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The purpose of the school-community relations program is to establish and maintain communication that informs the parents/guardians and public and involves them in the educational goals and programs of the district's schools.




To achieve this purpose, the Board shall provide parents/guardians and other district residents opportunities to receive information and orientation regarding the schools. The Board will utilize all appropriate means and media to achieve its public relations objectives.




The objectives of the district's public relations program shall be to:

  1. Explain the programs, achievements and needs of the schools.
  2. Determine what residents expect from their schools and what they want to know about the school’s programs and operations.
  3. Keep students, parents/guardians and staff members fully informed about relevant Board policies and procedures and their own responsibilities and rights.
  4. Communicate factual information to avoid rumors and communication crises.
  5. Involve students, parents/guardians and the community in discussions regarding education programs, student activities and Board policy.
  6. Operate in public session, as speedily and efficiently as circumstances permit and with appropriate public participation.[1][2][3]
  7. Recognize students and their achievements.

Delegation of Responsibility


It shall be the responsibility of all district staff to:

  1. Acquaint parents/guardians and residents with the educational achievements of the schools, students and staff.
  2. Give courteous and thoughtful consideration to all inquiries and suggestions and carefully investigate all complaints.
  3. Make parents/guardians, volunteers and visitors feel welcome in the school and in the classroom.
  4. Cooperate with parent-teacher and other community groups.
  5. Maintain student relations that encourage cooperation of the parents/guardians.
  6. Observe interstaff relations conducive to high morale that merit the respect of students and citizens.