🙌 Deaf ABA Consultation & Services

Signs of Communication, LLC offers linguistically and culturally specialized behavioral health services for the Deaf community. We are the industry-leading expert on Deaf Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is the science of using the principles of learning and behavior to create socially significant behavior change in peoples’ lives — but Deaf Applied Behavior Analysis is FAR more than just “ABA with people who can’t hear”!

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Why Deaf ABA anyways?

Deaf and hard of hearing individuals are simply different from their hearing peers. They think differently. They learn differently. They develop differently. And they need different services, specifically meant for their needs. This isn’t about the ear- it’s not about hearing aids or cochlear implants, it’s not even about using sign language or spoken language.

This is about the fact that life as a deaf or hard of hearing person is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT way of perceiving, interacting and existing in the world. Even with interpreters or even in deaf school programs, we still see challenges and difficulties if the curriculum itself does not account for the unique needs of deaf children.

So why do we use the exact same methodologies and pedagogies to teach deaf children? It simply doesn’t make sense. That’s why we use the framework of “Deaf Gain” to inform how we work with with this unique population.

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