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Deacon  and  Missionary 







Mutual  Publishing  Company,  Printers 

The  following  pages  are  reprinted  from  the  columns 
of  the  Carolina  Churchman  where  they 
appeared  from  January  to  July,  1920 

Copies  may  be  obtained  from 
The  Carolina  Churchman,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
Price,  Fifty  Cents  Each 


The  following  account  of  the  life  and  work  of  the 
Rev.  Milnor  Jones  was  written  in  1916.  It  was  be- 
gun with  the  purpose  of  making  it  an  obituary 
notice,  to  be  sent  to  some  one  of  our  Church  papers. 
Such  a  life  seemed  worthy  of  being  known  beyond 
the  bounds  of  its  own  narrow  sphere.  But  though 
begun  with  this  very  limited  purpose,  the  subject 
refused  to  be  dismissed  with  so  brief  a  handling.  It 
grew  under  my  hand,  until  it  may  seem  to  some  to 
have  outgrown  all  reasonable  proportions.  I  am 
quite  conscious  that  some  good  and  judicious  people 
will  think  me  partial  and  over-appreciative  in  my 
estimate  of  this  unusual  personality.  I  shall  not 
complain  if  I  be  so  judged.  I  confess  that  I  cannot 
refrain  from  admiring  and  loving  good  and  noble 
qualities,  however  mingled  with  human  imperfec- 
tions. A  more  serious  apprehension  is,  that  I  may 
be  thought  to  have  colored  and  exaggerated  certain 
episodes  in  the  life  I  endeavor  to  present.  I  feel 
myself  that  this  may  be  true,  in  those  parts  of  the 
narrative  which  are  given  upon  the  authority  of 
others.  Where  I  am  myself  concerned,  the  facts  are 
given,  not  merely  from  memory,  but  from  memo- 
randa written  down  at  the  time,  though  I  am  not 
altogether  sure  of  my  estimate  of  distances  in  the 
mountains.  But  Milnor  Jones  was  so  striking  a  char- 
acter, and  so  intense  and  dramatic  in  his  methods, 
that  he  moved  the  imagination;  and  his  experiences, 
in  his  own  mind,  and  in  the  minds  of  others,  seemed 

to  group  themselves  into  dramatic  episodes,  in  wliicli 
a  number  of  different  events  may  have  been  com- 
bined into  one.  Such  incidents,  for  example,  as  his 
visit  to  the  Seagle  family,  and  his  immersion  of  the 
young  lawyer  in  Armstrong's  Creek,  are  given  in  the 
narrative  just  as  I  heard  them,  and  are  certainly 
true  in  every  essential.  But  each  story  may  in  fact 
be  a  concentration  of  more  extended  experiences 
into  one  dramatic  scene.  I  do  not  know  how  this 
may  be ;  but  I  do  know  that,  so  far  as  I  was  able,  I 
w^rote  down  what  I  had  learned,  and  what  I  myself 
had  seen  and  heard,  with  a  simple  desire  to  set  forth 
a  true  narrative  of  a  unique  character.  I  do  not 
apologize  for  stating  frankly  his  limitations,  his 
errors,  and  his  faults.  When  a  man  is  really  deserv- 
ing of  admiration,  the  truth  is  his  best  commenda- 
tion. Milnor  Jones  had  nothing  hidden  in  his  life ; 
and  in  writing  of  him  I  have  but  followed  his  own 
example  of  frankness  and  simple  truth.  The  years 
which  have  passed  since  I  wrote  the  following  pages 
have  not  altered  my  feelings  or  my  judgment  as 
therein  expressed. 


January  12, 1920. 


By  Joseph  Blount  Cheshire. 

His  Begfinning" — Work  in  South  Carolina. 

Men  of  strongly  marked  personality  make  differ- 
ent impressions  upon  the  different  persons  with 
whom  they  are  brought  into  contact. 

The  Rev.  Milnor  Jones,  deacon,  who  died  in  Balti- 
more the  21st  day  of  February,  1916,  seems  to  the 
writer  of  these  lines  to  have  been  one  of  the  most 
remarkable  men,  and  in  many  respects  the  most 
effective  missionary,  he  has  ever  known  in  close  per- 
sonal association.  Wholly  lacking  in  selfish  ambi- 
tion, and  preferring  to  remain  a  deacon  in  hard 
frontier  service,  and  being  indeed  very  deficient  in 
constructive  and  organizing  abilities,  his  memory 
did  not  become  identified  with  any  developed  and 
permanent  parish  or  institution.  He  hewed  out 
paths  in  the  wilderness  in  which  others  followed ;  he 
gathered  material  and  dug  out  foundations  for 
builders  who  came  after  him.  His  memorial  was 
only  in  the  hearts  of  those  who  knew  him,  and  in 
churches  and  missions  which  even  before  his  death 
hardly  remembered  that  they  owed  their  beginings 
to  him. 

I  knew  him  from  1883  until  the  end  of  the  year 
1897,  but  saw  him  only  once  after  ]897.  I  was  inti- 
mately associated  with  him  in  his  work  from  1894 
until  the  end  of  1897.  I  admired  tiim,  trusted  him, 
and  loved  him ;  and  he  never  failed  me  in  any  matter 
in  which  I  depended  on  him.  He  was  the  soul  of 
loyalty.  I  feel  that  I  owe  it  to  his  memory  to  say  a 
few  words  of  a  life  which  had  in  it  certainly  some 
elements  of  greatness,  exhibited  in  a  narrow  sphere, 
and  of  an  apostolic  simplicity  of  faith  and  devotion 



not  too  common  among  us.  And  I  feel  that  I  owe 
this  duty  also  to  the  Church,  which  he  served  with 
a  zeal,  unselfishness,  courage,  and  unremitting  labor 
seldom  equaled  and  never  surpassed  within  the  field 
of  my  observation  and  experience. 

He  was  not  a  perfect  man.  I  have  known  a  few 
men  and  women  who,  whatever  their  faults  when 
judged  by  the  clear  eyes  of  Him  to  Whom  we  must 
all  give  account,  were  yet  perfect  to  my  limited 
vision;  a  very  few  such,  yet  some  few.  Milnor 
Jones  was  not  one  of  these.  Rather  he  was  a  man 
of  quite  glaring  imperfections  and  faults.  I  am 
endeavoring  to  speak  the  exact  truth,  so  I  must  say 
this.  When  he  turned  from  a  life  of  careless  irre- 
ligioii  and  began  to  walk  in  a  better  way,  he  delib- 
erately chose  to  work  among  the  very  poorest  and 
most  uncultivated  people  of  our  mountain  section ; 
and  he  literally  took  his  place  close  beside  them,  and 
made  himself  one  with  them  in  sympathy  and  hab- 
itual association.  He  endeavored  to  enter  into  their 
life  and  sentiments,  to  know  them  inwardly,  and  to 
acquire  their  modes  of  thought,  feeling,  and  expres- 
sion, so  that  he  might  understand  them,  and  that 
they  might  understand  him.  He  did  not  become  all 
things  to  all  men,  because  he  was  not  the  great 
Apostle  whose  mission  was  to  all.  He  remained  by 
preference  in  the  lowest  order  of  the  ministry,  and 
he  made  himself  all  things  to  the  lowly  whom  he 
had  chosen  for  his  own.  And  so  he  did  not  escape 
that  assimilation  (in  some  degree)  to  those  whom  he 
thus  chose  for  his  associates,  which  might  have  been 
anticipated.  To  cultivated  and  refined  sensibilities 
he  at  times  appeared  to  be  rude,  and  coarse,  and 
violent;  and  indeed  he  was  so.  It  was  the  result  of 
his  deliberate  effort  to  enter  into  the  lives  and 
hearts  of  those  to  whom  he  would  fain  carry  the 
Gospel,  'Hhat  by  all  means  he  might  save  some." 
But  he  was  never  flippant,  or  ribald,  or  resentful  of 
any  personal  slight  or  injury,  or  really  irreverent. 


There  was  an  intense  earnestness,  gravity  and  seri- 
ousness in  his  manner,  in  the  deep  tones  of  his  voice, 
and  in  the  rather  ^ad  expression  of  his  dark  eye, 
which  gave  to  his  rudest  and  homeliest  illustrations 
and  arguments,  and  to  his  most  violent  utterances, 
an  honest  reality  and  solemnity  felt  by  all  those  for 
whom  he  spoke.  He  was  not  a  popular  preacher. 
Many,  no  doubt,  who  came  to  scoff  remained  to 
pray.  He  made  powerful  impressions  on  his  hearers. 
But  also  many  went  away  furious  and  raging  with 
resentment.  He  had  his  own  ideas  of  how  best  to 
get  at  the  minds  and  consciences  of  his  hearers. 
And,  deacon  as  he  was,  he  did  not  scruple  on  occa- 
sion to  tell  his  bishop  that  the  sermon  he  (the 
bishop)  had  just  preached  "did  no  more  good  than 
pouring  water  on  a  duck's  back."  And  his  bishop 
is  proud  to  record  the  incident,  although  he  thinks 
it  was  a  pretty  fair  sermon.  He  is  proud  to  have 
had  a  good  and  loyal  and  honest  deacon,  who  could 
thus  speak  to  him  without  the  least  thought  of 
offense  on  either  side.  And,  being  such  as  he  was, 
he  exercised  his  ministry  for  something  like  a  quar- 
ter of  a  century,  and  went  in  and  out  among  the 
people ;  and  certainly  in  the  mountains  of  North 
Carolina  did  a  work  whose  results  are  now  greater 
than  are  seen  or  realized  by  those  who  have  taken 
his  place ;  and  he  did  his  work  in  a  spirit  which 
elicits  this  effort  to  do  honor  to  his  memory. 

Milnor  Jones  was  born  in  Chestertown,  Md.,  No- 
vember 10,  1848.  He  was  the  son  of  the  Rev.  Clem- 
ent Frederick  Jones,  a  native,  I  believe,  of  Philadel- 
phia, who  spent  many  years  of  his  ministry  in  Ches- 
tertown, Maryland,  and  who,  from  1857  until  his 
death  in  1877,  was  a  clergyman  of  South  Carolina, 
residing  near  Glenn  Springs.  The  Rev.  Clement 
Jones  married  in  Chestertown  a  daughter  of  the 


Hon.  Ezekiel  Chambers,  a  member  of  the  United 
States  Senate,  and  an  eminent  member  among  such 
contemporaries  as  Clay,  Calhoun,  Benton,  and  Web- 
ster, and  for  many  years  one  of  the  most  distin- 
guished members  of  the  General  Convention.  Mil- 
nor  Jones  was  educated  in  the  local  schools  of  his 
father's  place  of  residence,  and  in  Washington  Col- 
lege, Chestertown.  He  grew  up  amid  cultivated  and 
refined  surroundings,  and  under  the  best  social  and 
religious  influences.  But  he  had  "a  wild  streak  in 
his  blood,"  as  men  say,  and  grew  up  bold,  reckless, 
and,  to  a  great  extent,  undisciplined.  In  early  man- 
hood he  went  to  Texas,  where  he  lived  for  some 
years,  practiced  law,  and  married.  The  illness  and 
disability  of  his  father  recalled  him  to  some  serious- 
ness of  thought,  and  then  an  accident,  by  which  he 
came  near  losing  his  life,  produced  a  total  change  in 
his  character.  While  riding  a  wild  and  dangerous 
horse,  the  bit  broke,  and  in  consequence  he  lost  con- 
trol of  the  animal,  and  was  thrown  with  such  vio- 
lence to  the  ground  that  for  weeks  he  lay  in  a  help- 
less and  critical  condition.  There  came  upon  him, 
during  the  long  hours  of  this  painful  experience,  a 
deep  sense  of  religious  duty,  together  with  a  very 
solemn  realization  of  the  sin  and  folly  of  his  wasted 
life,  so  that  he  determined,  if  he  should  recover,  to 
devote  his  life  to  the  service  of  God  in  the  ministry. 
Singleness  of  purpose  and  directness  of  thought 
were  his  special  characteristics.  No  sooner  had  he 
regained  his  health  and  strength  than  he  proceeded, 
in  May,  1873,  to  the  University  of  the  South,  at 
Sewanee,  and  began  his  studies  in  preparation  for 
Holy  Orders.  But  he  could  not  wait  for  ordination 
before  beginning  the  work  to  which  he  had  now  de- 
voted himself.  From  the  very  first  he  began  to  seek 
out  those,  anywhere  and  everywhere,  to  whom  he 
might  bring  the  truth  and  power  of  the  Gospel,  and 
he  became  in  eflPect  a  preacher  wherever  he  could 
find  hearers.    The  many  deep  coves  indenting  the 



slopes  of  the  great  Cumberland  plateau,  upon  wliicli 
the  University  of  the  South  is  situated,  inhabited 
by  a  people  who  had  been  for  generations  far  re- 
mote from  the  education  and  culture  of  the  more 
accessible  portions  of  the  country,  afforded  him  a 
boundless  field  for  the  exercise  of  his  missionary 
zeal.  The  clergymen  connected  with  the  University, 
whose  proper  duties  were  manifold  and  onerous, 
found  his  demands  upon  them  for  services  rather 
troublesome.  One  stout  and  florid  instructor,  who, 
having  no  special  pastoral  duties  in  the  institution, 
was  frequently  called  upon  by  him,  never  ceased 
while  he  lived  to  speak,  half  in  complaint  and  more 
than  half  in  admiration,  of  how  "Milnor  Jones  made 
me  almost  walk  my  legs  off,  up  and  down  the  moun- 
tain-sides," to  baptize  the  candidates  whom  his  dili- 
gence and  pertinacity  had  always  in  waiting.  The 
directness  of  his  appeals  and  his  untiring  persist- 
ence, with  the  surprising  success  ensuing,  gave  rise 
to  many  stories  which  are  yet  remembered  and  re- 
peated. His  habitual  absorption  in  the  one  thought 
of  his  religious  work,  and  his  direct  and  homely 
appeals  in  the  most  vigorous  language  he  could  com- 
mand, seemed  often  grotesque  and  humorous  in  con- 
trast with  our  common  careless  and  conventional 
religion ;  and  a  ludicrous  turn  is  given  to  many  of 
the  stories  told  of  him,  then  and  later.  But  there 
was  ncA^er  any  doubt  of  his  sincerity  and  earnest- 
ness, nor  of  the  reality  and  value  of  the  results  of 
his  work. 

While  at  Sewanee,  Bishop  Quintard  appointed 
him  to  work  as  a  lay  missionary  in  the  mining  camp 
at  Tracy  City,  in  Which  Avork  he  was  associated  with 
a  fellow-student,  John  Kershaw,  now  the  distin- 
guished rector  of  St.  Michael's  Church,  Charleston. 
Dr.  Kershaw,  referring  to  that  period,  says:  ''My 
personal  acquaintance  with  him  began  in  1873  or 
1874,  and  soon  ripened  into  warm  friendship.  ]\Iy 


impression  is  that  he  secured  the  money  to  erect  a 
chapel  there  (at  Tracy  City)." 

He  was  ordered  deacon  by  Bishop  Howe,  of  South 
Carolina,  May  14,  1876,  and  spent  some  months 
working  as  city  missionary  in  Charleston.  Dr.  Ker- 
shaw writes:  "In  visiting  the  City  Hospital  and 
Almshouse,  and  elsewhere  in  the  slums  of  the  city, 
he  saw  so  much  misery  and  distress  that,  as  he  told 
me,  he  could  not  endure  it ;  he  thought  it  would 
drive  him  mad  to  stay  and  witness  such  suffering." 
With  the  permission  of  the  bishop,  he  therefore  re- 
turned to  his  father's  house  at  Glenn  Springs,  in 
Spartanburg  District.  For  a  year  or  so  he  did  vol- 
untary missionary  work  in  that  neighborhood,  also 
giving  regular  and  valuable  assistance  to  the  Rev. 
Dr.  McCullough,  the  rector,  in  the  church  on  Sun-' 
days.  He  continued  this  irregular  and  unattached 
work  apparently  some  two  or  three  years,  becoming 
rector  of  the  Church  of  the  Advent,  Spartanburg, 
shortly  before  the  Diocesan  Convention  of  1879. 
Before  becoming  rector  at  Spartanburg,  he  reports 
to  the  Convention:  Baptisms — infants  272,  adults 
38,  of  whom  he  states  that  large  numbers  of  them 
"live  in  places  inaccessible  to  the  services  of  the 

In  those  days  most  of  our  dioceses  and  parishes, 
especially  in  the  South,  were  rather  slow  and  old- 
fashioned  in  their  ideas  and  methods,  and  it  is  no 
disparagement  of  the  Diocese  of  South  Carolina  to 
say  that  its  people  were  eminently  of  this  spirit — 
conservative,  as  we  say.  Milnor  Jones  was  emphat- 
ically not  a  conservative.  He  was  a  fresh  breeze 
from  Texas,  by  way  of  the  Tennessee  mountains  and 
Sewanee,  and  he  must  have  given  many  a  thrill  and 
shock  to  the  social  and  ecclesiastical  proprieties  of 
his  old  diocese,  and  of  Spartanburg  and  Glenn 
Springs,  where  his  father  had  for  so  many  years 
served  after  so  very  different  a  fashion. 

From  the  beginning  of  his  ministry  he  was  much 


interested  in  behalf  of  the  negroes.  South  Carolina 
Churchmen  have  ever,  in  their  way,  been  zealous  in 
religious  work  for  the  negroes;  and  their  way  has 
been  in  many  respects  a  most  admirable  way.  The 
young  deacon  had  no  difficulty  in  enlisting  the  best 
people  of  his  parish  as  workers  in  his  negro  Sunday- 
school,  and  he  had  very  soon  a  house  full  of  little 
black  children,  duly  distributed  into  classes,  and 
assigned  to  earnest  and  competent  teachers.  But  he 
rather  took  their  breath  away  when,  immediately 
upon  beginning  the  school,  he  insisted  on  baptizing 
the  whole  body  of  pupils  (whose  parents  were 
mostly  Baptists),  requiring  the  teachers  to  act  as 
sponsors,  and  doing  this  upon  the  plea  that  the 
children  must  all  be  taught  the  Church  Catechism, 
and  that  in  order  to  be  able  to  say  the  catechism 
they  must  be  baptized,  because  the  very  first  ques- 
tion, after  learning  the  child's  name,  is:  ''Who  gave 
you  this  name?"  and  the  child  must  answer:  "My 
sponsors  in  baptism." 

He  was  equally  interested  in  the  poorer  and  more 
uneducated  white  people  of  the  country,  and  was 
enthusiastic  and  practical  in  his  labors  among  them, 
and  everywhere  and  always  commanded  their  confi- 
dence and  attracted  them  to  the  Church.  In  1879  he 
reports :  Baptisms — infants,  white,  14 ;  colored,  48  ; 
confirmations,  14;  services,  225.  In  1880:  Bap- 
tisms— infants  83,  adults  6 ;  confirmations,  17 ;  ser- 
vices, 200.  He  reports  three  mission  Sunday-schools, 
two  for  whites  and  one  for  negroes  (the  colored 
school  mentioned  above)  in  the  suburbs  of  Spartan- 
burg, and  regular  preaching  appointments  covering 
every  night  in  the  week  in  the  regions  lying  around, 
and  especially  towards  the  mountains. 

This  unexampled  zeal  and  activity,  and  especially 
his  eagerness  to  baptize  all  the  children  upon  whom 
he  eould  lay  his  hands,  made  a  great  impression 
upon  all  who  knew  him.  Unfortunately,  he  had  the 
faults  of  his  peculiar  temperament,  and  was  more 


eager  and  successful  in  winning  the  confidence  and 
securing  the  loyal  attachment  of  his  converts  than 
in  training  and  instructing  them.  As  he  brought  in 
his  recruits  in  unusual  numbers,  and  from  classes 
and  communities  which  had  never  before  been  in 
contact  with  the  Church,  we  may  be  reasonably  sure 
that  they  were  for  the  most  part  without  any  great 
familiarity  with  the  methods  of  worship  in  the 
Church,  and  but  little  qualified  for  the  ordinary 
parochial  routine  of  an  old  and  cultivated  congrega- 
tion. It  was  a  case  of  putting  new  wine  into  old 
bottles,  and  Mr.  Jones's  peculiar  methods  and  ex- 
traordinary activity  and  success  produced  a  some- 
what perplexing  and  embarrassing  situation.  He 
began  to  feel  hampered  by  the  unavoidable  conven- 
tionalities of  his  position.  He  thought  that  he  was 
not  sufficiently  supported  in  his  work.  He  said  that 
the  bishop  was  alarmed  at  the  numbers  he  was 
bringing  into  the  Church,  and  advised  him  "to  go 
slow."  There  was  no  better  man  than  Bishop  Howe 
and  few  wiser  bishops;  and  doubtless  Mr.  Jones 
needed  all  the  advice  and  admonition  given  him. 
But  he  was  constitutionally  unable  to  understand 
such  advice,  and  did  not  at  all  believe  in  "going 
slow."  He  soon  emancipated  himself  from  the 
shackles  of  parochial  administration,  with  its  ves- 
tries and  wardens  and  leading  families  and  local 
traditions  and  formalisms,  and  sought  a  free  range 
and  a  free  hand,  first  in  the  vicinity  of  Spartanburg, 
and  then  in  the  adjacent  mountains  of  North  Caro- 

In  his  report  to  the  Convention  of  1880  he  says 
that  he  has  "Resigned  the  charge  of  the  Church  of 
the  Advent  some  weeks  since,  and  [is]  devoting 
much  time  to  missionary  work,  with  encouraging- 
results.  The  following  are  the  regular  appoint- 
ments, in  addition  to  Sunday  services:  Vicinity  of 
Hog  Back  Mountain,  Monday  nights;  suburbs  of 
Spartanburg  (at  Mrs.  Simons 's),  Tuesday  nights; 


at  County  Almshouse,  Wednesday  afternoons;  at 
Valley  Falls  and  vicinity,  Wednesday  nights;  at 
Bomar  College,  Thursday  nights;  at  Lone  Oak,  Fri- 
day nights."  He  says  he  is  having  parochial  schools 
for  children,  and  that  he  distributes  many  Prayer 
Books  and  tracts. 

At  this  time,  his  father  having  died  in  1877,  he 
was  possessed  of  a  considerable  estate,  and  made 
investments  in  mountain  lands  in  Polk  and  Ruther- 
ford Counties,  North  Carolina.  He  was  an  astonish- 
ingly poor  business  man,  and  it  may  be  said  here^ 
once  for  all,  that  he  very  soon  managed  to  lose  the 
whole  of  his  property,  except  some  invested  funds, 
of  which  he  received  only  the  interest.  Once  and 
again  at  subsequent  periods  of  his  life  the  death  of 
relatives  brought  him  some  considerable  sums  of 
money,  but  he  soon  spent  what  he  had.  His  business 
interests,  however,  after  he  resigned  the  parish  at 
Spartanburg,  brought  him  into  North  Carolina,  and 
wherever  he  came  he  preached.  Becoming  interested 
in  the  people  of  this  primitive  section,  and  finding 
the  free  and  irresponsible  work  of  an  itinerant  mis- 
sionary more  suited  to  his  temperament  and  to  his 
capacities  than  more  regular  work,  he  soon  estab- 
lished his  headquarters  at  Tryon,  in  Polk  County, 
and  gave  up  his  work  in  South  Carolina,  though  his 
family  remained  for  a  year  or  two  longer  in  their 
Spartanburg  home.  In  1881  he  made  his  last  report 
to  the  Convention  of  South  Carolina.  He  says:  "My 
work  for  the  last  twelve  months  has  been  greatly 
blessed.  I  have  preached  at  the  five  places  (appa- 
rently referring  to  the  places  mentioned  in  his  re- 
port of  1880)  generally  weekly,  besides  other  occa- 
sional appointments.  In  addition,  I  have  a  regular 
weekly  appointment  at  Tryoi^  City,*  and  one  at 
Columbus,  N.  C.  Sunday-schools  in  operation  at 
four  points.  I  have  received  no  pay  for  my  services, 
not  having  applied  for  any.  I  have  preached  more 
than  three  hundred  times,  and  am  now  preaching  on 


an  average  of  once  a  day  throughout  the  year.'* 
This  was  the  last  year  of  his  connection  with  the 
Diocese  of  South  Carolina.  The  above  quotation 
shows  that  in  the  spring  of  1881  he  had  made  a  defi- 
nite connection  with  North  Carolina,  and  seems  to 
imply  that  he  had  his  two  Sunday  appointments, 
one  in  Tryon  and  the  other  in  Columbus,  the  county- 
seat  of  Polk  County.  By  1882  he  had  relinquished 
all  his  appointments  in  South  Carolina,  and  in  Au- 
gust, 1882,  he  was  transferred  to  the  Diocese  of 
North  Carolina. 


North  Carolina:  Polk,  Rutherford,  and  Henderson 

While  his  family  remained  in  Spartanburg,  Mr. 
Jones  made  his  usual  abode  in  Tryon  with  Dr.  and 
Mrs.  Cureton,  the  only  Church  family  then  residing 
in  Polk  County,  as  I  am  informed. 

Tryon  is  in  direct  communication  with  Spartan- 
burg, only  27  miles  distant  on  the  railroad,  so  that 
he  could  spend  part  of  each  week  with  his  family. 
It  seems  to  have  been  with  the  beginning  of  his 
work  in  North  Carolina  that  Mr.  Jones  fully  de- 
veloped his  peculiar  and  characteristic  methods.  He 
was  not  at  all  a  pastor ;  he  had  little  or  no  power  of 
administration  or  of  organization.  He  never  aspired 
to  PriestsJ  Orders,  or  felt  any  vocation  that  way. 
He  used  to  say  that  the  Lord  had  sent  him  to  preach 
the  Gospel  and  to  baptize.  He  had  no  desire  for  a 
parish  or  for  a  fixed  field  or  work,  or  even,  so  far  as 
I  could  judge,  for  a  settled  and  permanent  place  of 
abode.  He  liked  to  be  going.  His  field  could  not  be; 
too  large,  nor  his  appointments  too  many. 
wished  to  be  a  pioneer,  and  to  move  on  to  wider- 
fields  when  the  work  which  he  had  begun  had  beert 
organized  and  put  upon  a  regular  course  of  adminis- 
tration. And  he  liked  to  choose  his  own  points  of 
attack.  He  had  his  own  methods,  and  he  chose  un- 
likely places.  One  of  his  first  appointments  in  the 
country  near  Tryon  was  at  a  country  liquor  shop 
and  distillery,  the  most  depraved  locality  in  all  the 
section  around.  There  he  attacked  intemperance 
and  lawlessness  and  other  prevalent  forms  of  immor- 
ality. And  he  kept  it  up  until  he  had  driven  the 
liquor  shop  out  of  business.  He  had  an  eye  and  a 
heart  for  the  picturesque  and  the  romantic.  On  the 
first  Fourth  of  July,  after  he  began  work  in  North 



Carolina,  he  made  an  appointment  for  service  on  the 
cop  of  Tryon  Mountain,  and  preached  there  to  a 
great  gathering  of  the  mountain  people. 

The  county  jail  was  one  of  his  regular  places  of 
visitation,  and  he  made  more  than  one  valued  friend 
among  its  occasional  inmates.  The  prevalent  popu- 
lar opinion  as  to  the  corruption  and  venality  of  the 
local  officials  in  the  administration  of  the  revenue 
laws,  and  the  general  feeling  among  the  uneducated 
mountaineers,  that  a  man  had  a  natural  right  to  do 
as  he  would  with  his  own,  made  many  a  man  in  that 
section  an  offender  against  the  Federal  statutes,  who 
was  by  no  means  a  hardened  or  even  a  conscious 
criminal.  Mr.  Jones  was  uncompromising  in  his 
testimony  against  intemperance  and  against  lawless- 
ness of  all  kinds;  but  he  could  appreciate  the  diffi- 
culties, and  could  understand  the  ignorance,  of  the 
mountain  people,  and  he  had  a  heart  to  pity  all 
kinds  of  suffering,  especially  the  sorrows  of  the  poor 
and  ignorant.  His  kindness  and  sympathy  shown  to 
the  prisoners  in  Polk  County  jail,  in  Columbus, 
opened  many  a  cabin  door  to  him,  and  many  a 
friendly  heart.  He  soon  made  himself  known  and 
his  influence  felt  throughout  the  county  and  in  the 
adjoining  counties  of  Henderson  on  one  side  and 
Rutherford  on  the  other.  He  was  constantly  in  the 
saddle,  traversing  the  country  and  visiting  the  people 
in  their  homes  in  the  valleys  and  on  the  mountain- 

At  this  period  his  preaching  was  chiefly  directed 
against  drunkenness,  lawlessness,  and  the  common 
forms  of  open  vice  prevalent  among  uneducated, 
scattered  and  uncultivated  people,  where  the  young 
and  ignorant  are  without  the  protection  of  strong 
public  opinion  and  the  safeguards  of  cultivated 
social  order.  But  his  devotion  to  children,  and  his 
desire  to  gather  them  all  into  Sunday-schools,  and, 
above  all,  his  efforts  to  bring  them  all  to  holy  bap- 


tism,  soon  brought  him  into  conflict  and  controversy 
with  the  Baptists,  and  he  gradually  developed  a 
skill  and  a  power  as  a  controversial  preacher,  which 
greatly  extended  his  reputation,  but  was  eventually 
a  great  hindrance  to  his  usefulness.  Dr.  Kershaw 
says  of  him  in  this  connection:  "He  had  a  mind  of 
extraordinary  quickness  of  perception,  a  fine  mem- 
ory, a  vocabulary  of  wide  range,  and  wonderful 
energy,  dauntless  courage,  and  a  personality  of  great 
strength  and  influence.  His  legal  training  made  him 
a  special  pleader  of  much  power.  He  knew  his  Bible 
from  cover  to  cover,  and  while  his  heart  was  kind- 
ness itself,  he  loved  controversy."  Perhaps  his  most 
admirable  quality  as  a  controversialist  was  an  im- 
perturbable temper  and  a  perfect  freedom  from  sen- 
sitiveness or  resentment  for  anything  done  or  said 
against  himself;  with  an  admirable  turn  of  humor, 
which  never  failed  to  seize  and  utilize,  to  the  full, 
any  opening  by  which  his  opponent  might  be  placed 
in  an  absurd  or  ludicrous  position,  and  driven  from 
the  field  by  ridicule  or  sarcasm.  Therefore,  to  me, 
he  never  seemed  a  very  fair  controversialist.  He 
was  wonderfully  effective,  and  his  own  feeling  was 
that  he  was  maintaining  the  truth,  and  if  any  con- 
tumacious opposer  of  the  truth  obstructed  his  path, 
he  would  get  rid  of  him  and  put  him  out  of  his  way, 
by  the  readiest  method  he  could  find,  so  that  his 
work  might  not  be  hindered.  Whether  the  argu- 
ment was  sound  and  to  the  point,  or  whether  it  was 
only  such  as  would  demolish  his  adversary,  did  not 
seem  to  him  very  material,  so  he  got  rid  of  the  ad- 
versary. He  did  not  argue  to  get  at  the  truth.  He 
already  had  the  truth,  and  his  argument  with  an 
opponent  was  simply  to  shut  the  opponent's  mouth 
and  dispose  of  him,  that  he  might  go  on  with  his 
work.  Not  but  what  his  positions  were  usually  well 
taken,  his  arguments  sound,  and  his  reasoning  accu- 
rate— only  he  did  not  seem  to  look  upon  controversy 


as  a  means  of  discovering  or  displaying  the  truth 
but  as  a  means  of  getting  rid  of  a  nuisance  in  the 
form  of  an  opposer  of  the  truth.  He  was  absolutely 
loyal  and  devoted  to  the  Church,  with  a  love  and 
devotion  beyond  what  he  felt  for  anything  else  on 
earth;  and  his  utter  dedication  and  consecration  to 
his  work  was  such  as  is  seldom  seen.  He  had  no 
other  thought  or  desire  or  purpose  but  of  doing  the 
work  to  which  he  was  called;  and  any  reflection 
upon  the  Church  seemed  to  him  an  outrage  against 
his  Master  and  the  Head  of  the  Church,  which  it  was 
his  duty  to  repel  and  denounce.  I  never  observed 
in  him  any  resentment  or  feeling  of  anger  for  any 
injurious  charge  or  allegation  concerning  himself, 
though  at  times  he  experienced  undeserved  con- 
tumely and  reproach.  He  felt  the  sting  of  such 
treatment,  but  seemed  absolutely  without  the  least 
feeling  of  resentment,  or  the  most  distant  approach 
to  any  inclination  to  anger.  But  let  any  man  speak 
reproachfully  of  the  Church  or  of  its  ways,  and  the 
lightning  was  hardly  more  instantaneous  and  over- 
whelming than  his  indignant  retort.  I  knew  him 
-  intimatety,  and  I  never  knew  a  man  more  free  from 
I  ill  will  towards  all  men  or  towards  any  man.  And 
yet  the  violence  of  his  language,  in  repelling  any 
attack  or  reproach  directed  against  the  Church,  its 
teaching,  or  its  institutions,  was  beyond  anything  of 
the  kind  I  have  ever  known  in  other  men;  and  I 
more  than  once  reproved  him  and  endeavored  to 
mitigate  his  strong  feeling. 

But  I  am  anticipating.  At  the  time  of  his  ministry 
ill  Polk  and  the  adjacent  counties,  I  think  he  had  not 
developed  into  so  ardent  a  controversialist,  but  was 
mostly  engaged  in  fighting  the  wickedness,  ignor- 
ance, and  indifference  which  he  found  all  about  him, 
with  an  occasional  diversion  on  the  subject  of  im- 
mersion and  infant  baptism. 

It  was  in  1883  that  he  first  attended  a  Diocesan 


Convention  in  North  Carolina.  That  convention  met 
in  St.  Peter's  Church,  Charlotte,  of  which  I  was  then 
rector,  and  it  was  there  I  first  met  him.  The  Sunday 
after  adjournment,  the  bishop  held  an  ordination  in 
the  church  and  asked  that  the  offerings  should  be 
given  towards  the  church  building  which  Mr.  Jones 
had  begun  at  Tryon.  The  offering  amounted  to  one 
hundred  dollars,  and  Bishop  Lyman  asked  me  to 
carry  it  to  Mr.  Jones,  instead  of  sending  it ;  and  said 
he  hoped  I  would  spend  a  day  or  two  with  him  and 
acquaint  myself  with  his  work. 

I  shall  never  forget  the  day  spent  in  riding  in  his 
company  along  the  valleys  and  up  and  down  the 
steep  bridle-paths  of  Polk  County,  visiting  his  peo- 
ple and  talking  with  them  and  with  him.  He  was 
everywhere  received  with  the  most  unstudied  but 
unmistakable  manifestations  of  friendly  confidence 
and  affection.  Whether  it  was  a  company  of  men 
working  the  county  road,  or  a  mother  and  her  little 
ones  in  a  lonely  log  cabin  on  the  mountain-side,  or  a 
father  with  his  family  of  stalwart  sons  just  in  from 
the  field  to  eat  their  midday  meal — all  equally  wel- 
comed him,  and  put  aside  for  the  moment  their  press- 
ing employments  for  a  word  and  a  smile.  And  his 
word,  first  or  last,  had  always  a  lesson  or  an  exhor- 
tation or  an  earnest  inquiry  in  the  line  of  his  great* 
work;  and  it  was  always  received  and  answered  in 
a  way  to  show  that  they  were  accustomed  to  it  from 
him,  and  were  not  wholly  unresponsive ;  or  it  may 
be  that  his  word  was  a  solemn  and  weighty  reproof 
or  warning  or  rebuke ;  and  then  he  was  always  plain 
and  emphatic,  and  not  to  be  misunderstood.  Tn  fact, 
in  one  such  case  his  reproof  included  such  "damna- 
tory clauses"  that  after  leaving  the  house  I  ven- 
tured a  gentle  remonstrance,  and  was  assured  in 
reply  that  he  understood  what  he  was  about,  and 
that  I  did  not.  And  then  he  proceeded  to  unfold 
the  situation  with  such  illustrations  of  my  ignorance 


and  of  his  better  knowledge,  that  I  ventured  upon 
no  further  remonstrances. 

On  this  ride  I  saw  for  the  first  time  the  beautiful 
yellow  azalea  of  our  mountains,  coming  suddenly 
upon  a  specimen  some  ten  or  twelve  feet  high,  in  the 
full  glow  of  its  blazing  yellow  splendor,  and  for  an 
instant  thinking  that  I  saw  Moses'  burning  bush 

All  during  the  day,  as  we  rode  along,  I  noticed 
that  every  little  while  he  would  take  from  his  pocket 
a  dilapidated  little  book,  open  it  at  random,  seem- 
ingly, read  a  few  lines,  and  return  it  to  his  pocket. 
After  a  while,  I  ventured  to  ask  him  what  it  was  he 
was  reading.  He  handed  it  to  me,  saying  that  he 
valued  it  above  every  other  possession,  as  it  had 
been  for  many  years  carried  and  used  by  his  father. 
I  do  not  remember  the  title  of  the  book,  but  Dr. 
DuBose,  of  Sewanee,  remembers  that  when  a  student 

)  in  the  theological  department  Milnor  Jones  had  a 
book  of  this  kind,  which  he  carried  and  used  con- 
stantly, called  ''The  Blood  That  Cleanses."  My 
recollection  is  that  it  was  a  collection  of  Scripture 
texts,  arranged  topically,  under  appropriate  head- 

(  ings,  as  Faith,  Repentance,  Love,  Hope,  and  the  like. 
It  was  very  much  worn,  the  corners  all  rounded  off, 
so  that  it  was  almost  of  an  oval  form,  and  the  bind- 
ing at  the  back  entirely  gone.  It  was  an  hour  or 
two  after  dark  before  we  returned  to  Dr.  Cureton's 
house  in  Tryon,  where  we  were  to  spend  the  night. 

V  Yet,  after  it  had  for  some  time  been  too  dark  to  dis- 
tinguish a  letter,  I  observed  him  take  the  little  book 
from  his  pocket  at  intervals,  as  he  had  done  all  dur- 
ing the  day,  open  it,  and  seem  to  read  for  a  moment, 
and  then  put  it  up.  This  often  came  to  my  mind  in 
after  days.  Though  eminently  intelligent  and  strong- 
minded,  there  was  always  something  about  him 
which  I  did  not  understand;  and  in  his  latter  years 
he  somehow  lost  all  power  of  useful  or  continuous 



mental  exertion.  Some  thought  this  the  result  of 
the  accident  in  his  early  manhood,  which  has  been 
mentioned,  and  that  injury  may  have  had  some  per- 
manent effect,  becoming'  more  marked  as  his  age  ad- 
vanced. But  it  is  to  be  remembered  that  there  were 
several  cases  of  mental  weakness  and  disorder  in  his 
immediate  family  connection.  Doubtless  these  things 
must  be  taken  into  consideration  when  we  remem- 
ber his  extravagance  of  language  and  other  unusual 
manifestations  in  his  character  and  work.  He  could 
not  be  colorless  or  commonplace  in  word  or  in  con- 

It  is  difficult  to  estimate  the  extent  of  his  work  or 
the  number  of  his  appointments.  His  reports,  printed 
in  the  Convention  Journals,  are  meager  and  without 
details.  In  1883,  in  his  first  report  in  the  Diocese  of 
North  Carolina,  he  names  nine  places  where  he  had 
''regular  appointments,"  and  the  list  omits  any  men- 
tion of  Columbus,  though  he  says  that  he  had  leased 
the  court-house  there  and  was  carrying  on  a  day- 
school  in  it,  with  two  teachers.  He  reports :  Bap- 
tisms— ^infant  112,  adult  41,  of  whom  several  were 
over  seventy  years  of  age,  and  one  more  than  a  hun- 
dred. There  had  been  16  confirmations,  4  Sunday- 
schools,  with  12  teachers  and  100  children ;  a  log 
church  had  been  built  at  the  ''Cross  Roads."  His 
regular  preaching  stations  were:  Tryon,  Mills' 
Spring,  The  Cross  Roads,  Huggins'  School-House, 
Riverside,  Green  River  Cove,  The  Ridge,  Weston's 
Sawmill,  and  Brudgman's  School-House.  He  had 
preached  occasionally  at  other  places  "tedious  to 
enumerate,"  including  "The  Block-House  Distil- 
lery" and  the  "summit  of  Tryon  Mountain."  These 
names  seem  to  indicate  that  he  had  already  begun 
to  overflow  into  Rutherford  and  Henderson.  In 
1884  he  reports :  Baptisms — infant  148,  adult  52 ; 
confirmations  33.  This  year  several  names  of  places 
drop  out  and  new  ones  appear.    He  seems  to  have 



abandoned  Tryon,  haying  finished  the  church  and 
made  things  ready  for  more  regular  ministrations, 
and  we  now  find  Re  vis's  School-House,  Lyda's,  Bat 
Cave,  Aikens,  etc.,  with  one  church  and  one  chapel. 

In  1885  he  adds  "Whitesides,  Seagles,  etc.,  etc.," 
with  baptists — infant  39,  adult  18 ;  confirmations  67 ; 
"entered  the  Church  from  the  sects,  42."  He  men- 
tioned that  there  is  now  a  clergyman  at  Tryon. 

His  incessant  labors,  habitual  hardships  and  dis- 
comforts, not  to  be  understood  except  by  one  ac- 
quainted with  the  life  in  our  mountains  at  that  time, 
together  with  his  own  utter  recklessness  of  all  con- 
siderations of  personal  ease,  comfort  or  welfare,  had 
begun  to  tell  very  seriously  upon  his  health,  and  it 
may  be  said  that  from  this  time  he  was  never  a 
really  sound  man  again.* 

In  1886  he  says  that  his  "health  is  not  yet  re- 
stored." He  reports:  Baptisms — infant  21,  adult 
10;  confirmations  27;  "a  log  church  for  the  colored 
people  has  been  built  near  Tryon." 

In  1887  he  reports:  "My  health  has  been  such 
that  I  have  performed  any  duties  with  difficulty." 
Baptisms — infant  10,  adult  5 ;  confirmations  15. 

In  1888  others  have  succeeded  him  in  most  of  his 
former  missions,  and  he  adds  new  names  —  Blue 
House  Church,  Gilreath's,  Thompson  School-House. 
Baptisms — infant  39,  adult  9 ;  confirmations  22. 

In  1889:  Baptisms — infant  14,  adult  10.  "Log 
church  erected  at  Arlege's,  and  church  begun  at 

In  1890  there  is  a  new  name — St.  Paul's — proba- 
bly a  church  of  that  name  at  one  of  the  points  for- 
merly occupied.   Baptisms — infant  24,  adult  4;  con- 

*  During  this  period  a  serious  affection  of  the  bladder,  caused  by  cold 
and  exposure,  and  the  impossibility'  of  securing  medical  attention  when 
most  needed,  coupled  with  the  unskillfulness  of  an  inexperienced  jsracti- 
tioner,  who  endeavored  to  treat  him,  produced  physical  results  from 
which  he  never  after  recovered,  and  which  occasioned  at  times  gres  ; 
inconvenience  and  intense  suffering. 


firmations  14.  Public  services  —  on  Sundays  125, 
other  days  75. 

His  name  disappears  from  the  Diocesan  Journals 
after  1890.  Bishop  Lyman,  in  his  address  to  the 
Convention  of  1892,  says  he  had  given  him  letters 
dimissory  to  Oregon. 

Meager  as  these  reports  are,  they  indicate  a  life 
of  extraordinary  activity,  devotion,  and  efl'oiency. 
It  is  safe  to  say  that  no  clergyman  of  the  Church  has 
ever  made  such  an  impression  upon  the  people  of 
those  counties,  or  ever  brought  such  numbers  of 
them  into  the  Church.  It  is  now  nearly  thirty  years 
since  he  left  that  field,  and  his  memory  is  still  cher- 
ished among  many  of  the  old  men  and  women  who 
knew  him.  As  Mr.  Charles  Pearson,  of  Tryon,  one 
of  the  most  intelligent  and  highly  esteemed  citizens 
of  Polk  County,  said  to  me  in  1894:  "Mr.  Jones 
changed  the  lives  of  a  great  many  persons  in  Polk 

In  1898,  walking  in  the  neighborhood  of  Flat 
Rock,  in  Henderson  County,  with  the  Rev.  Robert 
M.  W.^  Black,  and  speaking  of  the  work  of  Milnor 
Jones  in  that  section,  we  saw  a  country  woman 
washing  at  a  spring.  I  said  to  Mr.  Black:  "You 
may  think  I  overestimate  the  impression  made  by 
Mr.  Jones  on  the  plain  people  of  the  country.  I  will 
mention  his  name  to  that  woman,  and  let  her  reply, 
approve  or  discredit  my  account. ' '  Approaching  the 
woman,  we  entered  into  conversation  with  her. 
Presently,  I  said  to  her:  "Did  you  ever  hear  of  an 
Episcopal  minister  in  this  country  by  the  name  of 
Milnor  Jones?"  She  looked  up  from  her  work  with 
a  bright  expression  of  interest,  and  replied:  "Oh, 
yes,  sir ;  I  knew  him  well.  He  baptized  all  my  broth- 
ers.   Can  you  tell  me  where  he  is?" 

I  do  not  remember  whether  it  was  from  Mr.  Jones 
himself  or  from  the  Rev.  William  B.  Barrow,  that  T 
received  the  following  account  of  his  first  acquaint- 



ance  with  the  Seagle  family  in  Henderson  County, 
who  became  loyal  Churchmen  and  his  faitliful  and 
helpful  friends.  Mr.  Philip  C.  Seag'le,  a  brave  Con- 
federate soldier,  who  had  lost  a  leg  in  the  war,  had 
removed  to  Henderson  County  from  the  country 
about  the  Catawba.   He  was  of  German  descent  and 

,  had  been  brought  up  a  Lutheran,  with  a  good  Lu- 
theran's reverence  for  the  sacraments,  and  dislike 
of  revival  methods  and  emotional  extravagance.  In 
Henderson  County  he  had  found  no  Lutherans,  and 
with  his  family  had  held  aloof  from  the  neighboring 
Baptists  and  Methodists.  On  this  account,  his  neigh- 
bors considered  the  Seagles  as  little  better  than  un- 
believers, and  Mr.  Jones  was  told  that  they  were  a 
family  of  infidels,  or  "in-fiddles,"  as  his  rustic  in- 
formant pronounced  the  word.  He  proceeded  at  once 
to  encounter  this  stronghold  of  irreligion,  and  was 
much  surprised  to  find  in  Mr.  Seagle  a  man  of  strong 
character  and  of  earnest  religious  convictions.  He 
was  warmly  welcomed  by  all  the  family,  and  found 
a  ready  response  to  his  appeals,  and  a  soil  prepared 
for  his  sowing.    Mr.  Seagle  was  glad  of  an  oppor- 

_  tunity  of  Christian  fellowship  and  worship  upon 
I  terms  which  appealed  to  his  mind  and  conscience, 
and  gave  their  due  place  and  importance  to  the  sac- 
raments. The  whole  family  came  into  the  Church, 
and  there  sprang  up  an  affectionate  relationship  be- 
tween them  which  ended  only  with  his  death.  There 
were  six  sons  and  two  daughters  in  the  Seagle  fam- 
ily. Upon  leaving  them  to  go  on  to  other  parts  of 
his  field,  Mr.  Jones  said  to  Mr.  Seagle:  "Here  you 
have  six  fine  boys.  I  cannot  help  feeling  that  you 
owe  one  of  them  to  the  Lord  for  the  work  of  the 
ministry.  I  am  going  away  now,  but  I  will  come 
back  and  visit  you  again  by  such  a  date.  Now,  jon 
and  the  boys  think  this  matter  over,  and  talk  it  over 
among  yourselves,  and  ask  God's  guidance,  so  that 
when  I  return  you  may  tell  me  which  of  these  hoys 


God  wants  for  His  work  in  the  ministry."  In  due 
course  of  time  he  came  again,  and  asked  the  father 
and  the  boys  if  they  had  remembered  what  he  had 
said  to  them,  and  if  they  were  prepared  to  give  him 
an  answer.  Mr.  Seagle  replied  that  he  and  the  boys 
had  talked  it  over  and  had  looked  for  God's  guid- 
ance, and  had  come  to  a  decision.  "Here  is  Na- 
than," he  said.  "He  is  the  oldest.  He  has  had  more 
schooling  than  the  others.  He  has  a  first-grade  cer- 
tificate as  a  teacher  in  the  public  schools.  And 
Nathan  says  that  he  is  willing  to  give  himself  to  the 
ministry  if  he  is  thought  to  be  worthy."  So  Mr. 
Jones  sent  Nathan  over  to  Asheville,  to  study  under 
the  Rev.  Dr.  Buel  until  he  was  prepared  to  enter  the 
General  Theological  Seminary.  The  Rev.  Nathan  A. 
Seagle  is  now  the  rector  of  an  important  parish  in 
New  York  City.  Later,  a  younger  brother,  John, 
also  entered  the  ministry.  And  with  Nathan  Seagle 
Mr.  Jones  sent  another  Henderson  County  boy  to 
Dr.  Buel — George  Y.  Gilreath,  who  also  went  to  the 
General  Seminary,  and  was  ordained  to  the  ministry. 

The  late  Dr.  John  D.  McCullough,  of  Walhalla, 
S.  C,  Milnor  Jones's  old  rector  at  Glenn  Springs, 
spending  the  summer  at  Saluda,  near  Tryon,  and 
hearing  of  his  work  in  the  country  among  the  poor- 
est and  most  ignorant  of  the  people,  had  a  desire  to 
observe  his  method  of  interesting  them.  He  went, 
therefore,  to  a  country  school-house,  where  he  heard 
Mr.  Jones  was  to  preach,  and  before  the  congrega- 
tion began  to  assemble,  took  a  seat  in  the  most  ob- 
scure corner.  Soon  after  dusk,  the  house  had  pretty 
well  filled  up  with  people  from  the  neighborhood, 
and  Mr.  Jones  came  in.  He  wore  a  long  sack  coat. 
From  one  pocket  he  took  a  candle,  which  he  lighted 
and  fixed  upon  the  end  of  a  projecting  log  in  the 
wall;  from  another  pocket  he  took  out  his  Bible  and 
began  his  simple  service  of  reading  and  prayer  be- 
fore he  preached.    No  man  set  a  higher  value  upon 



the  Prayer  Book  than  Milnor  Jones,  and  in  all  my 
experience  I  have  known  no  man  who  had  more 
widely  distributed  Prayer  Books  among  the  people 
than  he  had.  Indeed,  I  believe  I  have  known  no 
man  who  had  distributed  one-half  so  many  as  he 
had.  But  there  was  a  reality  about  his  purpose  of 
getting  at  the  hearts  and  consciences  of  his  hearers 
which  saved  him  from  the  folly  of  making  the  Prayer 
Book  a  hindrance  where  he  knew  it  could  not  be  a 

It  must  have  appeared,  from  what  has  so  far  been 
said,  that,  though  a  man  of  extraordinary  effective- 
ness within  his  sphere,  his  sphere  was  distinctly  a 
very  limited  one.  In  a  few  years  he  would  for  the 
time  exhaust  his  physical  strength  by  his  unremit- 
ting labors,  and  in  a  somewhat  similar  way  he  would 
exhaust  his  spiritual  and  intellectual  resources.  "He 
came  to  the  end  of  his  rope,"  to  use  a  common 
phrase.  And  he  was  not  unconscious  of  this  him- 
self. He  had  baptized  nearly  six  hundred  persons, 
old  and  young,  during  his  ministry  in  this  section, 
and  had  presented  nearly  two  hundred  for  confirma- 
tion. He  had  built  several  churches,  and  had  laid 
wider  foundations  than  his  successors  have  yet  been 
able  to  build  upon;  but  he  was  much  broken  in 
health  and  had  become  afflicted  with  a  painful  and 
distressing  physical  infirmity.  He  went  from  North 
Carolina  to  Oregon  in  1891,  and  I  saw  and  heard 
nothing  more  of  him  for  several  years. 


In  North  Carolina  Again:  Watauga,  Mitchell,  and 
Ashe  Counties. 

Ruins  of  Valle  Crucis  Abbey,  Wales  (West  Front) . 

When  upon  the  death  of  Bishop  Lyman,  Decem- 
ber 13,  1893,  I  became  Bishop  of  the  Diocese,  one  of 
my  first  thoughts  was  to  endeavor  to  restore  the  old 
Mission  of  Valle  Crucis;  to  regain  the  site  hallowed 


by  so  many  pious  and  noble  associations ;  and  to 
revive  along  the  Wataugu  River  the  old  interest  in 
the  work  and  worship  of  the  Church.  It  seemed  to 
me  that  Milnor  Jones  was  the  man  who  could  do 
this.  He  was  then  in  distant  Oregon — I  knew  not 
exactly  where.  By  January,  1894,  I  had  learned  his 
post-office  address,  and  I  at  once  wrote  and  asked  if 
he  would  not  come  back  to  this  diocese.  I  was  much 
gratified  by  his  reply.  He  wrote:  "When  I  read  in 
the  papers  that  you  had  been  elected  Bishop,  my 
heart  turned  back  to  North  Carolina."  Unfortu- 
nately, however,  he  had,  only  the  day  before  the 
receipt  of  my  letter,  accepted  an  offer  made  by 
Bishop  Gailor,  and  had  promised  to  go  to  Harriman, 
Tennessee.  In  August,  1894,  having  obtained  Bishop 
Gailor 's  generous  consent,  I  wrote  to  him  at  Harri- 
man, saying  that  Bishop  Gailor  had  no  objection  to 
his  coming  to  me,  if  he  desired  to  do  so.  His  reply 
was,  in  substance,  and  so  far  as  I  can  remember,  in 
these  words:  "Where  do  you  want  me  to  go?  What 
do  you  w4sh  me  to  do?  And  what  salary  will  you 
give  ?  ^iot  that  the  amount  of  the  salary  makes  any 
difference ;  I  only  wish  to  know  just  what  I  have  to 
go  on."  I  replied  as  explicitly:  "I  want  you  to  go 
to  Valle  Crucis,  on  the  Watauga  River.  I  want  you 
to  revive  the  old  Valle  Crucis  Mission,  as  your  spe- 
cial work;  and  I  give  you  for  your  field  of  opera- 
tions Watauga,  Mitchell,  and  Ashe  Counties,  to  do 
what  you  can  in  them.  I  will  give  you  six  hundred 
dollars  a  year,  payable  monthly."  Within  a  couple 
of  weeks  he  was  on  the  Watauga,  had  fitted  himself 
out  with  a  horse,  saddle,  bridle,  and  saddle-bags,  and 
had  begun  his  campaign,  leaving  his  wife  and  chil- 
dren to  follow  at  their  convenience.  A  little  later 
he  established  them  at  Elk  Park,  on  the  northern 
border  of  Mitchell  County,  practically  midway  be- 
tween the  two  extremes  of  his  work.  Beaver  Creek 
and  N^ew  River,  in  Ashe  County,  on  the  north,  and 



Bakersville,  the  county  town  of  Mitchell  County,  on 
the  south.  His  own  headquarters  he  established  at 
Valle  Crucis,  on  the  Watauga  River,  having  a  room 
for  his  few  possessions  at  the  house  of  Sheriff  David 
Beard,  but  spending-  his  time  where  his  work  called 

Valle  Crucis  proper,  the  site  of  the  old  mission  so 
named  by  Bishop  Ives,  is  about  a  mile  distant  from 
the  Watauga  River,  on  Dutch  Creek.  The  beautiful 
valley  of  this  stream  is  at  nearly  the  same  point 
entered  by  two  smaller  valleys,  at  right  angles  to 
the  course  of  Dutch  Creek,  Crab  Orchard  Creek 
coming  in  from  the  north,  and  Clark's  Creek  from 
the  south,  thus  forming  the  cross  valley  of  beautiful 
green  meadows  and  cornfields,  which  doubtless  sug- 
gested to  Bishop  Ives  the  name,  Valle  Crucis.  The 
old  Welsh  Abbey  of  Valle  Crucis,  from  which  he 
took  the  name,  has,  however,  no  such  topographical 
situation,  so  far  as  I  could  see  when  I  visited  it  a 
few  years  ago.  When  Milnor  Jones  undertook  to 
revive  the  old  Valle  Crucis  Mission,  only  one  or  two 
of  the  old  buildings  remained,  and  they  were  owned 
and  occupied  for  residence  and  farming  purposes. 



Old  building  of  Bishop  Ives's  time. 

Only  one  communicant  of  the  church,  so  far  as  I 
remember,  remained  in  that  part  of  the  county, 
James  Thomas,  who  lived  some  four  or  five  miles 
down  the  river,  near  St.  John's  Church.  Over  at 
Boone,  the  county  town  of  Watauga,  there  was  a 
small  church,  but  the  family  of  Dr.  William  B. 
Council  were  the  only  representatives  of  the  church 
in  the  place.  On  the  southeastern  border  of  the 
county,  Blowing  Rock  had  recently  become  quite  a 
village  of  summer  visitors,  and  those  who  ministered 
to  the  necessities  and  convenience  of  the  summer 
visitors.  A  church  had  been  built  there,  and  a  small 
congregation  had  been  formed,  but  that  meant  little 
or  nothing  for  any  church  work  or  influence  among 
the  people  of  the  country.  Regular  services  were 
not  maintained  in  an}^  one  of  these  three  churches, 
and  there  had  not  been  a  resident  minister  of  the 
Church  in  Watauga  County  since  the  death  of  the 
Rev.  William  West  Skiles  in  1862.    Blowing  Rock 



and  Boone  may  be  left  out  of  the  account  in  consid- 
ering Milnor  Jones  and  his  work.  He  had  a  few 
services  at  each  place,  but  really  devoted  no  time  or 
attention  to  them.  He  had  his  ow^n  ideas  of  what  he 
wanted  to  do,  and  with  a  man  of  his  peculiar  charac- 
ter it  is  best  to  let  him  "have  his  head." 

He  had  now  a  field  of  work  which  exactly  suited 
his  peculiar  qualities.  From  one  end  to  the  other  of 
the  three  counties,  in  a  northeasterly  and  south- 
westerly course,  the  distance  is  something  like 
seventy  or  eighty  miles,  with  only  the  ordinary 
mountain  roads  connecting  his  distant  stations.  He 
had  not  a  single  church  or  chapel  for  his  services, 
St.  John's  Church  on  the  Watauga,  and  St.  Luke's 
at  Boone,  being  both  outside  the  scheme  of  work  he 
had  laid  out  for  himself,  although  he  had  periodical 
services  in  both  for  the  people  of  the  neighborliood. 
His  special  work  was  to  revive  Valle  Crucis  as  a  cen- 
ter of  church  work  and  influence.  He  felt  that  he  . 
should  concentrate  on  that  point,  and  neither  St. 
John's  nor  St.  Luke's  seemed  to  afford  any  favor- 
able prospect  of  growth.  He,  therefore,  preached 
from  house  to  house,  and  appointed  Sunday  and 
week-day  meetings  at  all  places  of  public  gathering, 
school-houses,  mills,  country  stores,  and  at  "free 
churches."  He  made  friends  of  all  who  would  re- 
ceive him  in  a  friendly  spirit,  and  he  and  his  big  bay 
horse,  John,  soon  became  familiar  acquaintances 
throughout  the  three  counties.  He  had  a  wonderful 
talent  for  friendship,  and  for  knowing  everybody. 
He  never  seemed  at  all  disposed  to  gossip.  His  com- 
mon talk  seldom  strayed  far  or  long  from  religious 
subjects,  and  as  a  rule,  unless  he  had  some  definite 
purpose  requiring  a  different  course,  he  was  most 
discreet  and  tactful  in  social  intercourse.  But  among 
uneducated  people,  and  in  thinly  settled  sections, 
personal  happenings  and  experiences,  and  family 
histories,  form  a  large  part  of  the  day 's  talk.  He 



liad  a  wonderful  faculty  for  remembering  what  he 
heard,  and  for  knowing"  everything  about  every- 
body; and  he  seemed  to  be  able  to  lay  the  hand  of 
his  influence  upon  whole  sections  of  the  community, 
upon  this  and  that  family  connection,  and  to  attach 
them  to  him,  and  to  the  Church,  with  a  loyalty  which 
is  most  unusual.  He  could  somehow  stimulate  and 
impress  the  popular  imagination,  and  represent  the 
Church  to  the  popular  mind  in  a  way  which,  while 
often  deeply  offending  those  whom  he  did  not  con- 
vince, at  the  same  time  drew  with  ardent  attach- 
ment the  minds  and  hearts  of  many.  I  have  never 
known  any  man  who  had  sucli  success  as  he  had  in 
making  loyal  and  ardent  Churchmen  of  uneducated 
persons  wholly  unfamiliar  with  our  teaching  or 
methods  of  worship.  This  was  wonderfully  illus- 
trated by  his  first  year's  work  in  AVatauga  and 
Hotchell  Counties. 

In  April,  1895,  he  wrote  that  he  desired  to  have  a 
visitation  from  me  to  his  Valle  Crucis  work,  and  also 
to  Bakersville,  as  early  in  the  summer  as  would  be 
convenient  for  me,  as  he  had  a  number  of  candidates 
for  Confirmation  in  both  missions.  To  the  Conven- 
tion of  May,  1895,  he  reported:  Baptisms — infant  19, 
adult  4.  He  reports  two  Confirmations,  but  they  had 
been  performed  before  he  had  entered  the  field.  He 
reports  services  at  "Valle  Crucis,  Boone,  Blowing 
Rock,  Dutch  Creek,  Clark's  Creek,  Grandfather 
Mountain,  Banner's  Elk,  Elk  Park,  Yellow  Moun- 
tain, Bakersville,  Phillip's  School-House,  Dresden, 
Willow  Grove,  Sutherland,  and  other  places." 

June  18th,  I  proceeded  to  Blowing  Rock,  where 
Mr.  Jones  met  me.  I  think  I  can  not  better  describe 
his  work  than  by  giving  an  account  of  my  first  visi- 
tation to  his  scattered  missions.  His  own  horse,  with 
another  which  he  had  hired,  were  hitched  to  a  strong 
buggy,  and  in  it  we  made  the  trip  from  Blowing 
Rock.    His  baggage,  including  his  surplice,  was  all 



contained  in  a  pair  of  saddle-bags.  A  suit-case  and 
small  handbag-  held  all  that  I  could  take.  We  had 
service  in  the  church  at  Blowing  Rock,  Wednesday, 
June  19th.  The  next  day  we  drove  over  to  Boone, 
and  had  service  Thursday  night  in  St.  Luke's 
Church.  These  were  merely  preliminary  skirmishes. 
The  real  campaign  was  yet  to  begin. 

Friday  morning,  June  21st,  we  drove  from  Dr. 
Councill's,  in  Boone,  to  "Bill  Holler's  Mill,"  on  Lau- 
rel Fork  of  Watauga  River,  three  or  four  miles 
above  Valle  Crucis.     This  had  been  one  of  Mr. 



Jones's  regular  stations,  and  here  we  found  a  large 
congregation  awaiting  us.  Many  of  the  people  could 
not  read  well  enough  to  take  part  in  a  Prayer  Book 
service,  and  we  had  few  books.  We  had  a  short  ser- 
vice, with  hymns,  reading  the  Bible,  the  Creed,  and 
prayers;  then  a  sermon  and  Confirmation.  The 
miller  and  his  wife,  several  of  their  children,  and  a 
number  of  their  neighbors,  fourteen  in  all,  including 
four  married  couples,  kneeling  on  the  ground — the 
service,  of  course,  had  to  be  out-of-doors — received 
the  Laying  on  of  Hands.  After  the  service,  the  hos- 
pitable miller  asked  us  all  to  dine  with  him,  and  a 
large  number  accepted  his  generous  invitation.  He 
was  a  poor  man,  with  only  his  grist-mill  and  a  little 
mountain  farm,  but  he  gave  us  bread  and  potatoes, 
and  butter  and  milk,  and  then  rhubarb  pie  sweet- 
ened with  honey,  and  the  wiiole  seasoned  with  his 
fine,  generous  welcome. 

At  4  o'clock  in  the  afternoon  we  went  down  Lau- 
rel Fork  to  the  Watauga,  crossed  the  river,  and 
climbed  the  mountain-  side  to  the  cabin  of  Harrison 
Mitchell,  whose  wife  was  unwell,  and  his  mother 
eighty-three  years  of  age,  so  that  neither  of  them 
could  get  out.  There  I  had  a  short  service,  preached 
them  a  short  sermon,  and  confirmed  the  man  and  his 
wife,  a  grown  son,  and  the  aged  grandmother,  many 
of  their  neighbors  forming  the  congregation. 

Mr.  Jones,  more  merciful  to  his  Bishop  than  a^^e 
some  of  his  brethren,  had  left  Saturday  without  an 
appointment,  and  kindly  said  that  I  might  go  fishing 
for  small-mouth  black  bass  in  the  Watauga — and  I 
suppose  I  did  so.   He  had  himself  no  taste  for  idling. 



June    23rd,    the  Second 
Sunday  after  Trinity,  Ave  had 

service  in  St.  John's  Church, 
on  the  Watauga  River,  four 
miles  below  Valle  Crucis.  I 
confirmed  an  old  woman, 
preached,  and  administered 
the  Holy  Communion.  At 
half -past  four  o'clock,  in  a 
ruinous  old  house  on  Dutch 
Creek,  near  Yalle  Crucis,  I 
preached  and  confirmed  three 
persons.  Our  vestry  room 
was  a  circular  space  in  a 
dense  growth  of  beautiful 
rhododendron,  upon  which 
lingered  a  fcAV  of  their  splen- 
did purple  blossoms. 

Monday,  June  24th,  St. 
John  Baptist's  Day,  under 
the  trees  near  the  house  of 

.jacK  xxiiioii, 

Andrew   Jackson   Townsend,    the  Bishop's  fisherman  friend. 

on  Clark's  Creek,  one  or  two 

miles  aboA^e  Yalle  Crucis,  Mr.  Jones  baptized  three 
children  and  a  half-groAvn  boy.  I  preached  and  con- 
firmed seven  persons,  and  made  an  extended  ad- 
dress on  Baptism  and  Confirmation. 

June  25th,  Ave  droA^e  on  fifteen  miles  to  Elk  Park, 
and  had  serA^ce  and  preached  at  night  in  the  Pres- 
byterian Church. 

June  26th,  Ave  drove  from  Elk  Park  to  Bakers- 
A^lle,  some  thirty  miles  by  the  road  Ave  had  to  travel, 
and  Avere  entertained  by  Mr.  Thomas  A.  LoA^e,  one 
of  the  tAvo  Churchmen  AAdiom  Mr.  Jones  had  found 
in  BakersAalle.  At  Mr.  LoA^e's  Avere  seA^eral  large 
boxes  AAdiich  had  been  hauled  oA^er  the  mountains 
from  Marion  on  the  railroad.  They  had  come  from 
NeAv  York  and  Avere  directed  to  the  Rca'.  Milnor 


Jones,  at  Mr.  Love's,  in  Bakersville.  Upon  asking 
about  them,  Mr.  Jones  informed  me  that  they  were 
Bibles,  Hymnals,  and  Prayer  Books,  mostly  the  last, 
which  he  had  sent  down  for  distribution  among  the 
people.  ''Why!"  I  exclaimed,  "here  are  two  or 
three  times  as  many  Prayer  Books  as  you  can  give 
away."  "No,"  said  he;  "I  could  give  away  many 
more,  to  people  who  will  be  glad  to  have  them." 

Thursday  we  spent  with  Mr.  Love,  and  in  seeing 
such  people  as  came  in  to  see  us.  Thursday  night, 
in  the  court-house,  Mr.  Jones  said  Evening  Prayer, 
and,  with  help  of  our  numerous  Prayer  Books,  we 
had  a  fairly  good  service. 

I  preached  on  Conversion  (St.  Mathew  13:14,15) 

^  and  confirmed  the  wife  of  our  host,  and  two  other 
persons.  There  were  a  number  of  other  candidates, 
but  we  preferred  to  have  them  come  the  next  night. 
And,  never  having  witnessed  the  service  before,  they 
also  preferred  not  to  come  forward  at  its  first  ad- 
ministration. Thursday,  many  persons  came  to  Mr. 
Love's  house  to  see  us,  mostly  people  from  the 
country,  and  I  was  surprised  to  find  how  eager  they 
were  to  receive  the  copies  of  the  Prayer  Book  we 

i  gave  them.  Fi-iday  night  we  had  Evening  Prayer 
again  in  the  court-house.  I  preached — without  a 
text — on  "The  Church,"  and  confirmed  nine  per- 
sons, some  of  whom  were  among  the  most  promi- 
nent men  in  the  town  and  vicinity.  Saturday,  we 
visited  the  county  jail  and  talked  with  the  prisoners. 
Many  country  people  came  to  see  us.  In  the  even- 
ing Mr.  Jones  preached  in  the  country,  a  mile  or  so 
from  town. 

June  30th,  the  Third  Sunday  after  Trinity,  in  the 

court-house,  Mr.  Jones  said  the  Litany.  I  preached 
and  administered  the  Holy  Communion.  By  this 
time  our  services  had  attracted  such  attention  that 
many  people  came  in  from  the  country,  and  the 
court-house  was  j)acked,  all  the  seats  filled,  and  the 


open  spaces  crowded  with  men  standing,  as  is  some- 
times seen  during  the  trial  of  a  sensational  capital 
case  in  court.  At  night  it  was  the  same.  After 
preaching,  I  confirmed  one  person. 

As  I  had  an  appointment  for  Tuesday,  July  2nd, 
at  a  distant  point,  Mr.  Jones  and  I  left  Bakersville 
early  Monday  morning.  As  we  drove  through  the 
principal  street  we  heard  some  one  calling.  Look- 
ing back,  we  saw  the  mayor  of  the  town  coming  out 
into  the  street  and  signaling  us  to  stop.  He  was  a 
lawyer  of  prominence,  one  of  the  leading  Republican 
politicians  of  that  district,  and  father-in-law  of  one 
of  the  United  States  Senators  from  North  Carolina. 
When  he  came  up  he  said  he  had  come  out  to  beg 
that  we  would  come  back  to  Bakersville  as  soon  as 
possible,  because  he  was  anxious  to  be  confirmed. 
He  said  that  he  had  attended  the  services  the  day 
before,  and  had  been  so  much  impressed  that  he  had 
determined  to  become  a  member  of  the  Church,  and 
had  been  strongly  moved  to  come  forward  the  night 
before  and  ask  me  to  confirm  him  then  and  there, 
but  he  did  not  know  whether  I  would  feel  that  I 
could  do  so,  and  he  had  therefore  concluded  to  wait 
and  to  ask  me  to  return  at  an  early  day. 

I  fear  that  Mr.  Jones  and  I  felt  a  little  complais- 
ant and  self-satisfied  as  we  drove  out  of  Bakersville 
early  on  that  first  day  of  July.  We  had  that  morn- 
ing baptized  an  adult,  and  had  her  and  her  husband 
as  candidates,  making  three  against  my  next  visit. 
Our  road  lay  just  west  of  the  summit  of  the  Blue 
Ridge,  first  in  Mitchell  County  and  along  the  North 
Toe  River,  then  into  Yancey  County,  and  across  the 
beautiful  South  Toe  and  through  the  little  town  of 
Burnsville,  and  so  into  Buncombe.  The  road,  though 
steep  and  rocky  in  places,  was  dry  and  on  the  whole 
good.  Our  horses,  having  stood  in  their  stalls  since 
the  preceding  Wednesday,  were  fresh  and  mettle- 
some.   The  day  was  fair,  the  sun  bright,  but  not 




burninof.  Among*  those  high  mountains  the  air  was 
delightful  even  at  midday  in  July.  We  greatly  en- 
joyed our  ride,  and  felt  that  we  were  indeed  doing 
well.   It  was  the  old  case  of — 

"Fair  laughs  the  morn,  and  soft  the  zephyr  blows"; 

and  we  all  unmindful  that  behind  us  at  Bakersville 
something  like  "the  whirlwind"  was  preparing  for 
us,  while  a  more  tangible  peril  lay  across  our  path 
in  front. 

We  passed  that  night  at  a  farm-house  in  Yancey 
County,  and  the  next  morning  resumed  our  journey. 
Heavy  clouds,  which  during  the  morning  were  gath- 
ering along  the  tops  of  the  mountain,  began  to  over- 
spread the  sky,  and  about  noon  we  had  quite  a 
heavy  fall  of  rain.  Though  it  poured  in  torrents  for 
a  while,  yet,  after  the  manner  of  summer  storms  in 
the  mountains,  it  was  soon  over,  and  the  sun  was 
again  shining  brightly,  and  the  masses  of  broken 
clouds  were  rolling  away  and  melting  in  the  clear 
air.  The  landscape  seemed  only  fresher  and  more 
beautiful  for  its  bath.  But  as  we  drew  near  the 
little  village  of  Democrat,  in  Buncombe  County,  we 
saw,  by  the  condition  of  the  roads,  and  by  the  quan- 
tity of  water  filling  all  depressions  and  pouring 
along  all  roadside  drains,  that  there  must  have  been 
a  much  heavier  rainfall  than  we  had  experienced  a 
few  miles  back ;  and  as  we  passed  through  the  vil- 
lage and  so  on  to  the  crossing  of  the  Big.  Ivy,  a 
mountain  stream  flowing  into  the  French  Broad 
River  not  very  far  above  the  town  of  Marshall, 
which  was  our  destination,  that  there  I  might  take 
the  train  for  the  Hot  Springs,  we  met  several  vehi- 
cles which  had  evidently  just  forded  the  stream,  and 
which  showed  the  mark  of  their  crossing  high  upon 
their  sides  and  wheels.  So,  as  they  had  crossed,  we 
felt  no  hesitation  in  attempting  the  ford  ourselves. 
The  stream  was  much  out  of  its  banks  and  running 
with  a  fierce  and  turbid  current.    But  we  drove  in, 



without  a  pause,  having  a  good,  strong'  buggy  and  a 
pair  of  horses  quite  above  the  average  height  and 
weight.  Indeed,  Mr.  Jones's  horse,  familiarly  known 
all  over  his  circuit  as  "Old  John,"  stood  at  least 
three  or  four  hands  above  the  ordinary  animal  of 
the  country.  And  it  was  well  we  had  so  heavy,  high, 
and  staunch  a  team.  When  we  struck  the  mid-bed 
of  the  stream,  the  water  suddenly  rose  from  the  foot 
of  the  buggy  up  to  the  seats,  and  before  we  realized 
it  we  were  sitting  several  inches  deep  in  water,  and 
the  tremendous  force  of  the  swollen  torrent,  strik- 
ing against  the  side  of  the  buggy  and  catching  upon 
the  curtains  of  the  top,  which  we  had  not  lowered, 
threatened  every  moment  to  overturn  the  veliicle,  in 
which  case  we  should  probably  have  been  caught 
under  the  open  top,  and  if  so  caught,  would  almosi 
inevitably  have  been  drowned.  I  at  once  called  to 
Mr.  Jones  to  turn  around  and  drive  back  out  of  the 
stream.  But  he  knew  better.  I  used  to  say  that  he 
was  afraid  of  nothing  but  high  water.  He  had  once 
or  twice  been  in  imminent  danger  of  drowning,  and 
he  made  no  secret  of  this  fear.  But  in  this  only 
instance  of  such  danger  which  I  ever  witnessed  he 
was  admirably  self-possessed.  When  I  called  out  to 
him  to  turn  back,  "No,"  he  said;  "if  I  attempt  to 
turn  around  in  the  tremendous  torrent,  the  buggy 
will  certainly  be  overset  by  the  force  of  the  water 
and  the  horses  probably  thrown  down.  We  must  go 
down  the  stream."  With  that  he  deliberately  put 
the  heads  of  the  horses  down-stream  and  began  to 
drive  down  mid-stream,  with  the  water  coming  over 
our  knees  and  almost  to  our  waists,  as  we  sat.  But 
this  at  once  took  the  terrible  strain  off  our  team,  and 
the  water  bore  the  buggy  downward,  but  with  no 
danger  of  overturning  it.  The  .  weight  and  height 
of  the  horses  enabled  them  to  keep  their  footing, 
and  the  moment  we  were  thus  steadied  and  relieved 
of  the  imminent  danger  of  being  overset,  Mr.  Jones 


turned  their  Jieads  slightly  towards  the  shore,  not 
greatly  altering  our  course  and  still  keeping  the 
force  of  the  current  behind  us  pressing  us  forward; 
and  so  in  a  very  few  moments,  and  within  less  than 
a  hundred  yards  distance,  w^e  came  gradually  into 
shallower  water,  and  drove  out  safe  upon  the  fur- 
ther side.  From  the  point  where  we  emerged  we 
could  see  some  distance  down  the  stream,  and  we 
observed  that  the  banks  were  much  wider  and  the 
channel  therefore  shallower.  We  also  saw  by  the 
tracks  of  wheels  and  horses  on  both  sides  that  it 
was  at  this  point  that  those  persons  had  crossed 
whom  we  had  met  just  before  we  drove  into  the 

When  the  buggy  made  its  first  plunge  into  deep 
water  and  we  found  the  water  rising  up  towards  the 
seat,  Mr.  Jones  had  called  to  me  to  look  out  for  his 
saddle-bags,  which  were  in  the  hinder  part  of  the 
buggy.  I  turned  at  once  and  reached  for  them,  but 
just  as  I  reached,  the  current,  sweeping  into  the 
back  of  the  buggy,  whirled  them  away  before  I 
could  lay  hands  on  them,  and  the  last  we  ever  saw 
of  them  they  were  going,  bobbing  and  dancing, 
down  the  middle  of  the  stream.  Fortunately  for  me, 
my  suit-case  was  firmly  wedged  under  the  seat  of 
the  buggy,  and  my  smaller  bag  was  in  front,  be- 
tween our  feet,  so  that  they  were  not  carried  away. 
though  their  contents  were  thoroughly  soaked  with 
water.  But  we  were  thankful  to  have  escaped  so 
well ;  and  Milnor  J  ones  always  claimed  for  his  horse, 
John,  the  whole  credit  of  our  safet.y.  It  was  John's 
bulk  and  height,  he  always  asserted,  which  kept  the 
other  horse  steady.  For  my  part,  I  felt  sure  that  by 
the  goodness  of  God  we  owed  our  escape  to  his  own 
coolness,  courage,  and  sound  judgment.  It  took  a 
cool  head  and  a  brave  heart  to  turn  the  heads  of  his 
team  down  the  middle  of  that  fierce  torrent.  It  was 
in  medio  tutissimus,  in  a  new  sense. 


About  an  hour  after  this  adventure,  he  drove  me 
into  the  little  town  of  Marshall,  where  I  took  the 
train  for  my  next  appointment,  and  he,  minus  his 
saddle-bags  containing  his  scanty  supplies  and  also 
containing  his  one  surplice,  turned  back  upon  his 
long  and  solitary  drive  to  join  his  family  for  a  day 
or  so  at  their  home  in  Elk  Park,  and  then  to  resume 
his  work  along  the  Watauga  and  in  our  new  enter- 
prise at  Bakersville. 



In  the  meanwhile  trouble  was  brewing  in  Bakers- 
ville. Bakersville  and  Mitchell  County  had  at  that 
period  the  reputation  of  being  among  the  most 
lawless  and  violent  sections  of  the  Southern  moun- 
tains. Though  there  were  many  homicides  in  the 
county,  it  was  all  but  impossible  to  bring  a  mur- 
derer, or  other  greatly  criminal  person,  to  justice. 
I  was  told  by  a  very  intelligent  citizen  of  the  place 
that  for  a  number  of  years  the  only  execution  for 
crime  which  had  taken  place  in  the  county  had  been 
a  lynching".  I  do  not  know  whether  that  was  liter- 
ally true,  but  it  very  fairly  expressed  the  state  of 
the  case. 

Among  the  ignorant  people  of  the  mountains,  as 
elsewhere,  religious  controversies  are  carried  on  with 
great  violence  and  abusiveness  of  language.  In 
Bakersville  at  this  time  there  were  three  religious 
denominations  with  organizations  and  church  build- 
ings.  These  were  the  Baptists,  the  Southern  Metho- 
'!  dists,  and  the  Northern  Methodists;  so  that  their 
religious  differences  were  aggravated  by  a  strong 
;  infusion  of  political  prejudice  and  passion.  Just  be- 
fore our  visit  a  bitter  discussion  between  two  of 
these  local  churches  had  been  in  progress.  "We  saw 
in  the  local  paper  some  of  the  contributions  to  this 
controversy.  But  the  services  which  we  had  held  in 
the  court-house  seemed  to  be  acceptable  by  both 
sides  as  a  warning  that  they  must  close  up  their 
ranks  and  combine  their  forces  against  a  common 

In  his  preaching  Mr.  Jones  always  asserted  the 
Apostolic  character  of  the  Church,  and  the  necessity 
of  an  Apostolic  ministry  and  a  valid  Commission  to 
the  proper  Constitution  of  the  Church,  and  the  certi- 


fication  of  the  Sacraments.  And  he  did  not  confine 
himself  to  abstractions,  but  spoke  very  forcibly,  and 
probably  with  a  power  and  a  felicity  of  illustration 
which  bettered  the  mountain  preachers'  best  rhet- 
oric, on  the  defects  in  the  teaching',  institutions,  and 
ministerial  authority,  of  the  Baptist  and  Methodist 
organizations.  He  had  so  distinctly  and  uncompro- 
misingly set  forth  the  superior  claims  and  advan- 
tages of  the  Church,  and  the  importance  to  his  hear- 
ers of  coming  out  of  their  existing  denominations, 
and  into  the  true  fold,  that  he  was  not  only  prohibited 
from  using  any  of  the  local  church  buildings,  but 
had  even  been  refused  permission  to  preach  in  the 
local  school-house.  We  therefore  had  our  services 
in  the  court-house.  At  these  services  I  had  done  all 
the  preaching  myself;  and  while  I  set  forth  very 
plainly  and  strongly  the  teaching  of  the  Church 
affirmatively  and  positively,  I  avoided,  for  the  most 
part,  any  statement  as  to  the  deficiencies  of  other 
Christian  organizations.  I  have  always  felt  that,  if 
we  can  get  men  to  accept  positive  truth  and  duty, 
the  negative  side  will  be  amply  attended  to.  But 
Sunday  night,  at  our  last  service,  Mr.  Jones  made 
an  address  in  his  peculiar  vein,  and  pretty  strongly 
set  out  his  opinion  of  the  Baptist  and  the  Methodist 
churches,  though  with  no  more  offensiveness  of  lan- 
guage essentially  than  is  common  in  their  own  con- 
troversial preaching  in  that  section  of  the  country. 
They  had  not  really  troubled  themselves  about  Mr. 
Jones  and  his  preaching  before  this  time.  They  re- 
sented his  attacks  on  their  systems  and  their  doc- 
trines, but  they  did  not  think  him  of  much  impor- 
tance. But  our  meetings  in  the  court-house,  the 
Confirmation  of  several  of  the  prominent  men  of  the 
town,  with  the  attitude  of  others,  moved  their  fears. 

The  day  we  left  Bakersville — the  first  Monday  in 
July — was  the  day  for  the  monthly  meeting  of  the 
County  Commissioners.    Prominent  Methodists  and 



Baptists  went  before  the  board  and  procured  the 
passage  of  an  order  that  the  court-house  should  not 
be  used  for  religious  services.  The  local  newspaper, 
in  chronicling  the  fact,  stated  that  the  reason  they 
gave  for  this  action  was  that  "the  Episcopalians  had 
been  preaching  uncomfortable  doctrine."  Subse- 
quently, a  communication,  signed  by  a  number  of 
the  most  prominent  citizens — ^Baptists  and  Metho- 
dists— denied  this,  and  said  that  the  order  was  made 
merely  on  account  of  the  condition  of  the  court- 
house, which  was  unsafe  for  large  audiences. 

Having  thus  secured  themselves  against  Mr. 
Jones's  preaching,  as  they  supposed,  they  proceeded 
to  hold  a  joint  meeting  of  Baptists  and  Methodists, 
both  Northern  and  Southern,  in  which  the  Northern 
Methodist  resident  preacher  was  the  speaker,  he 
being  the  ablest  and  best  educated  of  the  local  min- 
isters. The  sermon  was  an  elaborate  and  vigorous 
attack  on  the  Church,  all  along  the  line  of  its  his- 
tory, doctrines,  and  worship ;  and  it  stirred  up  much 
enthusiasm  on  its  own  side,  and  was  considered  an 
effective  reply  to  what  had  been  advanced  by  the 
Bishop  and  his  Deacon.  In  fact,  the  dominant  fac- 
tions felt  that  they  had  effectually  silenced  their 
1  opponents,  having  shut  them  out  of  all  places  where 
they  could  preach,  and  also  having,  in  their  judg- 
ment, fully  refuted  their  arguments. 

All  this  time  Milnor  Jones,  thirty  or  forty  miles 
across  the  mountains,  was  in  ignorance  of  the  course 
of  events  in  Bakersville.  Having  an  appointment 
there  for  Sunday,  July  21st,  he  took  the  long  and 
fatiguing  horseback  ride  from  Valle  Crucis,  by  way 
of  Elk  Park,  to  Bakersville,  not  much  short  of  fifty 
miles,  although  he  had  been  quite  sick  for  a  week  or 
so,  and  was  still  far  from  well.  He  reached  Bakers- 
ville Friday  night.  Here  he  learned  of  the  action  of 
the  county  commissioners  in  closing. the  court-house 
against  him,  and  also  of  the  tremendous  rally  of  the 


Baptists  and  both  sects  of  Methodists  in  a  solidarity 
of  opposition,  and  of  the  great  sermon  preached 
against  the  Church.  Indeed,  such  a  heat  of  opposi- 
tion had  been  aroused  among  the  great  majority  of 
the  inhabitants  of  the  little  town,  even  among  the 
really  irreligious  and  careless,  who  naturally  sided 
with  the  majority,  that  our  small  beginning  of  a 
flock  found  themselves  much  cast  down  and  discour- 
aged. They  assured  Mr.  Jones  that  it  was  useless  to 
attempt  to  preach,  under  the  circumstances,  and  that 
they  had  better  "lie  low"  until  the  excitement  of 
public  feeling  had  subsided.  And  then,  after  all, 
they  said,  he  could  not  preach,  because  it  was  impos- 
sible to  find  any  place,  now  that  they  were  shut  out 
of  the  court-house.  Milnor  Jones  had  not  been  able 
to  "go  slow"  in  South  Carolina,  and  he  did  not 
know  how  to  "lie  low"  in  Bakersville.  He  was 
indignant  at  the  suggestion  that  he  could  not  preach, 
because  he  had  been  shut  out  of  the  churches,  school- 
houses,  and  court-house.  He  felt  that  his  acceptance 
of  the  situation,  in  such  a  way  as  that,  would  in  this 
community  be  universally  regarded  as  a  virtual  sur- 
render and  confession  of  failure.  To  his  friends, 
who  stated  that  he  could  not  preach,  because  he  had 
no  place  for  service,  he  replied  indignantly  that  he 
would  show  them  whether  he  could  preach  or  not. 
Thereupon,  on  Saturday  morning,  taking  counsel  of 
no  one,  he  went  to  the  local  printing  office  and  had 
struck  off  at  once  a  hundred  or  two  hand-bills,  with 
a  notice  that  the  Rev.  Milnor  Jones  would  preach 
next  day,  at  2  o'clock  in  the  afternoon,  in  front  of 
the  court-house  in  Bakersville,  and  inviting  all  per- 
sons to  attend  at  that  time  and  place.  These  hand- 
billsi  he^  himself  distributed  in  the  town,  and  also  to 
many  persons  from  the  country,  who  on  Saturdays 
resort  in  large  numbers  to  the  county-seat. 

We  may  be  sure  that  he  did  not  lack  a  congrega- 
tion when  the  appointed  hour  had  come.  Friends 



and  enemies  were  alike  attracted  by  the  novelty  of 
the  situation,  and  by  their  interest  in,  or  dislike  of, 
the  preacher.  All  knew  that  whatever  he  might  say, 
there  was  no  danger  of  liis  being  uninteresting  or 
tedious.  And  he  proceeded  to  preach  a  sermon 
which  was  long  remembered  in  Bakersville,  with 
admiration  and  pride  by  his  friends,  but  with  senti- 
ments of  bitter  resentment  by  his  unfriends.  It 
should  be  remembered  that,  whatever  his  early  asso- 
ciations and  training,  he  had  deliberately  made  him- 
self one  with  the  plain  people  of  the  mountains,  and 
had  faithfully  endeavored  to  enter  into  their  ways 
and  modes  of  thought  and  expression.  The  result 
was,  that,  with  his  natural  force  of  intellect,  and 
with  his  early  advantages  of  training  and  education, 
he  easily  and  perhaps  unconsciously  improved  upon 
his  model.  He  did  not  endeavor  to  be  like  the  more 
or  less  cultivated  preacher  of  the  mountain  town, 
where  some  of  the  refinements  and  amenities  of  so- 
cial intercourse  were  known  and  cultivated.  He  was 
the  preacher  from  the  mountains,  and  he  spoke 
especially  for  the  poorer  and  plainer  people.  He 
had  assimilatecj  himself  to  the  type,  and  he  made  no 
-  attempt  to  readjust  himself  to  the  higher  average 
i     taste  or  sentiment  of  a  town  congregation. 

He  took  for  the  subject  of  his  sermon  before  the 
court-house  in  Bakersville,  by  the  side  of  the  Main 
Street  of  the  town,  the  vision  of  the  "Opening  of 
the  Seals,"  in  the  sixth  chapter  of  the  Book  of  the 
Revelation.  He  gave  the  interpretation  of  the 
vision  which  he  had  read,  in  the  notes  in  Bishop 
Wordsworth's  Greek  Testament,  on  this  chapter. 
The  Rider  on  the  White  Horse  was  Christ,  going 
forth  conquering  and  to  conquer.  He  on  the  Red 
Horse,  to  whom  was  given  the  great  sword,  repre- 
sented the  effort  of  the  Evil  One  to  destroy  Christ's 
Church  by  the  bloody  sword  of  the  heathen  perse- 
cutors, from  Nero  to  Diocletian.    The  Rider  on  the 


Black  Horse,  having  the  pair  of  balances  in  his 
hand,  represented  the  cunning  devices  of  the  Evil 
One,  after  the  failure  of  the  persecutors,  in  raising 
up  heresies  within  the  Church,  and  specially  the 
Arian  heresy;  striving  to  measure  and  weigh  and 
determine  divine  truth  by  the  balances  and  measures 
of  human  reason.  The  Rider  on  the  Pale  Horse, 
with  whom  was  Death,  and  Hell  following  after, 
called  for  more  detailed  treatment.  He  said  the 
Avord  "pale"  did  not  quite  express  the  meaning  of 
the  word  used  by  St.  John.  It  did  not  mean  ' '  pale ' ' 
in  our  usual  understanding  of  the  Avord.  It  meant, 
rather,  a  bright  and  fair-seeming  mingling  of  colors, 
attractive  to  the  eye,  but  variable  and  evanescent; 
perhaps  we  might  say  a  pied  or  party-colored  horse, 
or  a  "calico  horse,"  in  our  country  phrase.  This  he 
interpreted  as  representing  the  efforts  of  the  Evil 
One  in  these  later  ages  to  destroy  God's  Church  by 
sects  and  schisms,  divisions  and  opposing  denomina- 
tions, which  many  times  are  pleasing  and  attractive 
to  the  worldly  mind,  and  make  a  fair  and  deceitful 
show  of  being  good,  and  for  the  advantage  of  Chris- 
tianity; but  with  them  is  Death  to  the  real  life  and 
power  of  the  Church,  and  Hell  follows  after. 

Up  to  this  point  the  sermon  was  a  lucid  and  strik- 
ing exposition  of  the  Scripture  passage,  illustrated 
and  applied  with  a  simple  force  and  eloquence,  all. 
the  more  effective,  with  its  freight  of  real  knowledge 
and  thought,  for  the  homely  and  rugged  manner  of 
the  sepaker.  But  he  had  now  come  to  the  pregnant 
passage  of  his  exposition,  and  the  objective  point  of 
his  discourse.  In  his  own  mind  he  had  gotten  his 
Methodist  and  Baptist  friends  where  he  wanted 
them;  he  had  identified  the  movement  in  Christen- 
dom which  had  produced  them,  as  part  of  the  effort 
of  the  Evil  One  to  destroy  the  true  nature  and  power 
of  the  Church ;  and  we  need  not  doubt  that  he  made 
the  most  of  it.   If  he  had  stopped  even  here,  his  best 


results  would  have  been  attained  in  the  minds  of  his 
own  adherents,  and  perhaps  his  opponents  mig'ht 
have  felt  that  he  had  not  exceeded  the  limits  of  con- 
troversy which  may  be  permitted  even  before  their 
town  congregation.  Unfortunately,  he  could  not 
stop  here.  Up  to  this  time  he  had  not,  I  believe,  been 
personally  assailed  with  anything  more  than  the 
ordinary  weapons  of  sectarian  controversy.  He  had 
no  personal  grievance,  nor  had  I  found  evidence  of 
any  personal  resentment  in  him  towards  any  one  in 
this  place,  or,  indeed,  in  any  place.  He  was  aston- 
ishingly free  from  resentment,  even  when  injuri- 
ously assailed.  But  the  Methodists  and  Baptists  had 
united  to  prevent  the  services  of  the  Church  in  the 
town,  and  had  been  countenanced  by  those  who  were 
not  even  Methodists  or  Baptists,  but  men  indifferent 
to  Christian  truth  and  duty.  And  there  they  were, 
sitting  before  him,  with  possibly  a  smile  of  satisfied 
triumph  on  their  faces,  because  they  had  thus  driven 
the  Church  into  the  street.  He  remembered,  too, 
their  joint  meeting,  their  pooling"  of  denominational 
interests,  and  the  combination  of  all  resources 
.against  the  Church ;  and  he  had  heard  of  the  sermon 
in  which  the  Church  had,  as  he  considered,  been  will- 
fully misrepresented  and  abused. 

Bakersville  had  been  by  no  means  a  model  com- 
munity, and  those  most  forward  in  opposing  the 
Church  were  in  some  cases  hardly  entitled  to  set 
themselves  up  as  regulators  of  Christian  truth  and 
practice.  I  have  spoken  of  Milnor  Jones's  wonder- 
ful faculty  of  knowing  everything  about  everybody 
in  the  communities  in  which  he  preached.  In  an  ex- 
tended peroration,  to  his  sermon  in  front  of  the 
court-house,  he  drew  one  after  another  delineations 
of  personal  character,  without  names,  but  amazingly 
true  to  the  lives  of  some  of  his  audience,  and  terribly 
true  to  the  conscience  of  each  man  aimed  at ;  and  he 
held  them  up  to  just  scorn,  as  men  not  humbly  and 


with  self-condemnation  seeking  pardon  for  the  past, 
and  help  to  be  better  in  the  future,  but  setting  them- 
selves up,  in  a  vain,  contident  pretence  of  goodness, 
to  oppose  the  Church  of  God.  The  whole  assembly 
sat,  half-dumb,  with  amazement  at  the  audacity  of 
this  attack,  or  half-mad  with  anger  at  the  pain  of 
the  blows,  which  was  all  the  more  excruciating  be- 
cause they  could  not  be  parried  or  returned.  I  was 
told  by  one  present  that  some  of  the  persons  alluded 
to  literally  trembled  and  paled  before  the  speaker ; 
and  in  such  a  community,  noted  as  it  was  for  fierce 
and  turbulent  elements  in  the  population,  there  was 
a  prevalent  feeling  that  the  preacher  stood  in  great 
danger  of  personal  violence. 

The  outline  of  the  expositary  part  of  the  sermon  I 
learned  both  from  Mr.  Jones  himself  and  also  from 
several  of  his  most  intelligent  auditors.  As  to  what 
followed  the  exposition,  I  had  the  substance  of  it 
from  the  preacher  himself,  and  also  a  very  extended 
account  of  its  effect  upon  the  audience  from  perhaps 
the  ablest  and  most  prominent  man  in  the  town,  the 
then  mayor.  In  speaking  of  it,  he  expressed  the 
highest  admiration  for  its  ability  and  eloquence,  but 
said  it  was  in  the  last  degree  a  perilous  position  into 
which  the  speaker  had  put  himself,  and  that  he  had 
at  the  time  the  liveliest  apprehension  that  he  would 
be  treated  with  personal  violence.  "I  have  seen 
this  town  in  terrible  moments  of  popular  excitement 
and  anger,  but  I  thought  I  had  never  seen  it  nearer 
to  an  outbreak  than  after  that  sermon.  I  have  heard 
great  speeches,"  he  continued,  ''from  some  of  the 
greatest  orators  in  the  country.  I  have  heard  Conk- 
lin,  of  New  York,  and  James  G.  Blaine  and  others, 
but  I  never  heard  a  more  powerful  and  eloquent 
speech  than  that  of  Mr.  Jones  in  front  of  the  court- 

The  excitement  had  by  no  means  subsided  the 
next  morning,  and  Mr.  Jones's  friends  were  most 


uncomfortable  on  his  account.  He  would  by  no 
means  keep  himself  in  the  background,  but,  like 
St.  Paul  at  Athens,  his  spirit  was  stirred  w^ithin  him, 
and  he  was  in  all  public  places,  discussing  and  dis- 
puting with  all  that  met  with  him,  and  giving  them 
plainly  to  understand  that,  in  his  judgment,  all  their 
opposition  to  the  Church  proceeded  from  ignorance 
and  prejudice.  The  local  school  teacher  was  much 
outraged  at  such  a  suggestion.  He  gave  a  beautiful 
illustration  of  the  argumentum  ad  hominem  re- 
versed, and  felt  that  he  had  abundantly  answered 
Mr.  Jones,  and  refuted  his  statement,  by  his  naive 
question,  ''Am  I  ignorant?" 

The  next  day  Mr.  Jones  had  to  leave  Bakersville 
and  return  to  his  duties  in  Watauga  County. 

I  had  promised  to  return  to  Bakersville  at  my  ear- 
liest opportunity.  I  therefore  arranged  my  visita- 
tions so  as  to  be  back  in  that  section  a  little  before 
the  middle  of  August.  The  thirteenth  of  that  month 
I  reached  Marion  from  the  west,  and  found  Mr. 
Jones  awaiting  me.  Late  in  the  afternoon  as  it  was, 
we  drove  six  miles  on  the  road  to  Bakersville,  and 
spent  the  night  with  a  farmer  by  the  roadside.  I 
had  heard  some  rumors  of  the  exciting  scenes  which 
had  occurred  at  Bakersville  since  my  first  visit,  and 
Mr.  Jones  now  gave  me  an  account  of  the  situation. 
His  sermon  in  the  street  had  made  the  action  of  the 
County  Commissioners  widely  known.  A  number  of 
the  leading  citizens  of  the  place,  smarting  under  the 
remembrance  of  that  sermon,  addressed  a  long  com- 
munication to  the  News  and  Observer,  Raleigh,  ac- 
cusing Mr.  Jones  of  the  greatest  indecency  and  vio- 
lence in  his  whole  manner  of  speaking  and  preach- 
ing, and  at  great  length  holding  him  up  to  reproba- 
tion and  contempt.  He  had,  they  said,  asserted  that 
the  "Baptist  and  Methodist  churches  were  only  de- 
bating societies  and  social  clubs";  "that  their  faith 


was  not  sufficiently  efficacious  to  save  a  soul;  and  if 
one  of  them  should  be  saved  at  all  it  would  be  by 
virtue  of  what  little  Episcopal  doctrine  he  had  in  his 
church,"  etc.,  etc.,  with  examples  of  the  most  offen- 
sive and  abusive  language,  which  they  asserted  that 
he  had  used;  and  saying  that  he  had  "preached  ser- 
mons in  fits  of  anger  and  rages  of  passion,"  and  so 
on.  This  communication  had  appended  to  it  the 
names  of  a  dozen  or  more  persons,  some  of  them 
prominent  citizens  of  Bakersville.  Immediately  be- 
low this,  in  the  paper,  was  a  card,  signed  by  Mr. 
Thomas  A.  Love,  a  member  of  our  Bakersville  con- 
gregation, and  a  prominent  lawyer  of  that  section, 
saying  of  the  above  mentioned  communication  that 
"the  article  is  both  false  and  malicious."  So  greatly 
in  controversies  will  men  differ.  Before  seeing  the 
article,  Mr.  Jones  had  heard  of  it,  and  of  its  allega- 
tions that  he  had  said  that  a  Baptist  or  a  Methodist 
could  not  be  saved,  except  by  believing  "Episcopal 
doctrine."  He  thereupon  sent  a  communication  to 
the  same  paper,  denying  the  allegation,  but  adding: 
' '  I  did  not  say  that.  But  I  did  say  that  if  a  Methodist 
or  Baptist,  or  a  member  of  any  other  modern  denom- 
ination, is  saved,  it  will  not  be  by  virtue  of  any  of 
the  peculiar  doctrines  of  their  own,  for  which  they 
came  out  of  the  Church,  but  by  reason  of  the  origi- 
nal faith  which  the  Church  had  before  they  left  it, 
and  which  it  as  still.  This  I  said,  and  this  I  am  pre- 
pared to  maintain  on  any  stump  in  the  United  States 
or  Canada!"  This  was  the  substance  of  Mr.  Jones's 
card.  I  have  mislaid  the  newspaper  clipping  con- 
taining his  exact  words. 

Late  in  the  afternoon  of  Wednesday,  August  14th, 
we  reached  Bakersville,  and  I  went  at  once  to  see 
my  friend,  the  mayor,  who  had  been  so  anxious  that 
I  should  return,  that  he  might  be  confirmed.  He 
gave  me  a  vivid  account  of  the  events  and  of  the 
sermon  of  which  I  have  been  speaking.    He  was  a 


good  man,  I  believe,  and  a  man  of  some  ability, 
prominent  as  a  lawyer,  and  a  leading  Republican 
politician  of  his  district,  and  had  been  their  candi- 
date for  the  Superior  Court  bench,  if  I  mistake  not. 
But  he  was  a  very  timid  man,  and  I  found  him  in  a 
state  of  much  alarm,  thinking  himself  in  great  dan- 
ger, on  account  of  his  declared  purpose  of  being 
confirmed.  He  assured  me  that  his  convictions  and 
his  purpose  had  undergone  no  change ;  that  he  would 
meet  me  in  Asheville  to  be  confirmed,  or  he  would 
come  down  to  Raleigh ;  but  he  said  he  could  not  be 
confirmed  in  the  public  street  in  Bakersville :  he  did 
not  know  what  might  happen  to  him  before  morn- 
ing if  he  should  do  this.  I  urged  on  him  his  duty,  as 
a  Christian  and  as  a  man,  to  act  in  accordance  with 
his  conscience  and  his  reason,  and  that  he  should  put 
under  his  feet  the  base  fears  which  made  him  quail 
before  the  face  of  men,  so  much  his  inferiors  in  intel- 
ligence and  character.  I  assured  him  that  if  he 
would  show  them  how  little  he  feared  or  regarded 
them,  they  would  not  venture  to  menace  or  to  harm 
him.  "Oh,  Bishop,"  he  said,  "you  do  not  know 
them.  Why,  I  have  had  a  man  sleeping  in  my  barn 
for  the  last  three  weeks,  for  fear  it  would  be  set  on 
fire."  I  do  not  myself  believe  that  there  was  any 
such  danger  as  he  apprehended,  or  that  his  neigh- 
bors or  any  one  intended  any  such  injury  to  him. 
He  was  notoriously  a  timid  man,  but  I  think  his  state 
of  mind  does  illustrate  to  some  extent  the  situation 
at  the  time.  I  may  add  that,  a  jenr  or  two  after- 
wards, this  man  did  appear  in  Raleigh,  where  I  hap- 
pened to  be  at  a  Sunday  night  service,  but  with  no 
purpose  of  holding  a  confirmation,  and  came  up  and 
asked  me  to  confirm  him,  and  I  did  so  during  the 

Notice  had  been  given  that  I  would  preach  and 
administer  confirmation  by  the  Main  Street  in  front 
of  the  court-house  at  half -past  ten  o'clock  Thursday 


morning,  August  15th.  Mr.  Jones  had  lost  his  sur- 
plice when  his  saddle-bags  had  been  carried  down 
Big  Ivy  Creek,  July  2d,  and  had  not  as  yet  been  able 
to  procure  another;  so,  as  we  were  in  the  law  office 
of  our  friend,  Mr.  Love,  preparing  for  the  service, 
I  said  to  Mr.  Jones:  ''As  you  have  no  surplice,  I 
think  I  will  not  wear  my  vestments;  and  being  in 
the  public  street,  perhaps  it  will  be  more  seemly." 
''Yes,"  said  Mr.  Jones,  "I  think  that  will  perhaps 
be  best."  Thereupon,  Mr.  Love,  who  does  not  like 
anything  which  looks  like  flinching,  said,  but  with 
becoming  modesty:  "Bishop,  you  and  Mr.  Jones  are 
much  better  judges  of  what  is  proper  on  this  occa- 
sion than  I  am.  At  the  same  time,  I  cannot  help  say- 
ing that,  if  a  thing  is  worth  doing  at  all,  it  is  worth 
doing  right."  "And  that  is  entirely  true,"  I  re- 
sponded; "I  will  put  on  everything  I  have,  and  I 
wish  I  had  more  to  put  on  for  this  service."  So  I 
went  down  in  rochet,  stole  and  chimere,  and  read  a 
chapter  from  the  Bible,  said  the  Creed,  the  Lord's 
Prayer  and  Collects,  sang  a  hymn,  preached  half  an 
hour  or  more,  and  confirmed  a  man  (brother  of  my 
friend,  the  mayor),  kneeling  on  the  ground  by  the 
side  of  the  street.  Many  people  were  gathered 
around,  many  others  in  the  doors  and  windows  of 
the  court-house,  and  of  the  houses  along  the  street, 
looking  on.  When  I  began  to  preach  I  doubted 
whether  my  voice  could  reach  them  all.  After  I  had 
been  speaking  five  minutes,  I  felt  as  if  I  could  make 
them  hear  me  a  mile  away.  I  never  spoke  with  more 
ease,  freedom,  and  enjoyment,  or  with  a  greater 
sense  of  the  high  privilege  of  being  a  servant  and 
ambassador  of  my  Lord. 

In  Mr.  Love's  house,  after  the  service,  I  baptized 
a  young  woman  and  confirmed  her  and  another  can- 

In  the  afternoon  I  had  to  return  towards  Marion 
on  my  way  to  other  fields  of  duty. 


Valle  Crucis  Mission. 

Before  returning  to  his  work  on  the  Watauga, 
Mr.  Jones  had  to  drive  me  to  Marion,  that  I  might 
take  the  train  for  my  next  appointment.  The  dis- 
tance is  not  much  under  forty  miles,  as  I  remember; 
so  we  drove  only  part  of  the  way  that  afternoon, 
and  spent  the  night  in  a  house  by  the  roadside.  The 
next  day  we  crossed  the  Blue  Ridge  by  Holyfield 
Oap,  called  also  Abernathy's  Gap,  the  pass  used  by 
the  Watauga  men  in  1780  when  they  marched  to 
meet  and  destroy  Ferguson  and  his  Tories  at  King's 
Mountain.  Marion  was  the  most  accessible  station 
on  the  railroad  from  Baker sville,  and  Mr.  Jones  had 
^5ometimes  to  use  this  route,  though  Marion  was  .not 
in  his  field. 

In  recalling  my  experiences  in  administering  the 
Diocese,  few  things  seem  to  me  to  have  been  more 
delightful  than  my  long  drives  through  the  moun- 
tain!^ for  days  together,  and  sometimes  for  ten  days 
or  two  weeks,  with  Milnor  Jones.  I  believe  we 
always  had  the  same  outfit  of  buggy  and  horses, 
which  had  served  us  so  well  in  crossing  Big  Ivy. 
Mr.  Jones  was  one  of  the  best  and  most  careful 
drivers — for  his  team — whom  I  have  ever  known. 
He  had  no  special  regard  for  his  own  comfort;  he 
cared  very  little  for  the  comfort  of  his  companion, 
and  not  a  great  deal  for  the  vehicle.  But  of  the  wel- 
fare and  comfort  of  his  horses  he  was  never  for  a 
moment  forgetful. 

In  fixing  upon  a  stopping-place  for  the  night, 
solicitude  for  his  team  was  his  ruling  motive.  He 
had  a  great  dislike  for  tavern-keepers  and  ostlers. 
He  looked  out  for  some  plain  and  substantial  farm 
house,  where  was  a  good  barn  and  big  haystacks. 
Any  accommodation  or  food,  however  plain  or 
coarse,  was  quite  good  enough  for  him,  so  he  might 



be  sure  of  a  good  feed  of  oats  or  corn  and  unlimited 
hay  for  his  horses  at  night,  and  a  light  feed  for 
them  the  next  morning.  He  always  attended  to 
their  feeding,  watering,  and  grooming  himself.  With 
coat  off,  and  brush  and  curry-comb  in  hand,  after  the 
longest  and  hardest  day's  drive,  he  would  give  half 
an  hour,  or  an  hour  if  need  were,  with  honest  pride 
and  enjoyment,  to  cleaning  and  rubbing  down  back, 
sides,  and  legs  of  his  good  horse  John  and  of  John's 
partner  in  labor,  before  leading  them  to  their  stalls 
and  their  supper.  At  crack  of  day  he  would  be  up, 
giving  them  their  light  feed  of  corn  and  hay ;  and 
he  alwa3^s  looked  carefully  to  the  adjustment  of  the 
harness,  and  trusted  nothing  of  all  this  to  other 
hands  or  eyes.  Bright  and  early  we  would  have  our 
breakfast,  and  be  off  upon  our  day's  drive  of  thirty 
or  forty  miles,  over  mountain  roads  presenting  in 
parts  abundant  illustrations  of  everything  which  a 
road  ought  not  to  be.  We  seldom  experienced  bad 
weather.  June  and  July  are  delightful  months  in 
the  high  mountain  counties  of  North  Carolina ;  and 
nowhere  in  this  part  of  the  world  are  more  extensive 
and  charming  prospects.  A  long  day's  drive  gave 
great  variety  of  beautiful  scenery,  and  much  leisure 
for  its  enjoyment.  He  always  drove  very  slowly  the 
first  part  of  the  day,  and  carefully  noted  the  condi- 
tion and  spirits  of  his  horses.  Three  or  four  miles 
an  hour  was  as  much  as  he  cared  to  get  out  of  them 
before  the  noon  rest  and  bait.  But  when  they  had 
enjoyed  an  hour's  rest  at  midday,  with  a  moderate 
bait  of  oats  or  corn,  and  after  we  had  had  our  fried 
bacon,  corn-bread  and  buttermilk  at  some  -farm 
house,  the  pace  would  mend  a  bit,  and,  with  an 
hour's  warming  to  their  work,  he  would  begin  to 
give  them  their  heads  and  put  them  to  their  best  gait ; 
and  from  that  time  until  night  we  would  go  at  their 
very  best  speed,  wherever  the  road  permitted.  "You 
can't  hurt  them  now.    They  enjoy  this  as  much  as 



we  do,"  he  would  say.  And  at  the  day's  end  our 
horses  would  be  fresh  and  in  fine  spirits. 

When  traveling'  alone  he  always  went  horseback. 
On  one  such  journey  from  Marion  to  Bakersville  he 
had  as  his  companion  on  the  road  a  prominent 
young  lawyer  of  Marion,  whom  he  had  known  as  a 
boy  in  Eutherfordton.  He  had  made  an  appoint- 
ment with  him  to  take  the  trip  together,  that  he 
might  have  an  opportunity  for  a  serious  conference 
with  him  on  religious  duty  and  the  claims  of  the 
Church.  After  some  ordinary  conversation,  with 
kindly  inquiries  after  old  acquaintances,  he  began 
to  draw  out  his  young  friend  upon  the  subject  of 
his  religious  duty  and  his  spiritual  state.  The  young 
man,  having  been  brought  up  a  Baptist,  had  not  been 
baptized  in  infancy,  and  had  made  no  religious  pro- 
fession. He  had  talked  with  Mr.  Jones  before,  and 
he  now  became  so  much  impressed  by  Mr.  Jones's 
conversation,  and  was  so  much  moved  by  his  instruc- 
tive and  enlightening  setting  forth  of  Christian 
truth  and  duty,  that  it  was  very  soon  another  case 
of  Philip  the  Deacon  and  the  Treasurer  of  Queen 
Candace.  As  they  journeyed  they  came  to  water, 
the  beautiful  stream  and  the  clear  waters  of  Arm- 
strong's Creek.  "What  doth  hinder  me  to  be  bap- 
tized?" "If  thou  believe  with  all  thine  heart,  thou 
mayest" — is  in  effect  the  simple  record  of  both 
cases.  They  went  down  to  the  waters  of  the  creek, 
and  there  the  Deacon  baptized  his  convert — and  by 
immersion.  That  young  man  has  since  become 
prominent  in  the  public  affairs  of  the  State,  one  of 
its  distinguished  lawyers  and  politicians,  and  re- 
mains a  zealous  Churchman.* 

*M0DE  OF  Baptism. — Milnor  Jones  frequently  baijtized  his  converts 
by  immersion,  as  the  Church  allows  this,  and  as  the  Baptist  influence 
xmder  which  they  had  grown  up  made  them  desire  it.  But  he  did  not 
himself  believe  that  it  was  the  apostolic  mode  or  the  scriptural  mode, 
and  he  published  some  controversial  tracts  on  the  subject.  He  told  me 
that  when  his  candidates  insisted  on  being  immersed  he  took  them  into 
the  water,  and  at  the  words,  "In  the  Name  of  the  Father,"  he  poured 
water  upon  the  head;  at  the  words,  "And  of  the  Son,"  he  sprinkled 



Another  eminent  lawyer,  who  had  been  brought 
up  a  Presbyterian,  but  who  was  not  at  all  a  religious 
man,  spoke  to  me  once  of  having*  met  the  Rev.  Mil- 
nor  Jones  on  the  train,  where  they  occupied  a  seat 
together,  and  had  had  some  conversation.  He  had 
been  much  impressed  with  the  man,  but,  he  said, 
"He  talked  too  much  about  religion."  He  had  not 
liked  such  "uncomfortable  doctrine"  as  he  proba- 
bly heard ;  but  it  was  quite  apparent  that  it  was  that 
very  thing  which  had  so  deeply  impressed  him.  He 
did  not  like  it,  yet  his  conscience  told  him  that  tlie 
minister  was  doing  his  duty,  and  he  respected  and 
admired  him  for  it. 

As  interesting  as  had  been  our  experiences  at 
Bakersville,  I  had  to  remind  Mr.  Jones  that  his  chief 
work  must  be  the  revival  of  the  old  Mission  at  Valle 
Crucis.  I  wished  him  to  subordinate  other  work  to 
that,  and  to  keep  that  ever  before  his  mind  as  his 
chief  aim  and  purpose.  And,  indeed,  he  had  the 
same  sentiment  himself,  and  greatly  desired  to  ac- 
complish that  design.  The  idea  of  such  a  work 
appealed  to  him,  and  he  felt  a  good  deal  of  enthu- 
siasm for  the  cause.  Unfortunately,  however,  he 
was  constitutionally  unable  to  pursue  one  detinite 
course,  but  by  his  strong  sympathies,  easily  appealed 
to,  and  readily  diverted  to  the  claims  of  the  imme- 
diate opportunity  in  other  directions,  he  Avas  pre- 
vented from  concentrating  his  energies  persistently 
and  continuously  to  carry  througli  to  tlie  end  one 
great  work.  I  recognized  tliis  wlieu  I  gave  liim  the 
three  counties.  1  knew  he  must  have  a  wide  range 
and  variety  of  pasture  to  keep  up  his  spirits  and  to 
supply  abundant  stimulus  to  his  zeal.  But  1  be- 
lieved it  would  be  possible  to  get  him  to  make  such 
a  beginning  in  tluit  long  deserted  field  as  might 

water  upon  them;  and  at  the  words,  "And  of  the  Holy  Ghost,"  he  im- 
mersed the  whole  body  once.  As  the  candidate  ^ot  what  he  wanted,  the 
immersion,  he  did  not  object  to  Mr.  Jones's  use  of  the  prccediiij;-  ])our- 
ing  and  sprintling. 



enable  others  to  enter  in  and  build  upon  his  founda- 

By  the  autumn  and  winter  of  1895  I  thought  that 
a  sufficient  beginning  had  been  made,  and  interest 
created,  among  the  people  along  the  Watauga  River, 
in  the  vicinity  of  Valle  Crucis,  to  warrant  me  in 
attempting  to  prepare  to  give  some  permanence  to 
the  work.  It  was  now  necessary  to  determine  just 
what  should  be  the  scope  and  design  of  the  work, 
and  how  much  it  would  be  proper  to  attempt  at  first. 
A  short  passage  from  my  address  to  the  Convention 
of  the  Missionary  District  of  Asheville  assembled  at 
Morganton,  September  23,  1896,  will  sufficently  set 
forth  the  purpose  then  entertained : 

"Our  most  extensive  missionary  enterprise  is  the 
Valle  Crucis  Mission,  embracing  in  its  scope  the 
counties  of  Watauga,  Mitchell,  and  Ashe.  This  is 
practically  the  same  ground  covered  by  the  old  mis- 
sionaries of  Valle  Crucis  in  Bishop  Ives's  time.  The 
work  was  revived  just  two  years  ago,  when  in  Sep- 
tember, 1894,  I  sent  the  Rev.  Milnor  Jones  to  Valle 



Site  of  Easter  Chapel,  an  old  Valle  Crucis  Mission  House  of  the 
Rev.  Henry  H.  Prout. 

Crucis,  directing  him  to  make  his  headquarters  at 
the  old  Mission,  but  to  include  within  the  scope  of 
his  endeavors  the  three  counties  above  mentioned. 

^'I  should  perhaps  state  in  this  place  that,  though 
I  located  my  mission  at  the  same  place,  and  call  it 
by  the  old  name,  it  has  never  been  my  purpose  to 
renew  the  scheme  of  work  proposed  by  Bishop  Ives. 
He  had  in  mind  a  boarding  school  for  boys,  drawing 
patronage  from  all  parts  of  the  State,  a  diocesan 
training  school  for  the  clergy,  and  perhaps  other 
objects  of  general  interest  and  value  to  the  whole 
Diocese.  My  scheme  is  confined  to  such  things  as 
have  a  direct  bearing  upon  the  work  of  evangelizing 
the  people  of  these  counties.  I  should  like  to  make 
Valle   Crucis   an   associate   mission,   from  which 



pieaehers  and  teachers  should  go  out  and  keep  up 
the  work  of  evangelizing,  instructing,  and  educating 
wherever  an  opening  might  be  found  or  made." 

This  being  the  purpose  in  mind,  we  began  to  look 
about  for  means  to  erect  a  house  for  a  center  and 
home  of  the  work.  The  property  of  the  old  "Valle 
Crucis  Abbey,"  as  Bishop  Ives  loved  to  call  it,  had 
been  acquired,  after  the  work  was  given  up,  by  Mr. 
Henry  Taylor,  and  at  his  death  had  passed  to  his 
children.  At  this  time  it  was  mostly  owned  by  Mr. 
Charles  D.  Taylor,  who  was  a  Methodist,  but  who 
kindly  promised  that  we  might  count  on  having 
part  of  the  old  tract  for  our  building,  when  we 
should  be  in  a  position  to  proceed  with  the  con- 

It  is  not  my  purpose  to  go  into  the  details  of  this 
work,  except  so  far  as  it  is  related  to  the  services  of 
the  Rev.  Milnor  Jones.  I  had  made  some  attempts 
to  raise  funds,  and  had  a  small  sum  on  hand.  Mr. 
Jones  was  eager  to  make  an  appeal  for  so  much  as 
might  enable  us  to  put  up  a  building  at  Valle  Crucis, 
and  to  establish  mission  schools  there,  and  also  at 
Bakersville,  the  southern  limit  of  his  work,  and  at 
Beaver  Creek,  his  northernmost  station  in  Ashe 
County.  I  therefore  gave  him  permission  to  make  the 
attempt,  and  furnished  him  with  commendatory  let- 
ters and  with  money  for  his  expenses.  Early  in 
November,  1895,  he  began  his  campaign  for  funds. 
For  several  months  he  labored  at  that  most  ungrate- 
fvil  of  tasks  with  the  zeal  and  pertinacity  which 
characterized  all  his  endeavors.  In  his  way  he  made 
almost  as  much  ofi  a  sensation,  when  he  came  into 
contact  with  clergymen  and  laymen  in  our  large 
cities,  as  among  our  country  people  in  the  moun- 
tains. Many  curious  stories  were  for  some  years 
floating  about  in  Nev/  York  at  the  Church  Missions 
House,  and  in  other  places,  about  his  oddities  and 
his  persistence  and  ingenuity  in  presenting  the 
claims  of  Valle  Crucis. 


He  was  not  unsuccessful.  He  raised  a  good  sum 
of  money,  and  during  the  year  1896  we  were  able  to 
establish  mission  schools  at  Yalle  Crucis  and  at  Bea- 
ver Creek,  of  which  latter  enterprise  more  shall  be 
told  after  a  while. 

In  the  meantime  he  pressed  on  the  work  at  Valle 
Crucis.  Up  and  down  the  Watauga  River,  up  Clark's 
Creek,  along  Laurel  Fork  by  Bill  Holler's  mill,  down 
by  St.  John's  Church,  Milnor  Jones  and  his  horse 
John  were  passing  and  repassing,  and  the  country- 
side began  to  have  its  stories  of  his  rude  wit  and 
rough  pleasantries  in  his  controversies  with  his 
many  opponents.  His  first  antagonists  were  the 
Baptists  and  a  mountain  sect  called  "  Adventists." 
The  more  intelligent  people  about  Valle  Crucis  were 
chiefly  Methodists,  and  they  rather  enjoyed  these 
stories.  He  was  very  attentive  to  the  welfare  of  his 
good  horse,  and  always  fed  him  himself  and  at- 
tended carefully  to  his  grooming.  One  good  Meth- 
odist lady  being  asked  where  Mr.  Jones  was,  replied 
that  the  last  she  had  heard  of  him  "He  Avas  currying 
down  John,  and  the  Baptists."  Unfortunately,  he 
did  not  confine  himself  to  one  or  two  sets  of  oppo- 
nents, but  soon  had  them  all  equally  irritated  and 
antagonistic.  But  his  friends  were  all  the  more 
loyal  and  zealous  in  their  support  of  him ;  and  both 
friends  and  enemies  found  many  elements  of  kind- 
ness and  good-fellowship  in  him.  With  the  poorest 
people  he  was  always  gentle  and  friendly,  and  many 
of  this  class  still  cherish  a  warm  affection  for  his 
memory.  The  only  photograph  of  him  "which  I  have 
been  able  to  obtain  I  had  copied  from  one  which 
some  years  after  his  departure  he  had  sent  to  one  of 
the  oldest,  poorest,  and  most  illiterate  of  his  Valle 
Crucis  flock.  It  was  with  such  that  he  loved  best  to 
stop  and  exchange  the  kindly  offices  of  friendship. 
With  the  very  poor  he  often  stopped  for  the  night  in 
traveling  about,  and  shared  their  coarse  food  and 
slept  upon  their  hard  beds.    He  said  he  could  not 



expect  the  very  poor  to  believe  that  he  really  cared 
for  them  if  they  found  that  he  always  preferred  to 
stay  with  others.  And  they  felt  the  reality  of  the 
good  Avill  expressed  in  this  habitual  acceptance  of 
their  hospitality,  and  were  proud  of  it.  One  of  the 
things  they  loved  to  tell  of  him — and,  I  have  no 
doubt,  still  love  to  tell — was  how  he  would  stop  and 
eat  their  poor  food  and  sleep  hard  and  cold  in  their 
poor  houses. 

Jackson  Townsend  and  his  wife. 

And  among  these  poorer  people  he  found  some 
traces  of  the  old  Valle  Crucis  Mission  and  its  work. 
Old  Mrs.  Townsend,  of  Clark's  Creek,  declared  that 
she  "had  always  been  Episcopal."  She  said  she  had 
been  baptized  by  Bishop  Ives,  and  that  she  had  had 
all  her  children  baptized  in  the  Church.  After  Mr., 
Skiles's  death,  when  there  was  no  clergyman  of  the 
Church  in  the  county,  she  said  she  would  keep  the 
baby  waiting  until  some  clergyman  would  come 
around.  And  her  daughter,  Timothy  Townsend 's 
wife,  shared  her  loyal  attachments.  "Timothy  war 
Lutheran,"  she  said,  "but  I  pulled  and  I  pulled,  and 


now  he  is  Episcopal."  She  was  truly  a  fruitful  vine 
upon  the  walls  of  Timothy's  humble  mountain  cabin, 
and  when  she  had  her  sixteenth  baby  baptized  she 
was  indeed  happy,  and  in  telling-  of  it  she  said,  "I 
was  so  glad  for  the  baby." 

But  the  work  of  the  old  Valle  Crucis  Mission  had 
left  more  important  and  more  widespread  results 
than  the  faint  memories  of  a  few  old  and  obscure 
mountaineers.  The  whole  population  of  that  section 
of  Watauga  County  retained  an  impression  of  that 
noble  effort.  A  very  intelligent  observer  and  mis- 
sionary, the  Rev.  Samuel  F.  Adam,  who  followed 
Mr.  Jones  in  the  immediate  care  of  this  work,  and 
who  spent  a  year  or  two  in  traveling  about,  mostly 
on  foot,  all  through  our  missionary  field  in  the  three 
counties  under  consideration,  was  much  impressed 
with  the  superior  intelligence  and  general  social  de- 
velopment of  the  native  population  along  the  Wa- 
tauga River,  as  compared  with  other  parts  of  that 
country  and  the  adjoining  counties  of  Ashe  and 
Mitchell.  And  the  result  of  his  observation  and 
careful  investigation  and  inquiiy  satisfied  him  that 
this  superiority  was  directly  and  distinctly  trace- 
able to  the  work  of  old  Valle  Crucis  School  and  mis- 
sionaries. Most  of  the  men  who  were  well  advanced 
in  middle  age,  or  a  little  beyond,  had  come  under 
those  influences ;  many  of  them  had  been  pupils  in 
the  school.  My  own  limited  observation  produced 
the  same  impression  upon  my  mind.  One  of  the 
most  intelligent  and  influential  men  in  that  neigh- 
borhood said  to  me  that  all  the  education  he  had 
ever  recived  had  been  in  the  old  Valle  Crucis  School, 
and  its  influences  was  still  to  be  observed  in  the 
general  intellectual  and  social  life  of  the  community. 

That  those  enlightening  and  elevating  influences 
might  be  renewed,  increased,  and  extended,  was  my 
earnest  desire  and  hope.  With  this  view,  a  mission 
school  was  started  at  Valle  Crucis  in  1896,  and  as 
soon  as  I  could  see  any  reasonable  prospect  of  rais- 



ing-  money  for  a  building,  I  set  about  establishing  a 
permanent  home.  Mr.  Charles  D.  Taylor  conveyed 
to  me  for  this  purpose,  or  rather  to  the  proper  trus- 
tees, a  tract  of  three  acres,  part  of  the  old  Mission 
property,  and,  with  the  money  raised  by  Mr.  Jones, 
the  building  was  erected  during  the  years  1896  and 
1897.  Where  Crab  Orchard  Creek  comes  down  from 
its  mountain  glen,  it  opens  into  a  beautiful  cove  of 
one  or  two  acres,  just  before  it  descends  to  the 
broader  valley  forming  the  northern  arm  of  the 
cross  which  gave  the  name  Valle  Crucis.  This  cove 
opens  to  the  south,  with  a  fairly  level  surface,  Crab 
Orchard  Creek  running  close  under  the  slope  of  the 
mountain-side  forming  its  eastern  boundary.  Near 
the  steep  bank  on  the  western  side  of  the  cove,  under 
a  clump  of  rhododendron  and  kalmia,  a  cold  spring 
of  pure  water  bursts  from  the  hillside.  In  this  shel- 
tered spot,  backed  by  the  forest-clad  mountain,  and 
closed  in  on  two  sides  by  projecting  spurs,  was 
placed  the  Mission  House.  It  is  a  modest,  unpreten- 
tious structure,  with  a  hall  running  through  the 
middle,  and  two  rooms  on  each  side  of  the  hall,  and 
a  like  arrangement  in  the  second  story.  It  was  built 
of  wood,  and  cost,  to  the  best  of  my  memory,  twelve 
hundred  dollars.  It  very  fairly  expressed  the  plain 
and  practical  character  of  the  scheme  of  work  then 
entertained.  It  was  intended  as  a  home  for  a  teacher 
and  the  missionary,  and  perhaps  a  few  pupils  who 
might  assist  in^  the  domestic  duties  of  the  household 
while  enjoying  the  benefit  of  the  school.  In  advance 
of  this  building,  and  near  the  public  road  passing 
along  the  front  of  the  cove,  the  building,  to  include 
both  chapel  and  school-room,  was  to  stand,  but  this 
was  not  erected  until  after  Mr.  Jones  had  left  the 

The  completion  of  the  Mission  House  practically 
coincides  with  the  termination  of  Mr.  Jones's  con- 
nection with  Valle  Crucis.  He  continued  in  the  same 
field,  but  he  was  no  longer  specially  concerned  with 


this  part  of  the  work.  About  this  time  we  secured 
the  services  of  the  Rev.  Samuel  F.  Adam,  and  the 
special  charge  of  Valle  Crucis  was  committed  to  him. 
Mr.  Jones  continued  his  general  round  of  services, 
and  gave  special  attention  to  an  interesting  work 
which  he  had  built  up  in  Ashe  County,  some  five  or 
six  miles  from  the  town  of  Jefferson,  and  aboat 
thirty  miles  distant  from  Valle  Crucis. 

All  this  time  his  family  remained,  where  he  had 
established  them  on  his  first  coming  to  Valle  Crucis, 

Mission  House  built  in  1896-7. 

in  the  little  mountain  town  of  Elk  Park,  on  the  nar- 
row-gauge railroad  running  from  Johnson  City, 
Tennessee,  to  the  Cranberry  Iron  Mine,  in  Mitchell 
County.  Fortunately  Mr.  Jones  had  an  income  from 
funds  held  in  trust  for  him,  and  this  income  assured 
his  family  of  a  support  independent  of  the  modest 
salary  paid  him  as  missionary.  He  was  a  very  un- 
selfish man,  and  spent  little  money  on  himself,  ex- 
cept the  necessary  expenses  of  traveling  and  of 
caring  for  his  good  horse  John.  But  he  was  open- 
handed  as  the  day,  and  poverty  is  ever  present  in 



the  remote  mountains.  Probably  little  of  Mr.  Jones's 
small  salary  found  its  way  into  the  domestic  treas- 
ury, and  Mrs.  Jones's  scanty  supplies  were  not  safe 
from  Mr.  Jones's  indiscriminate  charity.  It  is  said 
that  in  looking  over  her  monthly  account  at  the  vil- 
lage store  Mrs.  Jones  was  once  surprised  to  find  an 
item  of  fifty  pairs  of  yarn  socks.  Upon  inquiry,  it 
appeared  that  Mr.  Jones  made  a  practice  of  leaving 
home  with  his  saddle-bags  stuffed  full  of  yarn  socks, 
such  as  used  to  be  knit  by  the  country  people,  and 
bartered  at  the  store  for  merchandise.  Whenever 
he  found  a  poor  person  needing  socks — and  there 
were  many  such — he  would  have  a  pair  ready.  And 
when  he  had  no  money  to  pay  for  them  he  would 
have  them  charged  to  the  family  account ! 

Andy  Luske,  the  Bear  Hunter. 


Beaver  Creek. 

Watauga  County,  in  the  heart  of  the  Blue  Ridge, 
is  wholly  mountainous,  with  the  Grandfather,  one 
of  the  noblest  domes  of  that  lofty  section,  lying  upon 
its  southern  border;  with  the  narrow  valleys  of  the 
Watauga  River  and  its  affluents  running  through  its 
middle  from  south  to  northwest,  and  the  valley  of 
the  South  Fork  of  New  River  beginning  along  its 
eastern  side. 

Ashe  County  lies  north  and  northeast  of  Watauga, 
and  somewhat  west  of  the  ridge  of  the  great  moun- 
tain chain.  It  has  here  and  there  beautiful  moun- 
tains rising  above  the  surrounding  country,  but  is 
much  less  broken  and  precipitous  in  its  general 
formation,  and  presents  to  the  eye  great  billowy 
hills,  heaving  up  their  broad  sides  and  spreading 
out  their  spacious  summits  to  the  sky,  with  cattle 
standing  knee-deep  in  the  rich  grass  of  their  hillside 
pastures,  white  patches  of  buckwheat  in  the  new 
clearings,  and  the  valleys  dark-green  with  rustling 
corn.  The  North  Fork  of  New  River  rises  some- 
where near  its  western  border,  running  with  a  gen- 
eral northeasterly  course  towards  the  Virginia  line ; 
and  the  South  Fork,  coming  in  from  Watauga 
County,  runs  northerly  along  its  eastern  side.  It  is 
a  beautiful  county  and  one  of  the  finest  grazing  sec- 
tions anywhere  to  be  found.  Jefferson,  the  county- 
seat,  near  the  center  of  the  county,  has  its  broad 
main  street  set  with  double  rows  of  cherry  trees  on 
each  side,  which  in  this  fine,  cool  mountain  climate, 
show  an  extraordinary  growth  and  productiveness 
seldom  seen  so  far  south.  Five  miles  from  Jefferson, 
on  the  road  towards  Boone,  the  county-seat  of 
Watauga,  the  road  crosses  Beaver  Creek.  A  large 
academy  building  on  the  summit  of  a  high  hill  used 
to  form  a  conspicuous  landmark,  and  on  the  other 


side  of  the  creek  was  a  large  country  store,  a  mill, 
and  two  handsome  residences,  with  other  buildings 
.  in  sight  in  the  near  distance.  The  two  principal 
houses  are  the  homes  of  Rufus  and  William  Hamil- 
ton, and  their  brother  Hege  Hamilton's  house  is  one 
of  those  seen  not  far  off.  Passing  along  from 
Wilkesboro  on  my  way  towards  the  residence  of  the 
late  Dr.  Joseph  0.  Wilcox,  some  ten  or  twelve  miles 
to  the  west,  I  crossed  Beaver  Creek,  June  21,  1894, 
and  was  so  much  struck  with  the  fine  location,  the 
extensive  prospect,  the  high,  rolling  hills,  the  well 
conditioned  cattle,  and  the  general  appearance  of 
thrift  and  prosperity,  implying  intelligence  and  in- 
dustry beyond  what  is  common  in  the  mountain 
country,  that  I  made  some  inquiries  about  Beaver 
Creek,  which  confirmed  my  first  favorable  impres- 
sion. I  learned,  moreover,  from  Mrs.  Wilcox,  that 
Mrs.  Rufus  Hamilton  was  a  Churchwoman  and  an 
old  pupil  of  St.  Mary's  School,  Raleigh. 

When  I  sent  Mr.  Jones  to  Valle  Crucis  I  asked 
him  to  visit  Beaver  Creek,  and  to  see  if  anything 
could  be  done  there.  The  year  1895  had  been  de- 
voted chiefly  to  Valle  Crucis  and  Bakersville ;  and 
the  last  months  of  1895,  and  the  first  month  or  two 
of  1896,  to  his  effort  to  raise  money  for  his  work. 
Biut  he  had  kept  up  periodical  services  at  several 
points  in  x\she  County;  and  at  Beaver  Creek  had 
succeeded  in  arousing  much  interest,  being  cordially 
,  .  supported  by  Mrs.  Rufus  Hamilton  and  her  good 
husband,  and  having  made  friends  Avith  the  miller 
and  his  family  and  a  circle  of  other  country  people. 

After  his  return  to  his  mission  field  about  the  first 
of  March,  1896,  he  gave  special  attention  to  Beaver 
Creek.  In  that  neighborhood  Mr.  Rufus  Hamilton 
and  Mr.  Hege  Hamilton,  both  men  of  intelligence, 
wealth,  and  prominence,  had  signified  their  purpose 
of  coming  into  the  Church  with  their  households. 
Over  beyond  the  South  Fork  of  New  River,  towards 
Reddies  River  Gap,  lived  a  prominent  family  by  the 


name  of  Bowie.  Mr.  Jones  had  held  services  in  their 
neighborhood,  where  now  has  been  built  a  church 
called  Trinity  Church,  Glendale  Springs.  Over  on 
the  North  Fork  of  New  Eiver  was  also  the  family  of 
Dr.  Wilcox,  already  mentioned,  but  too  distant  to 
co-operate  in  the  work  at  Beaver  Creek. 

The  Church,  as  we  understand  it,  had  been  utterly 
unknown  in  and  around  Beaver  Creek.  There  was 
a  large  Baptist  congregation  a  few  miles  off,  known 
as  "Buffalo  Church,"  and  there  were  also  a  con- 
siderable number  of  M^ethodists,  among  whom  were 
many  prominent  and  intelligent  people.  But  the 
"Episcopal  Church"  was  utterly  unknown  to  the 
vast  majority  of  the  people  until  the  advent  of  Mil- 
nor  Jones.  He  had  set  forth  very  plainly  from  the 
first  his  conception  of  the  history,  character,  and 
claims  of  the  Church,  and  its  essential  superiority  to 
all  modern  organizations.  He  had  very  widely  dis- 
tributed copies  of  the  Prayer  Book,  and  he  had  not 
only  drawn  large  congregations,  but  it  began  to  be 
seen  that  he  was  bringing  into  the  Church  some  of 
the  best  and  most  respected  people  of  the  section, 
among  the  poor,  as  well  as  among  the  more  wealthy. 
And,  after  his  fashion,  he  had  not  failed  to  give  very 
free  expression  to  his  unfavorable  opinion  of  the 
Baptists  and  Methodists,  and  his  repudiation  of  their 
claims  to  be  adequate  representatives  of  the  true 
Church  of  Christ,  either  in  their  teaching  or  organi- 

"When  he  resumed  his  regular  services  and  visits 
early  in  1896,  he  resolved  upon  a  bold  move.  He 
was  alM^ays  inclined  to  the  sensational  and  spectacu- 
lar. As  in  his  early  days  in  Polk  County,  he  had 
rented  the  very  court-house  and  opened  a  mission 
school  in  it,  so  now  he  rented  the  large  academy 
building,  standing  on  the  summit  of  a  hill  overlook- 
ing Beaver  Creek,  and  begged  me  to  send  him  two 
teachers  that  he  might  open  a  school  for  all  the  chil- 
dren of  the  neighborhood.    I  sent  him  a  young  man, 



John  C.  Seagie,  a  Postulant,  one  of  a  Henderson 
County  family  who  had  come  into  the  Church  under 
Mr.  Jones's  ministry  about  1885.  At  the  same  time 
I  sent  also  a  young  lady  teacher,  Miss  Lou  Smith,  of 
Scotland  Neck.  As  it  had  been  customary  to  hold 
religious  services  in  this  building,  which  we  had 
now  leased  for  two  years,  I  was  careful  to  have  it 
given  out  that  all  denominations  of  Christian  people 
were  free  to  use  the  academy  for  public  worship  on 
any  Sunday  except  that  on  which  Mr.  Jones  had  his 
monthly  appointment,  and  on  such  Sunday  as  I 
might  appoint  for  a  visitation. 

All  this,  especially  as  interpreted  b}^  Mr.  Jones's 
preaching,  was  sufficiently  disagreeable  and  irritat- 
ing to  the  Methodists  and  Baptists  of  the  neighbor- 
hood. And  Mr.  Jones's  enthusiastic  friends  among- 
the  more  uneducated  people  began  to  assert  that 
"Brother  Jones  and  his  Pr'ar  Books  would  soon 
break  up  Buffalo."  In  the  midst  of  this  growing' 
irritation  came  the  announcement  that  on  the  third 
Sunday  in  June  the  Bishop  would  visit  Beaver  Creek 
"for  the  purpose  of  organizing  and  establishing  the 
Church"  at  that  point.  What  that  meant  exactly 
was  but  imperfectly  understood,  even  by  Mr.  Jones's 
I  own  candidates  for  confirmation ;  but  they  gathered 
from  him  that  it  would  be  something  great  indeed. 
He  did  not  fail  to  magnify  the  office  and  work  of  the 
Bishop,  and  June  21st  was  looked  forward  to  with 
great  and  joyful  expectation  by  those  interested  in 
his  work,  wdtli  very  lively  interest  by  the  people  of 
the  neighborhood  generally,  and  with  an  apprehen- 
sion of  some  mysterious  and  unknown  evil  by  the 
enthusiastic  members  of  "Buffalo"  and  other  local 
congregations.  They  got  an  impression  from  Mr. 
Jones's  representations  of  an  Episcopal  visitation 
that  it  boded  disaster  to  all  "opposers." 

June  16,  1896,  I  went  up  from  Greensboro  to 
Wilkesboro,  where  I  was  met,  according  to  agree- 
ment, by  Mr.  Jones,  that  I  might  visit  his  Ashe  and 


'Watauga  County  Missions.  He  had  the  same  stout 
buggy  and  team  which  had  served  us  so  well  the 
year  before  in  our  Valle  Crusis  and  Bakersville  jour- 
neys. We  drove  that  afternoon  only  part  of  the 
way,  spending  the  night  at  the  house  of  Mr.  Owens, 
near  Miller's  Creek,  Wilkes  County.  At  a  school- 
house  near  by  we  had  a  service,  and  I  preached.  The 
-next  day  we  drove  up  through  Reddies  River  Gap, 
across  the  Blue  Ridge,  into  Ashe  County,  to  the 
house  of  Dr.  Joseph  0.  Wilcox,  on  the  North  Fork 
of  New  River.  Thursday,  June  18th,  we  had  a  ser- 
vice at  Willow  Grove  School-House,  near  Creston,  in 
the  forenoon,  and  at  night  in  Piney  Grove  Church, 
near  Dr.  Wilcox's.  Friday  we  drove  into  Jefferson, 
and  in  the  afternoon  went  on  to  the  house  of  Mr. 
Rufus  A.  Hamilton,  at  Beaver  Creek,  where  I  had  an 
,appointment  that  night,  as  well  as  for  Sunday  after- 

Quite  a  large  congregation  assembled  in  the  acad- 
emy for  our  8  o'clock  service,  and  I  was  conscious  of 
a  subdued  excitement  pervading  the  assembly,  which 
I  attributed  to  the  general  expectation  of  the  novel 
and  important  service  of  confirmation  on  Sunday 
morning,  a  number  of  the  candidates  being  present 
at  this  preliminary  service.  Confirmation  had  never 
been  administered  in  this  community  before,  and 
there  was  a  natural  interest  felt  in  it.  At  this  Fri- 
day night  service  I  baptized  a  girl,  one  of  the  can- 
didates, and  preached,  as  I  had  done  at  my  first 
service  in  Bakersville,  on  the  nature  and  necessity 
of  Conversion. 

After  the  service  I  noticed  that  all  our  friends  and 
special  adherents  gathered  around  me  as  I  came  out 
of  the  academy,  and  accompanied  me  all  the  way  to 
Mr.  Rufus  Hamilton's  house.  They  were  talking 
very  earnestly,  though  I  could  not  quite  make  out  the 
subject  of  their  conversation.  I  heard  one  of  them 
say  to  another,  "I  don't  think  there  will  be  any 
trouble.   Cal.  Graybeal  was  there  tonight  and  heard 



the  Bishop  preach,  and  he  said  he  thinks  the  Bishop 
is  all  right,"  or  something  to  that  general  effect.  I 
had  no  idea  who  Cal.  Graybeal  might  be,  or  why  he 
should  be  pleased  or  displeased.  Indeed,  but  for 
what  followed  I  should  not  have  remembered  this 
conversation  overheard  Friday  night. 

Saturday  we  spent  making  some  visits  in  the 
neighborhood,  especially  to  such  persons  as  were  to 
be  confirmed  the  next  day.  Every  one  seemed  much 
interested,  and  there  seemed  a  general  spirit  of  eager 
anticipation,  coupled  with  an  undercurrent  of  un- 
certainty and  excitement,  which  I  thought  not  un- 
natural. Mr.  Jones  was  eager  and  confident,  and 
busy  in  various  preparations  for  our  service. 

June  21st,  the  Third  Sunday  after  Trinity,  was  a 
fair  and  beautiful  day.  Soon  after  breakfast,  look- 
ing from  my  window  in  Mr.  Rufus  Hamilton's  house, 
across  the  narrow  valley  of  Beaver  Creek,  lying  be- 
low, and  then  up  to  where  the  academy  crowned  the 
summit  of  the  opposite  hill,  three  or  four  hundred 
yards  distant,  I  observed  a  number  of  horses  tied  to 
the  fence  and  their  owners  standing  about  the  acad- 
emy door.  From  time  to  time  others  would  ride  up, 
tie  their  horses  to  the  fence,  and  join  the  group.  I 
thought  with  myself  that  our  service  was  attracting 
even  greater  attention  than  I  had  anticipated.  By 
9  o'clock  there  seemed  to  be  at  least  twenty  or  thirty 
men  assembled,  and  their  number  continually  in- 
creased by  the  arrival  of  others. 

We  had  an  appointment  at  11  o'clock  the  next  day 
some  twelve  miles  off,  near  Elk  Cross  Roads,  on  the 
border  of  Watauga  County.  Mr.  Jones's  horse  John 
had  been  a  little  sick  the  evening  before,  with  what 
Mr.  Jones  feared  might  be,  as  he  termed  it,  "water- 
farcy,"  from  drinking  too  freely  of  cold  spring 
water  while  overheated.  Feeling  some  anxiety  on 
this  account,  I  went  out  to  the  barn  about  9  o'clock 
to  see  how  the  horse  was  doing.  In  the  barnyard  I 
found  Mr.  Rufus  Hamilton  in  close  conference  with 


his  brother  William.  I  thought  they  looked  toward 
me  from  time  to  time,  and  seemed  to  be  in  some 
trouble  or  uncertainty  about  me.  I  therefore  joined 
them  and  asked  what  might  be  the  trouble.  They 
hesitated  and  seemed  quite  reluctant  to  speak,  inti- 
mating that  they  were  unwilling  to  let  me  know  the 
situation.  Upon  being  pressed  for  an  explanation, 
they  said  that  they  were  very  deeply  mortified,  as 
well  as  indignant,  that  I  should  be  so  treated  on  my 
first  visit  to  their  neighborhood ;  that  the  crowd  at 
the  academy  had  sent  representatives  to  them  to  say 
that  I  would  not  be  allowed  to  preach  there  in  ac- 
cordance with  my  appointment.  They  declared  that 
they  were  amazed  and  indignant,  and  at  a  loss  how 
to  proceed.  Mr.  William  Hamilton,  who  was  a 
Methodist,  said  he  would  be  very  glad  to  have  me 
preach  at  his  house,  and  that  perhaps  it  would  be 
best  that  I  should  do  this.  They  seemed  to  think  it 
useless  to  attempt  to  keep  my  appointment.  I 
thanked  Mr.  William  Hamilton  for  his  offer,  and 
told  him  there  was  nothing  that  they  could  do,  and 
that  I  must  take  the  matter  into  my  own  hands. 

I  felt  at  once  that  it  would  not  do  for  me  to  yield 
to  such  an  insolent  message  and  allow  these  men  to 
frighten  me  into  abandoning  my  appointment.  They 
would  at  once  declare  that  they  had  had  no  real  pur- 
pose of  interfering  with  me,  and  that  I  had  been 
scared  off.  At  the  same  time  I  felt  that  it  would  not 
be  becoming  to  engage  in  a  foolish  brawl  on  Sunday 
morning.  I  determined,  therefore,  to  proceed  quiet- 
ly with  my  purpose,  as  if  nothing  had  happened,  and 
not  to  desist  until  stopped  by  actual  force.  This 
would  prevent  any  imputation  of  cowardice  on  my 
part,  and  would  put  them  in  the  position  of  rioters 
and  lawbreakers,  while  I  believed  I  could  so  manage 
it  as  to  avoid  any  unseemly  violence  and  wrangling. 
I  therefore  returned  to  my  room,  went  carefully 
over  the  situation  in  my  own  mind,  and  determined 


on  the  course  of  action  which  I  thought  proper  to 

A  little  after  10  o'clock  I  called  Mr.  John  Seagle, 
my  missionary  teacher  in  charge  of  our  school,  and 
asked  him  to  prepare  to  accompany  me,  and  to  take 
a  large  basket,  with  the  vessels  and  the  elements  for 
the  Holy  Communion,  and  our  supply  of  Prayer 
Books.  I  would  not  allow  Mr.  Jones  or  Mr.  Hamil- 
ton, or  any  of  our  friends,  to  go  along,  but  charged 
them  to  remain  where  they  were,  and  to  stop  all 
others  who  might  come  up,  unless  I  should  send  for 
them.  I  felt  that  Mr.  Seagle  would  do  only  what  I 
should  tell  him  to  do.  I  feared  I  could  not  restrain 
our  other  friends  from  resenting  any  injurious 
words  or  actions  offered  me,  and  I  was  determined 
to  avoid  any  discreditable  contention. 

The  steps  where  the  Bishop's  "knees  felt  weak.' 


Followed  by  Mr.  Seagle  with  the  hasket,  I  started 
to  the  academy.  It  stood  out  in  full  view  from  Mr. 
Hamilton's  residence,  and  by  this  time  the  crowd  of 
men  had  greatly  increased,  numbering  certainly  a 
good  many  more  than  fifty.  As  I  descended  the 
steps,  looking  across  the  narrow  valley  to  the  clus- 
tering crowd,  I  felt  a  distinct  weakness  in  my  knees, 
as  if  they  would  give  way  under  me,  and  with  an 
inward  suffusion  of  shame  I  said  to  myself,  "I  won- 
der if  T  am  a  coward  and  afraid  to  face  those  men." 
But  then  it  came  into  my  mind  that  it  was  of  no 
great  consequence  how  my  knees  felt,  so  long  as  my 
will  made  them  carry  me  forward,  and  I  knew  I  had 
not  the  least  inclination  to  pause  or  go  back.  This 
thought  comforted  me,  and  I  went  on  across  the 
foot-bridge,  over  Beaver  Creek,  and  up  the  long 
slope  of  the  hill  towards  the  academy.  As  I  began 
to  mount  the  hill  the  feeling  of  weakness  departed 
from  my  knees,  and  all  inward  perturbation  of  spirit 
passed  off.  I  felt  only  a  kind  of  wonder  that  the 
men  I  was  approaching  should  be  so  foolish  and 
ignorant.  I  was  conscious  of  no  sentiment  of  anger 
or  ill  will,  but  only  of  a  kind  of  wonder  that  they 
should  know  no  better. 

As  I  drew  nearer,  they  made  no  sound,  but  simply 
gathered  in  a  compact  mass  before  and  around  the 
little  elevation  in  front  of  the  entrance  to  the  build- 
ing, so  that  I  could  not  approach  it.  I  walked  up 
and  addressed  them  as  if  they  had  assembled  to  join 
in  my  service,  ''Good  morning,  gentlemen."  I  said: 
"I  have  an  appointment  to  preach  in  this  building 
at  11  o'clock,  so  I  must  go  in  and  prepare  for  the 
service."  When  I  bade  them  good-morning,  I  heard 
a  sort  of  inarticulate  murmur  of  response ;  but  when 
I  had  ceased  speaking  there  was  silence.  Then  some 
one  said,  ''We  have  concluded  not  to  have  any 
preaching  here  today."  "Yes,"  I  said,  "but  I  am 
going  to  preach  here."  "No,"  was  the  response; 
"there  is  going  to  be  no  preaching  here  today." 


"What  do  you  mean?"  I  said.  "Do  you  claim  to 
own  this  building-,  that  you  refuse  to  allow  me  to  use 
it?"  A  voice  from  the  back  of  the  crowd  called  out, 
"Do  you  own  it?"  "No,"  I  replied,  "I  do  not  own 
it,  but  1  have  the  right  to  use  it.  I  have  the  author- 
ity from  those  who  do  own  it."  "Well,  we  are  not 
going-  to  allow  anybody  to  have  any  service  here  to- 
day," the  first  speaker  said,  and  this  sentiment  was 
confirmed  in  various  ways  by  a  number  of  the 
crowd.  "Gentlemen,"  I  said,  "what  do  you  mean 
by  this  outrageous  and  unlawful  behavior,  gathering 
here  and  forcibly  preventing  me  from  entering  and 
using  a  building  which  I  have  a  right  to  use?"  A 
man  who  seemed  all  along,  with  one  or  two  others, 
to  dominate  and  lead  the  crowd,  replied:  "We  have 
nothing  against  you,  but  we  don't  like  Mr.  Jones. 
He  has  abused  our  denomination  and  he  has  abused 
us,  and  we  understand  that  you  preach  the  same 
doctrine.  Don't  you  preach  the  same  doctrine  that 
he  does?"  "I  do  not  propose  to  be  examined  by 
you  as  to  what  I  preach,"  I  replied.  "I  preach  the 
truth,  and  it  is  the  worse  for  you  if  you  do  not  re- 
ceive it.  I  am  going  to  preach  here  today,  unless 
J  you  stop  me  by  force.  Do  you  mean  to  say  that  you 
'  will  forcibly  prevent  me  ?"  I  had  made  up  my  mind 
that  if  they  should  say  they  intended  to  use  force  I 
would  proceed  no  further.  A  crowd  of  men  so 
gathered  together  and  declaring  that  they  would  use 
force  to  keep  me  out  of  the  building  would  in  law 
be  guilty  of  a  riot  and  an  assault,  and  it  was  only 
;  my  purpose  to  go  so  far  as  to  put  them  clearly  in 
the  wrong,  and  to  show  that  I  had  not  failed  to  keep 
my  appointment  from  any  weakness  or  timidity. 
When  I  asked  them  if  they  intended  to  .stop  me  by 
force,  they  made  no  reply  whatever.  I  thought  then, 
and  I  think  now,  that  their  leaders  had  taken  legal 
advice  and  had  been  told  how  to  avoid,  if  possible, 
any  overt  lawless  act.  When  they  thus  stood  silent, 
refusing  to  declare  their  intention,  I  said:  "Now, 


grentlemen,  I  am  going  into  this  house  and  keep  my 
appointment,  unless  you  stop  me  by  force."  Turn- 
ing to  Mr.  Seagle,  I  asked  him  to  give  me  the  key  of 
the  academy.  He  handed  it  to  me.  "Please  let  me 
pass  through  to  the  door,"  I  said,  and  endeavored 
to  press  my  way  between  them.  Thereupon  the  men 
nearest  me,  as  I  tried  to  make  my  way  into  the 
crowd,  put  out  their  hands  and  pushed  me  back. 
When  they  had  thus  forced  me  back,  I  desisted  at 
once.  "Now,  gentlemen,  you  have  gone  to  the  ex- 
tent of  committing  an  assault  upon  me  and  stopping 
me  by  force.  I  cannot  contend  with  a  hundred  men. 
But  I  call  upon  all  persons  present  to  witness  that  I 
protest  against  this  action  as  an  outrage  against  the 
constitution  and  laws  of  the  State  of  North  Caro- 
lina. I  am  glad  to  believe  that  your  action  does  not 
represent  the  feeling  of  the  best  and  most  intelligent 
people  of  this  community.  As  you  will  not  allow  me 
to  preach  here,  I  shall  go  down  and  preach  at  Mr. 
William  Hamilton's.  He  is  not  a  member  of  the 
Church  of  which  I  am  a  minister,  but  lie  is  a  Chris- 
tian man  and  does  not  sympathize  with  such  pro- 
ceedings as  these.  I  invite  you  all  to  come  down  to 
the  service  at  Mr.  Hamilton's.  If  you  will  come 
down  and  join  in  our  worship,  and  listen  to  the 
preaching,  perhaps  it  may  help  you  to  feel  better 
than  you  do  now."  I  thereupon  left  them,  and  Mr. 
Seagle  and  I  went  down  the  hill  and  proceeded  to 
the  house  of  Mr.  William  Hamilton.  Here  quite  a 
number  of  people  had  assembled,  and  much  excite- 
ment prevailed.  A  one-armed  man  (i.  e.,  with  one 
arm  paralyzed),  named  John  Hardin,  on  horseback, 
was  moving  about  among  the  people,  brandishing  his 
one  arm,  calling  on  all  those  present  to  resent  the 
outrage  committed  at  the  academy,  and  declaring 
that  if  no  one  would  accompany  him  he  would  go  up 
and  "clean  up"  the  lot,  single-handed.  I  assured 
them  that  I  was  unwilling  to  have  any  disturbance 
made  on  my  account,  and  asked  them  all  to  join  me 


in  the  service  which  I  was  about  to  hold.  It  was 
impossible,  under  the  circumstances,  to  have  any 
service  save  of  the  simplest  character.  I  therefore 
had  only  the  confirmation  office  and  a  sermon.  Kneel- 
ing on  the  grass,  under  the  shade  of  the  maple  trees 
in  front  of  Mr.  William  Hamilton's  house,  the  nine- 
teen candidates  received  the  Laying  On  of  Hands. 
I  made  a  short  address  to  them,  and  then,  after  a 
cliaper  in  the  Bible,  a  hymn,  the  Creed,  and  a  few 
collects,  I  preached  from  Acts  viii  :12. 

One  reason  I  had  for  not  taking  any  people  of  the 
place  with  me  when  I  went  up  to  the  academy  was 
that  I  preferred  not  to  know  who  the  men  in  the 
mob  were.  I  was  told,  however,  that  the  leaders 
were  two  sons  of  the  Baptist  preacher  at  '^Buffalo 
Church,"  named  Duncan,  and  a 'prominent  Metho- 
dist by  the  name  of  Calvin  Graybeal ;  but  as  this  was 
only  hearsay  to  me,  I  could  not  have  been  called  on 
to  name  them  in  any  criminal  proceedings.  I  took 
it  for  granted  that  they  would  be  proceeded  against 
by  the  proper  authorities  for  their  riot  and  assault, 
and  I  had  made  up  my  mind  in  that  case  to  attend 
the  trial  and  to  ask  that  sentence  should  be  sus- 
pended. But  they  were  not  presented  by  the  grand 
jury,  and  the  Solicitor  in  that  district,  who  was  a 
prominent  Baptist,  sent  no  bill  against  them,  so  far 
as  I  heard.  The  best  people  of  the  community  pub- 
lished in  the  papers  a  denunciation  of  their  action ; 
and  a  counter-plea  appeared,  saying  that  they  had 
been  led  to  it  by  anger,  because  they  had  been  re- 
fused the  use  of  the  academy  for  their  accustomed 
religious  services,  which  was  wholly  false ;  and  there 
the  matter  ended. 

Monday  morning,  our  horse  being  quite  recov- 
ered, Mr.  Jones  and  I  drove  to  the  neighborhood  of 
Elk  Cross  Roads,  on  the  South  Fork  of  New  River, 
where  we  had  an  appointment  at  11  o'clock.  We 
found  a  number  of  people  awaiting,  who,  however, 
expressed  much  surprise  at  seeing  us  drive  up. 


^'Why!  You  have  come,  sure  enough!"  "Yes,"  I 
said.  "Didn't  you  expect  me?  Do  I  not  usually 
come  when  I  say  I  will?"  "Yes,"  they  replied, 
"but  the  mail-carrier  came  along  a  little  while  ago 
and  told  us  that  you  would  not  be  here  today.  He 
said  that  Cal  Graybeal  had  beat  up  the  Bishop  so 
bad  that  he  could  not  travel!"  But  we  had  our  ser- 
vice, and  I  baptized  an  infant,  and  preached.  At  a 
private  house  in  the  neighborhood  later  in  the  day 
I  had  a  service  and  confirmed  a  young  man.  The 
next  day  we  were  in  St.  Luke's  Church,  Boone, 
where  I  preached  and  administered  the  Holy  Com- 

From  Wednesday,  June  24th,  to  Sunday,  the  28th, 
I  was  with  Mr.  Jones  at  Valle  Crucis.  Saturday,  at 
the  residence  of  Timothy  Townsend,  on  Clark's 
Creek,  Timothy  lying  in  a  critical  condition  from 
having  a  tree  fall  on  him,  I  administered  the  Holy 
Communion  to  the  injured  man  and  seven  members 
of  his  family.  Sunday,  in  St.  John's  Church,  I  con- 
firmed seven  persons  and  administered  the  Holy 

I  next  met  Mr.  Jones  at  Bakersville,  where  we  had 
a  service,  in  the  court-house,  the  fifth  Sunday  after 
Trinity,  July  5th,  and  at  night  in  the  country  near- 
by we  had  another  service.  The  following  day  w& 
had  a  conference  with  our  people  of  Bakersville,  and 
took  steps  towards  buying  a  lot  and  building  a 

Before  getting  back  to  Valle  Crucis,  Mr.  Jones  had 
another  perilous  adventure  in  crossing  a  swollen 
stream ;  but  this  story  is  already  too  long. 

On  leaving  Beaver  Creek,  I  had  promised  to  re- 
turn some  time  in  July.  But  the  excessive  rains 
during  the  second  week  in  July  made  mountain 
travel  so  difficult  and  dangerous  that  I  had  to  give 
up  that  plan. 

The  seventh  Sunday  after  Trinity,  September 
27th,  I  was  again  at  Beaver  Creek.    The  academy 



being-  not  a  very  convenient  place  for  the  office  of 
the  Holy  Communion,  I  had  a  morning  service  at  the 
residence  of  Mr.  R^fus  Hamilton,  confirmed  three 
persons  presented  by  Mr.  Jones,  and  administered 
the  Holy  Communion  to  thirty-three  persons.  In  the 
afternoon  we  had  service  and  preached  in  the  acad- 
emy. The  same  day,  I  authorized  the  formation  of 
a  mission  congregation  under  the  canons,  called 
''The  Church  of  St.  Simon  the  Zealot,"  and  myself 
entered  upon  the  parish  register  of  this  mission  the 
names  of  all  the  communicants  of  the  Church  in 
Ashe  County. 

I  was  never  able  to  make  another  visitation  during 
Mr.  Jones's  ministry. 

Chapel  and  school-house  at  Valle  Crucis,  built  after  Mr.  Jones  had  left. 


The  Ravelled  Ends. 

I  have  come  to  the  end  of  my  story  of  my  Deacon 
and  Missionary,  Milnor  Jones,  so  far  as  my  personal 
experience  goes.  And,  indeed,  I  have  really  come 
to  the  end  of  his  effective  work.  He  continued  in 
the  District  of  Asheville  until  near  the  end  of  the 
year  1897,  and  his  name  remained  on  the  Asheville 
clergy  list  until  his  death.  But  he  did  little  or  no 
regular  service  after  1897,  so  far  as  I  know,  though 
I  believe  he  officiated  irregularly  and  for  brief 
periods  in  different  places  in  California  and  Wash- 
ington. I  learned,  only  after  his  death,  that  for 
several  years  he  had  lived  in  Henderson  County  and 
Hendersonville,  in  great  need  and  discomfort.  I 
had  heard  a  year  or  two  before  his  death  that  some 
one  had  seen  him  at  Mr.  Seagle's,  in  Henderson 
County,  and  that  he  had  sent  me  an  affectionate 
message ;  but  I  understood  that  he  had  merely  been 
visiting  the  Seagles,  and  I  had  no  idea  that  he  had 
been  there  for  any  length  of  time,  but  thought  he 
was  on  the  Pacific  coast. 

As  has  before  been  said,  he  was  at  all  times  of  a 
peculiar  and  unaccountable  character,  and  seemed, 
after  periods  of  great  energy  and  activity,  to  come 
to  a  state  of  physical  exhaustion,  with  a  correspond- 
ing intellectual  and  spiritual  loss  of  tone,  so  to 
speak.  Such  a  condition  seemed  to  be  coming  on 
him  towards  the  end  of  1897.  He  suffered  very  dis- 
tressing attacks  of  the  physical  malady  mentioned 
in  connection  with  his  ministry  in  Polk  County. 
During  one  of  such  attacks  in  Ashe  County  in  1897, 
when  he  was  at  a  country  house  far  distant  from 
medical  advice  or  remedies,  being  in  apparent  dan- 
ger of  his  life,  as  well  as  suft'ering  intensely,  he  had 
to  use  large  doses  of  whiskey — the  only  means  at 
hand  by  which  he  could  find  relief — not  merely  from 


pain,  but  from  his  very  critical  condition.  Of  course, 
in  the  midst  of  many  malicious  hearts  and  tongues, 
it  was  reported  all  over  the  countryside  that  he  was 
drunk,  as,  indeed,  he  was,  for  some  hours,  under  the 
influence  of  the  dose  he  had  taken.  But  I  made 
careful  inquiry  into  the  facts  and  the  circumstances, 
and  I  am  thoroughly  convinced  that  the  case  was 
exactly  as  I  have  stated,  and  that  the  taking  of  the 
whiskey  was  solely  as  a  necessary  medicine,  and  not 
at  all  the  indulgence  of  a  vicious  appetite.  I  knew 
him  for  years,  and  have  been  with  him  for  weeks  at 
a  time,  day  and  night.  At  no  time  during  those 
years  do  I  believe  that  he  was  otherwise  than  en- 
tirely sober  and  temperate  in  drink  and  diet.  But 
in  1897  he  was  in  a  state  of  depression.  His  work 
had  become  more  or  less  a  burden  instead  of  a  joy- 
ous exercise.  He  had  a  feeling  that  he  would  be 
better  out  on  the  Pacific  coast.  At  the  end  of  that 
year  he  removed  to  California. 

The  only  sight  I  had  of  him  after  1897  was  in 
October,  1901,  during  the  General  Convention  in 
San  Francisco.  I  had  a  letter  from  him,  saying  that 
he  was  living  in  San  Rafael,  not  far  distant  from 
San  Francisco,  and  begging  me  to  come  out  and  see 
him.  Bishop  Horner  had  a  similar  invitation,  and 
we  promised  to  go  out  and  spend  a  Saturday  after- 
noon with  him.  I  think  it  was  October  12th.  He 
met  us  at  the  railway  station  in  San  Rafael  and  took 
us  to  his  house. 

I  do  not  remember  the  names  of  all  his  children, 
but  they  were  most  of  them  very  singular  or  un- 
usual names.  His  eldest  boy  and  girl,  Clement 
(after  his  father),  and  Mary,  fared  very  well;  but 
then  I  remember  Boniface  and  Xavier,  Saint  Augus- 
tine, and  Blandina.  As  we  drove  from  the  station 
with  him  I  asked  after  his  children,  and  learned  that 
he  had  an  infant  born  since  I  had  seen  him.  "What 
have  you  named  the  baby?"  I  asked.  "I  have  named 
her  after  David's  mother,  the  wife  of  Jesse,"  he  re- 



plied.  ''Bishop  Horner,"  I  said,  "what  name  had 
David's  mother?"  "Indeed,  I  do  not  know,"  said 
Bishop  Horner.  "Her  name  was  Nitzenith,"  said 
Mr.  Jones.  "I  once  read  some  account  of  her,  and 
of  an  incident  in  her  married  life ;  and  I  admired 
her  so  much,  and  her  wisdom  and  goodness  in  deal- 
ing with  her  husband  and  her  servant,  that  I  named 
my  little  girl  after  her,  Nitzenith.  Women  had  a 
hard  time  in  those  old  days. '  Little  Nitzenith  must 
be  nearly  a  grown  young  woman  by  this;  she  was  a 
little  girl  of  one  or  two  years  at  that  time. 

He  told  me  that,  shortly  after  leaving  me,  when 
he  was  living  somewhere  near  the  coast  in  northern 
California,  there  was  in  his  neighborhood  the  rem- 
nant of  a  tribe  of  Digg(3r  Indians.  Desiring  to  do 
something  to  help  them,  he  undertook  to  have  a 
school  for  their  children,  and  carried  on  this  work 
among  them  for  some  time — I  think  he  said  for 
nearly  a  year.  At  the  end  of  the  year  he  was  mak- 
ing his  plans  to  remove  to  some  other  place.  By 
way  of  bringing  his  work  among  them  to  a  happy 
conclusion,  he  sent  a  small  sum  of  money  to  some 
friend  in  Sacramento  and  bought  Christmas  gifts  for 
the  children.  At  Christmas  he  had  a  parting  enter- 
tainment for  his  Indian  pupils  and  friends,  and 
wound  up  his  celebration  and  his  work  among  them 
by  baptizing  the  whole  tribe,  fifty  or  sixty  in  all, 
from  "Long-haired  Bob,"  the  chief,  to  the  youngest 
baby  in  the  tribe,  named  J  ones,  after  himself ! 

*  I  have  made  many  inquiries  of  scholars  and  divines  as  to  the  name 
of  David's  mother,  but  without  success.  Milnor  Jones  was  the  only  man 
I  ever  met  who  knew  her  name.  Finally,  I  mentioned  to  my  old  col- 
lege friend,  the  late  Dr.  Samuel  Hart,  the  account  Milnor  Jones  had 
given  of  his  naming  his  child  after  Jesse's  wife.  He  said  he  thought  he 
remembered  a  note  in  one  of  Baring-Gould's  books  bearing  on  the  sub- 
ject. On  going  to  his  book-case,  however,  it  appeared  that  the  volume 
he  sought  was  lacking,  and  he  remembered  nothing  as  to  the  name.  A 
few  weeks  after  my  return  home,  I  received  a  postal  card  from  him  in 
these  words : 

Kal.  Mart. 

Baring-Gould's  book  has  reappeared.  He  tells  the  story  in  Latin,  and 
savs  that  David's  mother  was  named  Nitzenith,  on  the  authoritv  of  the 
Midrash.  S.  H. 



On  ieaving-  him  that  evening,  to  return  to  San 
Francisco,  he  presented  me  with  an  Indian  basket, 
which  he  said  had  been  made  and  given  to  him  by 
"Long-haired  Bob." 

This  is  my  story  of  Milnor  Jones,  Deacon  and  Mis- 


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