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We are collecting oral histories, photographs, documents, artifacts and other memorabilia to add to the ASU West Texas Collection. These new archives will be used in periodic exhibits and will be available to students and researchers to study this important period in our history.

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Explore the Exhibits

Young girl in traditional Japanese dress

Ordinary People in Extraordinary Times

This exhibit contains interviews, personal correspondence and other primary documents that illustrate how six ordinary people were impacted by World War II.

George Ricks Scrapbook Page

Local Lives, Global Stories

This exhibit features unique wartime perspectives of West Texas men and women from World War II to the Vietnam War through interviews, letters and photographs.

Our Shared History

The George Wesley Ricks Memorial WWII Oral History Archive, the Greatest Generation Oral History Archive and the William and Don Griffis Vietnam War Oral History Archive seek to record the history of West Texas members of the Greatest Generation, as well as World War II, Korean War and  Vietnam War veterans and their loved ones.

Black and white archival photo of a solider in uniform

George Wesley Ricks Memorial WWII Oral History Archive

The George Wesley Ricks Memorial WWII Oral History Archive preserves the experiences of World War II and Korean War veterans for the use of future generations of students, historians and the public. We seek to highlight the roles that West Texas veterans played in these conflicts and further illuminate this period of history.

The project collects oral history interviews of surviving WWII and the Korean War veterans who lived in West Texas at some point in their lives. We invite families with surviving veterans to contact us to arrange for interviews. We also welcome those with photographs, letters, documents, and other artifacts to contact us. Documents may either be digitized and returned, or if the owner prefers, the physical items may be considered for inclusion in the West Texas Collection. Digital copies will be housed in the West Texas Collection via the Angelo State University Digital Repository.

The archive is named for World War II veteran George Wesley Ricks (1922-2019). A native of Abbott, Arkansas, Ricks served in the U.S. Army in the European Theater during World War II. Members of his company were some of the first troops that liberated the Dachau concentration camp just 10 miles from Munich in southern Germany. Following his military service, Ricks married and moved to San Angelo, where he was the longtime business owner of Ricks Phillips 66 until retiring in 1985. He was also a founding member and first president of the North Angelo Lions Club, a member of the San Angelo Police Academy Board, and a deacon at both Lake View Baptist Church and Edmund Boulevard Baptist Church.

This project is made possible through the generous support of an anonymous donor, facilitated by the San Angelo Area Foundation.

hand written letter

Greatest Generation Oral History Archive

The Greatest Generation Oral History Archive preserves the experiences of the “greatest generation” - those who were born in the early 1900s to mid 1920s, grew up during the Great Depression, and experienced life during World War II. This project records the stories and archives the documents of civilians who lived through these historically significant eras. Future generations of students, historians and the public will have further insight into the lives of the “greatest generation.”

This archive collects oral history interviews of surviving members of the Greatest Generation who at some point in their lives lived in West Texas. We invite families with elders who lived through this era to contact us to arrange for interviews. We also welcome those with photographs, letters, documents and other artifacts to contact us. Documents may either be digitized and returned, or if the owner prefers, the physical items may be considered for inclusion in the West Texas Collection. Digital copies will be housed in the West Texas Collection via the Angelo State University Digital Repository.

This project is made possible through the generous support of an anonymous donor, facilitated by the San Angelo Area Foundation.

William and Don Griffis Vietnam War Oral History Archive

The William and Don Griffis Vietnam War Oral History Archive of West Texas was initiated in the summer of 2021. Its mission is to capture for posterity a clear and accurate representation of how the Vietnam War affected people with ties to West Texas.

While the Vietnam War’s general impact on American veterans and families has been explored in major motion pictures, books, documentaries, music and museum exhibits, this archive is focused on taking stock of its impact on people in West Texas. The experiences of Vietnam veterans, of their families, of activists on either side of the War, and of supporters of various stripes are all of interest to the archive.

The first round of interviews is underway, with plans to continuously acquire more stories, letters, pictures and other artifacts for the foreseeable future. Please contact the archive for more information if you are interested in scheduling an interview or sharing any item of potential historical significance.

This project is made possible through the generous support of an anonymous donor, facilitated by the San Angelo Area Foundation.