What are Virtual Creativity Days?

This summer, Instructional Technology will be hosting three virtual creativity days for students. These days are designed to be a fun way to engage in creative thinking as you design graphics, videos, and web pages using Adobe Express. Each day will consist of three sessions centered around a daily theme. Students may choose to participate in any or all of the sessions on a given day. Separate sessions will be held for elementary students and secondary students in middle school and high school.

Students will participate in these sessions through Microsoft Teams. Students may use an iPad, Chromebook, or computer to participate. Adobe Express is web-based and is accessed via a web browser. Links to participate in the Teams meetings will be sent once you are registered. Elementary students should join the session with an adult helper to provide assistance if necessary.

Contact Mindy Ramon, Coordinator, Instructional Technology; for more information: Ramonm@fultonschools.org