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Selected Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA 11)
edited by Kelly Biers and Joshua R. Brown
Printed edition: $250.00


Kelly Biers, Joshua R. Brown, Kari Kinn, and Michael T. Putnam
v-vi (abstract or complete paper)

Reducing the Role of Prosody: Plural Allomorphy in Pennsylvania Dutch
Rose Fisher, Katharina S. Schuhmann, and Michael T. Putnam
1-10 (abstract or complete paper)

Plurals in Argentine Hunsrück German
Robert Klosinski and B. Richard Page
11-17 (abstract or complete paper)

Reading Skills among Young Norwegian-American Heritage Speakers in the Early 1900s
Arnstein Hjelde and Camilla Bjørke
18-28 (abstract or complete paper)

Prolonged Language Maintenance in Multilingual Texts: Evidence from the Ostfriesen Zeitung and a Reader's Diary
Maike H. Rocker
29-39 (abstract or complete paper)

Historical Sociolinguistic Contexts: Networks and Feature Availability in 19th Century German Letter Collections
Samantha M. Litty
40-47 (abstract or complete paper)

The Role of Language Socialization in Arabic Heritage Language Development in the U.S.
Reda Mohammed
48-54 (abstract or complete paper)

Heritage Language Home and Community: Gendered Division of Labor and Language Shift
Joshua Bousquette and David Natvig
55-62 (abstract or complete paper)

Postvernacular Identity in Two North Frisian Immigrant Communities in the USA
Robert Kleih
63-70 (abstract or complete paper)

The Last Stages of Language Shift and Verticalization: Comparative Upper Midwestern Data
Joseph Salmons
71-78 (abstract or complete paper)