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Staff Contact:  Christina Berta, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations


On January 18, 2022, the Superintendent presented his FY2023 Proposed Budget to the School Board. The budget presentation included an overview of the proposed budget for the general fund, school nutrition fund, and the five-year capital improvement plan.  On January 25, 2022, the Board held a public hearing to receive public comment on the proposed budget. Finally, on February 8, 2022 the School Board acted to approve the proposed budget and then transmit the School Board’s Approved Budget to the Hanover County Board of Supervisors.


The FY2023 general fund budget includes a 5.0% salary increase for all employees; investments in a longevity increase for service time in Hanover County and market adjustments in select job families as well as the continuation of the five-year technology plan. The budget also provides funding to rescind tuition for non-resident employees’ children, assigned substitutes for our schools, establishment of a PREP substitute incentive program, continued payment to exempt employees for substitute coverage, support the establishment of a provisional teacher university, a professional development coordinator, and a software upgrade for professional development. This budget also provides for an increase of five school counselors, two applied behavior analysis consultative teachers, a school psychologist, a work-based learning coordinator, career counselor, advanced studies coordinators, two additional ESL teachers, and an elementary senior teacher for special education. The operating budget includes just over $13.8 million of new revenue. Local funds are increasing by $6.3 million and state revenue is anticipated to increase by $7.2M with the balance in federal and other revenue increases or decreases.   


The proposed Capital improvement Plan totals over $175.2 million over 5 years and includes funding for the construction of a new John M. Gandy Elementary School in year 1. In year 3 the design and construction of a replacement Battlefield Park Elementary School is included. In year 5 the design and construction of a replacement Washington-Henry Elementary School and the design and renovation of Beaverdam Elementary School are included. The FY2023 CIP funds continued technology infrastructure upgrades, bus replacements, and other facility maintenance projects.    


Due to the absence of the Commonwealth of Virginia adopting a budget, there are no technical amendments associated with this action. Staff will bring any potential amendments to the School Board and Board of Supervisors as soon as practically possible upon the release of funding details from the Virginia Department of Education.


On April 13, 2022 the Board of Supervisors adopted the School Board’s Approved Budget and provided appropriation authority with no changes to the transmitted budget. This evening, the Superintendent recommends adoption of the FY2023 School Operating Fund Budget, the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan and the School Nutrition Services Fund Budget as approved by the Board of Supervisors in April.