racist people, policies, and institutions accountable

Expectations of Conduct

The readings and group discussions are meant to critically examine societal issues and the impact in archival practice. In the interest of fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment, all activity by the reading discussion aims to foster an inclusive experience for everyone. With that, the reading group discussions will exhibit behavior that contributes to creating a positive and thoughtful environment that aligns with A4BLiP’s Statement of Principles and a list of meeting expectations:

  • In a commitment to creating a safe space, conversations and viewpoints of colleagues will remain within confines the discussions;
  • listening as much as you speak, and remembering that colleagues may have expertise and experiences you are unaware of; 
  • encouraging and yielding the floor to those whose viewpoints may be under-represented in a group and empower dialogue; 
  • using welcoming language, for instance by using an individual’s stated pronouns and favoring gender-neutral collective nouns; 
  • accepting critique graciously and offering it constructively; 
  • giving credit where it is due; 
  • seeking concrete ways to make physical and online spaces and resources more universally accessible; 
  • allow the reading group leader to guide and monitor time of the meetings;
  • contribute to meeting goals; and
  • misconduct will exclude you from future reading discussions.

Expectations pulled from DLF Code of Conduct:

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